Astral Projection - Spiritual Revelations and OBEs in Higher Dimensions

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I'd like to share some reviews for the new book Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming - Spiritual Revelations and Out-of-Body Experiences in Higher Dimensions - A Complete Guide to Exploring Nonphysical Reality by author Vincent Field.

"Ive had the infamous vibrations since the 70s. Vincents experiences mirror my own almost to a T and his thoughts on what the phenomenon is and isnt does as well. I am not finished with the book yet but from what Ive read it is by far the best AP book Ive ever read from Monroe to Buhlman et al. He really spells out the layers of consciousness in a precise manner. My only issue is it seems Vincent believes in "demons" or at least as much as I have read do far. "Demons" are not "real" and are simply a manifestation of somebodys fear. Ask yourself this: In the creation of "all that is" were demons included in that creation? Did "God" create a "good vs. evil" paradigm of reality or did God create beings who are free to create as they wish? May as well go to catholic church if that is your belief! We are free to create as we will.! That includes "demons" as well which again are simply a manifestation of another entitys fear. Not sure Vince realizes this but I am not finished with the book yet. Aside from that this is the best AP book Ive ever read and Ive read dozens of the highest rated books! But....if you actually want to quickly learn the easiest way to project I would suggest you download the free book "The Phase" by Michael Raduga that gives easy techniques on how to "get out" by hovering close to the sleep/wake line which is where vibrations occur. I really love Vincents writing style and surely hope this isnt his last book. Also-it is difficult to find him on social media which may be a good thing for him given the strangeness of this day and age. Great job Vince! From a fellow traveler whose experiences mimic yours-again almost to the T I mean that from the bottom of my heart. It really is a great highly informative read man. Ill be sure to highly recommend it because this book whole heartedly deserves an A+! It really is deeply appreciated!"

"Some had suggested this book on another page earlier this week. I ordered it off Amazon and wanted chime in with my thoughts on the book. The author is enthusiastic about the topic and has the requisite OBE/Lucid Dream skills, intellectual curiosity and ability for self analysis to make for reliable reporting on this phenomenon. Easy to read and low on fluff, he jumps right in to the meat of his experiences. I would highly recommend this for people who are trying to reach this stage of exploration as well as those who have OBEs and want to enhance their success. (I picked up some ideas and I have been traveling for 35 years).

Although the author comes to conclusions about his experiences that are not the same as mine, I think this serves as a reminder that these are subjective environments and we probably shouldn't latch on to hardened perceptions about what we find since it may be filtered through existing beliefs, psychological history and expectations.

I think this is a welcome new addition to the topic and and could be very helpful to explorers who are looking for easy to digest material from an earnest, reliable and inquisitive experiencer."

"The author tells his experiences from his very first OBE and his development over time and it actually feels like you're having the experiences with him. It was great to see how his OBEs evolved over time and best of all he tells all his methods every step of the way. Some of his experiences are beyond what I thought was possible and I can't wait to get to that level myself."

"This is by far my favorite book about astral projection. I actually had my first out of body experience after reading this book and trying one of the techniques and it has completely changed my life! I'm so excited to follow this path and work my way up to get to the level that Field has reached. What's most incredible is it's all laid out.. all the methods, all the stages, all the possibilities. I'm so thankful for this!"
Escaping Velocity. Not just eternity, but infinity.