Books of Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection - OBE (Out of Body Experiences)

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Books of Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection - OBE (Out of Body Experiences)

Hello Astral Pulse.

I'd like to share with you the following list of books that I've found to be useful in learning Lucid Dreaming (Astral Projection) (OBE - Out of Body Experiences).

Note: I share the Amazon link so that you can review the book info. For Amazon Books, remember to select an option either Sold directly by Amazon or from a vendor that has the Fulfilled by Amazon option which is send directly by Amazon and guaranteed by Amazon, in order to have the guarantee from Amazon; any other vendor option is a risk.

1. Wake Up In Your Dreams - Conscious Dream Training Manual
By: Dr Rory Mac Sweeney

PDF Book:

Web Site:

Topic in Astral Pulse:

2. A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming: Mastering the Art of Oneironautics
By: Dylan Tuccillo, Jared Zeizel, and Thomas Peisel

Defusing Nightmares (PDF Chapter Sample):

Becoming Lucid (PDF Chapter Sample):

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Post in Astral Pulse:;msg364834#msg364834

3. The Art of Dreaming
By: Carlos Castaneda

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Post in Astral Pulse:;msg364834#msg364834

4. Advanced Lucid Dreaming: The Power of Supplements
By: Thomas Yuschak

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Post in Astral Pulse:;msg364834#msg364834

5. My Astral Projection Truth - What Is Astral Projection And How To Do It!
By: Ryan Tasker

PDF Book:

Web Page:

Web Site:

Topic in Astral Pulse:“my_astral_projection_truth”-t32983.0.html

6. DO_OBE - Astral Projection/OOBE Class Notes, Conducted On The Compuserve New Age Forum
By: Donald J. Degracia, Ph.D.

PDF Book:

Transcript of 1994 Class:

Plane Talk Columns:

Web Site:

7. Out-of-Body Experiences: How to Have Them and What to Expect
By: Robert Peterson

Read Online:

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Web Site:

8. The Ultimate Lucid Dreaming Manual: From Basics to Beyond
By: Marc Vandekeere

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

WBTB (Wake Back To Bed) Method:

Web Site:

9. Flake´s Teachings About AP
By: Kristian Kaikonen

Read Online on Scribd:

10. The Phase - Shattering the Illusion of Reality
By: Michael Raduga

PDF Book:

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Web Site:

11. The Phasieland Fairy Tales
By: Michael Raduga

PDF Books:

Web Site:

12. Astral Projection: A Record Of Out-Of-The-Body Experiences
By: Oliver Fox

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

13. Adventures Beyond the Body - How To Experience Out-Of-Body Travel
By: William Buhlman

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Web Site:

14. Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming
By: Stephen LaBerge and Howard Rheingold

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Web Site:

15. Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self
By: Robert Waggoner

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Web Site:

16. Lucid Dreaming, Plain and Simple: Tips and Techniques for Insight, Creativity, and Personal Growth
By: Robert Waggoner and Caroline McCready

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Web Site:

17. My Adventures in Lucid Dreaming: A Dream Journal & Guide Into The World of Lucid Dreaming
By: Jerimiah Molfese

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Google Books Preview:

Web Site:

18. Keys To Successful OBE
By: Letitia M. Kimball

This is the only book (besides "The Art of Dreaming" of Carlos Castaneda) that I remember, that mentions the concept of saving energy by simplifying the way a person lives. It is a very interesting book to read, as not wasting energy on non useful emotional things is a very important thing to be able to become Lucid on the Dream World.

Search on Internet (on a torrent file).

The following books don't teach how to do Lucid Dreaming (only mention it), but contain information that is very useful about acquiring Mental Character and expanding the Mind to be able to handle the unknown situations regarding facing the creators and owners of this world (and many other worlds) and the ones that control the non physical world that Lucid Dreaming gives access to.

19. The Third Eye
By: Tuesday Lobsang Rampa

PDF Book:

Web Site:

20. The Cave of the Ancients
By: Tuesday Lobsang Rampa

Read Specifically Chapter 5.

PDF Book:

Web Site:

21. Tibetan Sage
By: Tuesday Lobsang Rampa

PDF Book:

Web Site:

22. The Hermit
By: Tuesday Lobsang Rampa

PDF Book:

Web Site:

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



In the following Threads/Topics of Astral Pulse, you can find more visual information about what Lucid Dreaming is like, and maybe thru those visual situations you can somehow have a sensation/feeling of what becoming lucid in a dream is, of what being in a lucid dream is like, and how some things like flying in your dreams would look and feel like, (this is what we feel when we see movies/videos and get immersed in them). Lucid Dreaming is something that has to be experienced first hand and individually to be understood as words lack enough detail to describe some things that can't be described in words (¿how to describe what love Feels like with words? ¿how to describe how a landscape looks like and feels when looking at it with words?), and that's why only when the dreamer realizes that he/she is lucid in a dream and recognizes his/her situation as his/her physical body to be asleep in bed and his/her consciousness (self) to be somewhere else in what for simplicity could be called dream land, then he/she will know what that is like, not before.

The books presented in this Topic will teach you all the technicalities necessary for you to be able to achieve lucid dreaming. The specific book of don Carlos Castaneda indicated in this Topic is key, and should be read several times, each time after you progress reading the other books, because what is contained in that book like the notion of saving your emotional energy is one of the keys to achieving lucidity not only in your dreams but also in your waking life, and as you reach lucidity and start experiencing everything of what happens in there you will start to understand that many of the things that don Carlos Castaneda mentions there are accurate, but that's something that each individual has to find for him/her own self.

Becoming Lucid in Dreams - Movie Scenes Of How It Is Like

Flying in Lucid Dreams - Videos Of How It Is Like

Movies - Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection - OBE (Out of Body Experiences)

You can also find the following Blog and YouTube Channel videos interesting, (in English), and the person who share them a formal gentleman.

Phase Evolution - Blog and YouTube Channel of Mike

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



Here is the information of another very interesting book that explains very interesting details about Astral Projection and OOBE (Out Of Body Experiences). Is very interesting that they mention the importance for a novice/beginner to start with Lucid Dreams (Dreams of Knowledge) before stepping into the other more complex methods (direct exits which involve physical experiences that can cause fear if the person hasn't learned yet to have enough control over it), and this is really important as many beginners are trying to get into the "hard" stuff (direct projection without braking consciousness, an Astral Projection and an OOBE) before even getting in contact with the "softer" stuff (indirect projection from a Dream with braking in consciousness, a Lucid Dream), so if someone wishes to have success in achieving these non physical states of consciousness he/she should start with the softer and easier things to achieve (Lucid Dreams from the Dreaming state) and when having enough experience in them then try to achieve the hard things (Astral Projection and OOBE from the Mind Awake Body Asleep state).

I found the link of the book on a post of the following thread/topic of Astral Pulse where more information is talked about that subject.

"Oliver Fox "Astral Projection: A Record of Out-of-the-Body Experiences"";msg341504#msg341504

23. Society of Metaphysicians - Astral Projection
By: Oliver Fox for the The Society of Metaphysicians

PDF Book:

Eight Lessons on Astral Projection - by Oliver Fox

An introduction to the Study of Astral Projection Lessons - by Oliver Fox

More Publications:

Web Site:

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



Energy Saving - Necessary For Lucid Dreaming

Hello Astral Pulse.

As I've mentioned in some posts, the Energy Saving concept is very important for Lucid Dreaming, as if a person is Physically Tired/Extenuated and specially/particularly if a person is Emotionally Drained/Affected, it'll be hard or even not possible for that person to reach lucidity in a dream when going to sleep.

Two books I've mentioned that take this in consideration.

The first one is "The Art of Dreaming" by Carlos Castaneda, (listed "3" in this Topic), where he is very specific about this and mentions the called "warrior's path" that focus a person into getting rid of those things that causes him/her losses in energy, specially emotional energy.

Post in Astral Pulse:;msg364834#msg364834

In this topic, I got to understand what I once read in one book about Naguals (like don Juan Matus which is a Nagual), where before a ceremony to induce an altered state of consciousness, the initiate had to not have sex (and I deduced that also any sexual action like masturbation that involves throwing away energy as after the orgasm the energy is dropped and the person feels tired because of that and also because the release of chemicals in the body that affect it, this also happens of course in sexual relations with other live animal beings) for at least Four (4) days; sexual relations with other life animal beings, is exactly a masturbation, as the live beings (let's assume both animal humans) want pleasure, just and simply that, selfish pleasure by using the other's body and sexual organ to stimulate his/her own (besides the visual, tactile, auditory, olfactory, and gustatory, pleasure stimulations that the sexual act has), and obtain the pleasure result when the orgasm occurs.

A person has to make his/her own personal analysis in order to understand why Four (4) days; when a person has a sexual relation (or masturbation), the energy of the person gets down, is drained; it takes about Three (3) days (72 hours), to have a little controllable Lucid Dream, and Four (4) days (96 hours), to go back into having normal Lucid Dreams again. Before 3 days, after One (1) day (24 hours) No Lucid Dream at all, (very rare that it happens); after Two (2) days (48 hours), the same, but a small chance of a non controlled or low conscious Lucid Dream. And after Four (4) days the levels of energy are good, and only factors like physical and/or emotional draining would affect lucid dreams, and also sleeping, as is mentioned in some of the books that you need also to recover sleep, as trying Lucid Dreaming every day ends up by extenuating, so everyone has to find the equilibrium point of how many continuous days to Lucid Dream (for example 2 or 3) and how many days to rest and sleep without trying to Lucid Dream (for example 1 or 2), as each person is different, and each physical and emotional condition will be different each week of a person's life. Each person  (male and female) should learn to do his/her own management on his/her sexuality in order to relieve the sexual pressure that is experienced with certain regularity (sometimes by physical causes like the seminal liquid making pressure on the prostate provoking in the male the urge to have sexual intercourse and relieve the seminal glands on the prostate after which the urge to have sex gets neutralized, that cycle occurs each 4 or 5 days, and that's why males experience the urge to copulate so regularly, in females can be something similar like the fact that the seminal fluid contains chemicals that are absorbed intro the blood stream in the female vaginas providing certain chemicals that cause them to feel fine/relieved and work like a drug, and other effects that can be read if searching on Internet, and when the effects of those chemicals get low after certain days it may urge the female to search another load of seminal fluid by the male to get those chemicals, it's almost like a drug addiction that sexually active females have without knowing it, and other causes that can be searched on Internet), and getting several days of mental and physical peace to focus on achieving Lucid Dreams until the next sexual urge, and so on; when the sexual urge arrives it can affect the passive focusing needed for Lucid Dreaming, so in that case if the sexual urge is too big then have sex (safe sex) or masturbate to release that pressure, take those 2 next days to rest and sleep to recover your energy (and also recover sleep) and then on the third day try again to Lucid Dream, that way the animal needs of the animal physical vehicle are satisfied and it will let you in peace for the next 4 to 5 days until the next sexual urge. There is also the "Tantric Sex" concept, that each sexually active person and couple should study and experience, to see if it can contribute in a positive way to Lucid Dreaming, or if at least it drains less energy than the normal selfish normal animal sex that drains physical and emotional energy for sure, or if at least can provide a positive use to sexuality and help emotionally the couple as it'd be a shared action where both share and experience pleasure and all the things expected with that, and not that individual and selfish desire and anxiety (a vicious conduct proper of addicts to vices and bad habits).

The second book is "Keys To Successful OBE" by Letitia M. Kimball, (listed "18" in this Topic), who mentions the astralpulse web site (this forum) in several pages of her book, so she must be or have been a registered member of this forum, and perhaps in a topic back in 2003 she already shared her book with the community; in her book, she is very clear about the necessity to "simplify your life", and I'll let you read it to get the exact context of her words and recommendations.

I tried to find any web site by her name but couldn't find any, to reference her book to that web site; her book can be found in various torrent files that are available on Internet (searching them can be easily found along with other bonuses for those who search), but in case that some persons don't know how to download a torrent file or one of it's contained files, I'm providing a link to the file of the book below in this particular post in Astral Pulse forum, (I tried to attached to this post but the system mentioned that writing in the hard drive of the server was not possible),as I'm assuming that she shared the book with the Astral Pulse community back when she wrote it in October 06 of 2003.

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



WBTB - Wake Back To Bed - Some Ideas and Analysis

Hello Astral Pulse.

I'll share with you some Ideas and Analysis about the WBTB method, as is indicated in Dr Rory Mac Sweeney in his book "Wake Up !!! In Your Dreams" is a very important method for those looking to become serious Lucid Dreamers.

You can read details of this method in the following books and web pages, among others there are on Internet.

Marc VanDeKeere, ("Bird"), mentions in his web site that he developed this technique and coined the phrase Wake Back To Bed back in the 1990's, so is a good idea to present the web page where he directly exposes the method, and also the web page where he let's you know who he is.

Best Lucid Dream Method

About Me - Marc VanDeKeere

Also, you can read about this method on the book "Wake Up In Your Dreams - Conscious Dream Training Manual" by Dr Rory Mac Sweeney, and also on the book "A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming: Mastering the Art of Oneironautics" by Dylan Tuccillo, Jared Zeizel, and Thomas Peisel, where is well explained along with other important information.

Read in pages 34 and 35 of Dr Rory Mac Sweeney's book.

Read in Sample Chapter of Dylan Tuccillo, Jared Zeizel, and Thomas Peisel's book.

Some Ideas that might be useful.

The WBTB method can be done after sleeping 2, 3, or 4 cycles, having present the following considerations.

You're usually told that sleep cycles have all 1.5 hours duration (90 minutes). Actually, the first cycle usually lasts 2 hours (sometimes 1.5), the next 4 cycles (2, 3, 4, and 5), last 1.5 hours, (cycle 5 may last only 1 hour), next you have 2 cycles that last 1 hour, and from then on you'll wake after 30 minutes. This may vary from person to person, so each one should analyze this for him/her self.

Considering this,
The first cycle will take you 1.5 to 2 hours.
The first 2 cycles will take you 3 to 3.5 hours.
The first 3 cycles will take you 4.5 to 5 hours.
The first 4 cycles will take you 6 to 6.5 hours.
The first 5 cycles will take you 7.5 to 8 hours (or 7 to 7.5 hours).
The next 2 cycles (6 to 7) will take you 9.5 to 10 hours (or 9 to 9.5 hours).
The next cycles (8 and more) will add about 30 minutes (0.5 hours) each.

All this can vary if you are too tired, and also if you have slept a nap on the afternoon, as well as both things will alter the hour you go to sleep and also how many hours you'll sleep without waking up (or noticing that you waked up), if you are too tired you can easily go to sleep early and sleep 4 cycles (6 to 6.5 hours) without waking up (your physical body and brain need that sleep to recover their energy and everything sleeping does to the physical self), and when you wake up you're going to be too tired so is better to continue sleeping to recover; also, if you've slept a nap in the afternoon, you'll go to bed late and your sleep cycles for that night as well as the conditions of your brain that night will be changed, making difficult the Lucid Dreaming process, so taking a nap is better when that day or the previous day you got too tired after a tiring day activity of if you haven't got in that day or previous days the possibility to sleep more than 4 cycles (6 to 6.5 hours) making necessary to recover the lost hours of sleep; other than that don't take a nap in the late afternoon (3:00PM and later) because that will affect your time to go to bed and your sleep cycles that night.

The WBTB can be made after the second cycle (3 to 3.5 hours after going to bed), also after the third cycle (4.5 to 5 hours after bed time), and also after the fourth cycle (6 to 6.5 hours after bed time). What will determine that is completely variable as it will depend on the activities that you have been performing that days and the previous days, on the Physical and Emotional Energy Saving (PEES) that you managed to make (or the contrary the Physical and Emotional Energy Wasting (PEEW) that you have made that day and the previous ones), and also on the sleeping that you have had on the previous days.

What's key to determine the right moment to make WBTB is if you wake up after the second or third cycle, go to the bathroom (that will usually happen specially after the third cycle, or you just wake up), and you can't go back to sleep to reach the fourth cycle (you experience a little of insomnia); in that moment you know that it won't be easy for you to go back to sleep, so is a great moment to do a WBTB, but, the time you'll have to stay awake varies, and that is something each person has to calibrate thru trial and error (and success); normally, if on that condition you'll make WBTB after the second sleep cycle (3 to 3.5 hours) you have to stay awake for about Two (2) to 2.5 hours (120 to 150 minutes), as that's the time that normally will take you to recover the desire to sleep and also the necessary time to make it possible for the brain chemistry to work the WBTB results to trigger the critical function that will make you realize any moment on the following dreams that you're sleeping and activate your lucidity.

For WBTB after the third cycle (4.5 to 5 hours), is necessary to stay awake for about One and Half (1.5) hours (90 minutes), for the brain chemistry to work properly.

For WBTB after the fourth cycle (6 to 6.5 hours), is necessary to stay awake for about Thirty (30) minutes, for the brain chemistry to work properly.

Failing to provide the necessary time awaken, will result in failing gaining lucidity or on activating a very low/weak lucidity. Those times to stay awake are only a reference, try your own times (less of you consider necessary) and evaluate your own results, remember that each person is different, so maybe in your case less time awake will be enough. Trying to perform the WBTB when you are too tired after waking up (you had a previous extenuating day or days, or you have a big emotional problem), will cause you to just have normal dreams as your body and brain will be too tired for something else and they'll need the extended Deep Sleep without almost any Dreaming to recover their energy.

Staying awake too much time after the recommended time, will also cause problems as the sleep cycles will be broken for too long; again, the awaken time has to be calibrated thru trial and error (and success), and learning by yourselves the appropriate times based on the particular conditions of your sleep that night and also of your Emotional and Physical Energy, (how tired do you feel and how much your body wishes to go to sleep to recover after a previous Emotional and/or Physical extenuating Energy draining day).

For the specific cases after the second and third sleep cycles, during the time you stay awake, is recommended that you get out of the bed to go to the bathroom, then go back to the bed and read a book about Lucid Dreaming (Astral Projection / OOBE) it can be from a PDF player (such as the Samsung Galaxy Player or the Apple Ipod Touch, that can allow you to read PDF files) or can be read from a paper physical copy having a small led light lamp that provide only enough light to read the pages but not to affect your eyes with too bright light by reducing too much the melatonin in your brain affecting the sleep cycles, and after that you can go to the bathroom right before going back to sleep.

Is recommended that you use a sleep mask to increase the blackness over your eyes to increase the production of melatonin in your brain (choose one that has dark material not translucent one like silk so that when the day starts no sun light gets to your eyes and affect your brain's melatonin and wake you up).

Is also recommended that you use ear plugs to isolate yourself from noise that can either affect your going back to sleep or wake you up for a particular high noise; no matter how silent the environment can seem, with ear plugs you'll only hear your brain noises and internal noises and that's really important to motivate dreams and altered states of consciousness to happen, (read about isolation tanks with salty water and the altered states of consciousness that they cause with hallucinating vivid dreams which is something good for the purpose of Lucid Dreaming).

Unless someone has a chemical problem on the brain that can cause him/her to have insomnia and not being able to go back to sleep, you can be completely sure that sleep will come and you'll get sleeping any moment. If someone has problems to regaining sleep, trying Less than 0.3mg of melatonin can help to gain sleep without affecting the sleep cycles or the REM sleep necessary for Lucid Dreaming, but as possible let the sleep mask to make it's work by helping your brain to produce it's own melatonin by imposing a dark blackness over the eyes, eventually after some variable minutes you'll feel how when having a sleep mask you'll start to get drowsy and eventually go to sleep, (the next cycles that you'll awake you'll notice that you'll be drowsy because of the sleep mask covering your eyes with blackness and making your brain produce it's own melatonin until you remove the sleep mask).

The proper way to focus passively when going back to sleep to achieve lucidity has been explained well in the books on this Topic, and only practice and experience (and perseverance) will make you learn to achieve the appropriate calmed and passively focused state to be able to return to sleep and add some calmed intention and continuous passive activity in your brain so that lucidity can be triggered due to the chemical alteration that you have caused in your brain by staying awake long enough but not too much for it to occur and change the normal condition of having the brain Drugged by the natural chemicals that the brain uses to keep the body and it's consciousness slept and non conscious/lucid during each sleep cycle.

Getting lucid not necessarily will happen on the first next sleep cycle, it can happen sometimes on the second or third next sleep cycle; so, if making WBTB after the second sleep cycle let's say after 3.5 hours and staying awake for let's say 2.5 hours, that'll sum 6 hours after bed time; now the next 3 cycles are cycle 3 to 5, each one with 1.5 hours, and is probable that Lucidity will be achieved in one of those three cycles, so that'll sum 4.5 hours more of sleep and a 10.5 hours total to reach the cycle 5; if lucidity don't happen on those cycles don't despair and keep on until completing 1 more sleep cycle; you still have to sleep at least 2 more cycles (6 and 7) of 1 hour not to affect your sleep too much, so you'll sleep 2 more hours and complete a total of 12.5 hours during this process (more or less, we used the bigger numbers for this estimate); the additional cycles that you sleep after that will be of normal dreams and can be used to recover your energies further more after that effort.

When making WBTB after the third sleep cycle let's say after 5 hours and staying awake for let's say 1.5 hours, that'll sum 6.5 hours after bed time, now the next two cycles are cycles 4 and 5, with 1.5 hours each, and is probable that Lucidity will be achieved in those two cycles or the next one, so that'll sum 3 hours more of sleep and 9.5 hours total to reach cycle 5; if lucidity don't happen on that fifth cycle don't despair and keep on until completing 2 more sleep cycles; you still have to sleep at least 2 more cycles (6 and 7) of 1 hour not to affect your sleep too much, so you'll sleep 2 more hours and complete a total of 11.5 hours during this process (more or less, we used the bigger numbers for this estimate); the additional cycles that you sleep after that will be of normal dreams and can be used to recover your energies further more after that effort.

When making WBTB after the fourth sleep cycle let's say after 6.5 hours and staying awake for let's say 0.5 hours (30 minutes), that'll sum 7 hours after bed time; now, lucidity could be achieved in the next 3 cycles; the next cycle is cycle 5 with 1.5 hours, that will sum 8.5 hours after bed time; the next 2 cycles are cycles 6 and 7, with 1 hour each, and is most probable that Lucidity will be achieved in one of those 2 cycles, so that'll sum 2 hours more of sleep and 10.5 hours total to reach cycle 7; the additional cycles that you sleep after that will be of normal dreams and can be used to recover your energies further more after that effort.

You can notice that the WBTB made after the second cycle will represent to you more total sleep time than the one required for the WBTB made after the fourth cycle, and WBTB works much better when made after sleeping Three (3) or Four (4) cycles (4.5 to 5 hours or 6 to 6.5 hours) first, so that's why is a good idea to try and use the WBTB after 3 or 4 sleep cycles when possible, but the other options (cycles 2 and 3) are there for when the case explained for them happens (a little of insomnia after sleeping two of three sleep cycles and knowing that is a better idea to take that time usefully and read a little about Lucid Dreaming than turning on bed wasting that night time and getting insomnia without at least tried to use that chance to Lucid Dream thru the WBTB method).

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



The following book of Tuesday Lobsang Rampa, DOES contemplate the topic of Astral Projection (Astral Travels), so I include it in the list of books as complement of the other Four (4) that I've indicated of this author.

24. You - Forever
By: Tuesday Lobsang Rampa

Read from Lesson Eight ( 8 ); from this lesson starts the topic of Astral Projection (Astral Travel).

PDF Book:

Web Site:

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



In the following Topic, you can find some information about the consequences of Awakening Consciousness. Is important to read that Topic as Once the Consciousness is Awaken there is NO Way Back into the Previous Dream Walking condition, as he/she who has Awaken will Not want to be Blinded from the Truth Anymore Nor wish to return to the condition where he/she is Kept Ignorant about the Truth (or as much Truth as one can access).

Consequences Of Consciousness Awakening - Awaking To The Truth

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



I'd like to share with you the following videos I've shared in other forums (in Spanish) about Fear, as that is a MENTAL element that restricts people from achieving things such as Lucid Dreaming (and Astral Projection) and also things in their waking lives.



And also I'd like to share with you the following video where Dr. Quantum helps "Little Circle" to Evolve; the persons that are trying to Awake and Evolve their Consciousnesses with Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection (and other positive Altered States of Consciousness), are like the "Little Circle" and when they finally achieve Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection their Awaked Consciousness will "Feel" and Express in a similar way as "Little Circle" at the end of the movie, so BE PREPARED for that as IT WILL HAPPEN in a similar way.

Dr Quantum - Flatland

In other posts of this topic I've shared links to Other Topics in the Astral Pulse where I've shared other additional things, and also other posts with additional information.

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



In the following book written by Dr Rory Mac Sweeney, he analyses the Lucid Dreaming (Astral Projection) subject from a Scientific perspective, something that is not easy to do, but the arguments presented along his book provide some lights for persons that want to receive additional Perspectives to analyze the Reality of our existence, the world we all inhabit, the nature of Creation (the one we perceive in our waking hours and also the one we perceive in our Dreams and also in our Lucid Dreams / Astral Projections), and many other subjects analyzed Scientifically by it's author and also backed by other Scientists he mentions in his book; this Book, that complement his Generously shared FREE Book (mentioned also below), provides Many Additional Information for those who wish to Seriously Study Lucid Dreaming (Astral Projection).

25. The Paradox of Lucid Dreaming: A Metaphysical Theory of Mind
By: Dr Rory Mac Sweeney

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Look Inside at Amazon:

Customer Reviews at Amazon (

Web Site:

Topic in Astral Pulse (of This Book):

Topic in Astral Pulse (of Dr Rory Mac Sweeney's FREE Book):

PDF Book (of Dr Rory Mac Sweeney's FREE Book):

Read Online (of Dr Rory Mac Sweeney's FREE Book):

Traducción al Español del Libro GRATUITO del Dr Rory Mac Sweeney
{Translation to Spanish of Dr Rory Mac Sweeney's FREE Book}:

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



The following book contains very interesting teachings regarding Lucid Dreaming and also Dream Yoga, with a very useful touch of Meditation teachings and much more, which makes it very relevant and useful to read.

26. Dreaming Yourself Awake - Lucid Dreaming and Tibetan Dream Yoga for Insight and Transformation
By: B. Alan Wallace

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Look Inside at Amazon:

Customer Reviews at Amazon (

Web Site:

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



27. Learning LUCID DREAMS (Tips and Tricks) Before DIRECT ASTRAL TRAVELS With Vibrations in the "Body" and Strange Noises/Sounds
By: Pha Pri Spa : PhaPriSpa

Topic in Astral Pulse.

Book in PDF:

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



Dr Rory Mac Sweeney has authorized me and granted me the opportunity to share his Free Book as his Web site is not online; this way it will be easily accessible to those who wish to read it. Below I present the links to this Free Book which is the BEST Book I've read in my life to learn Lucid Dreaming (Astral Projection), both DILD (Dream Initiated Lucid Dreams) and WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dreams).

1. Wake Up In Your Dreams - Conscious Dream Training Manual
By: Dr Rory Mac Sweeney

PDF Book:

WayBackMachine Historic Version of PDF Book:

WayBackMachine Historic Version of Dream Tutorials Pages in Web Site:

Topic in Astral Pulse:

Topic in Astral Pulse of Book Translated to Spanish:

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



27. Learning LUCID DREAMS (Tips and Tricks) Before DIRECT ASTRAL TRAVELS With Vibrations in the "Body" and Strange Noises/Sounds
By: Pha Pri Spa : PhaPriSpa

Below I share only the links of the Revision/Update 1 of the Book.

Post in Astral Pulse:;msg367012#msg367012

Links of Download in PDF Format

Revision/Update 1 with changes indicated in Blue - Links of Download in PDF Format

Download and Consultation of This Book

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



  I appreciate all the work you did in amassing all the research for this. You basically named almost every Author there is on Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming, which in the end is all the same thing, "a shift in consciousness" . That is quite a lot of work in itself.  :-)

I have read your book and it is very good up to the point of all the rubbish about "Predators". If you would take some good advice, I would leave that part out. It seems "you" need to handle your own fears first, before you attempt to teach other people how to handle theirs.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: PhaPriSpa on November 15, 2016, 20:48:56
WBTB - Wake Back To Bed - Some Ideas and Analysis


In complement to the previously quoted post, I present to those interested the following Link to a Blog Topic posted recently on August 15 of 2017, where mr. Bob Peterson explains very important analisys and information regarding WBTB (Wake Back To Bed).

Wake Back To Bed (WBTB) Explained

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



27. Learning LUCID DREAMS (Tips and Tricks) Before DIRECT ASTRAL TRAVELS With Vibrations in the "Body" and Strange Noises/Sounds
By: Pha Pri Spa : PhaPriSpa

Below I share only the links of the Revision/Update 2 of the Book.

Post in Astral Pulse:;msg367805#msg367805

Links of Download in PDF Format

Revision/Update 2 with changes indicated in Green - Links of Download in PDF Format

Download and Consultation of This Book

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



27. Learning LUCID DREAMS (Tips and Tricks) Before DIRECT ASTRAL TRAVELS With Vibrations in the "Body" and Strange Noises/Sounds
By: Pha Pri Spa : PhaPriSpa

Below I share only the links of the Revision/Update 3 of the Book.

Post in Astral Pulse:;msg367908#msg367908

Links of Download in PDF Format

Revision/Update 3 with changes indicated in Grey - Links of Download in PDF Format

Download and Consultation of This Book

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



27. Learning LUCID DREAMS (Tips and Tricks) Before DIRECT ASTRAL TRAVELS With Vibrations in the "Body" and Strange Noises/Sounds
By: Pha Pri Spa : PhaPriSpa

Below I share only the links of the Revision/Update 4 of the Book.

Post in Astral Pulse:;msg367975#msg367975

Links of Download in PDF Format
Google Drive:

Revision/Update 4 with changes indicated in Yellow - Links of Download in PDF Format
Google Drive:

Download and Consultation of This Book

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



The following book contains very interesting information and Analysis regarding Astral Projection and a little about Lucid Dreaming.

28. The Astral Projection Guidebook: Mastering the Art of Astral Travel
By: Erin Pavlina

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Look Inside at Amazon:

Web Site:

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



27. Learning LUCID DREAMS (Tips and Tricks) Before DIRECT ASTRAL TRAVELS With Vibrations in the "Body" and Strange Noises/Sounds
By: Pha Pri Spa : PhaPriSpa

Below I share only the links of the Revision/Update 5 of the Book.

Post in Astral Pulse:;msg368356#msg368356

Links of Download in PDF Format
Google Drive:

Revision/Update 5 with changes indicated in Blue - Links of Download in PDF Format
Google Drive:

Download and Consultation of This Book

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



Very Interesting Web Site:

Daily Spirit
Personal development, dreams, self-help and the non-physical world!

"Phil Danvers" Books must teach a lot of useful information as the Web Site does:


"Phil Danvers" Posts on the Astral Pulse:


Very Interesting Posts like the one quoted below (a Person must have been "there" and experienced "that" to know that what "Phil Danvers" is describing is True):

Quote from: Phildan1 on December 28, 2018, 08:34:51
If you get hundreds or thousands of these, various kinds of scenarios and others, you will know by your categories, what is what. Your context of these experiences are yours and I guess others can't just really interpret them. Emotions, thoughts, memory sets are more in the game to take into account. I don't and never believed in that neg thing, it is not like that, you are just indeed tested with your reactions. For example indeed if you are searching for a way out, it is related to your waking life also, to show yourself that you will do anything to reach your goal. My team did this many times with the feeling of the urge to go to the toilet with bowel movement's end, geez, they liked it to use. Other times, just endless rushing in places, buildings, cities to find the way out.

You can make them be surprised too, they sometimes fail with fear tests over me because I always face them no matter what and I surprised them with a totally passive observational attitude and told them, yeah yeah I know it is a fear test. And they looked at each other. Or just those idiotic "find your way out" scenarios, well I get loads of them but because they are related to my daily reminders about my life and goals with a great chance. So this whole stuff is very personal for you too and it never ends. I don't mind it but disturbs me when I get too much of these lol.

In the past I could program myself to just walk out of these nonsense stuff and end up instantly in Focus 3 regions, cities or just ask to go elsewhere. In my opinion, at least for me, there is no strict script to follow. For example I become fully aware in a copy of my home, I ask for traveling elsewhere, then vibration builds up in my non-existent body in the NP from the back like somebody hugs you as energy and I blur out into another world. There's just too much to deal with sometimes. Step by step. Sometimes nothing works and I stay at the same "place" to observe.



Is very interesting what's contained in this book and in William Buhlman's interviews.

29. Adventures in the Afterlife
By: William Buhlman

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:


Web Site:

YouTube Interview Video:
William Buhlman - Adventures in the Afterlife



For this current days where there is a lot of time for reading, a Great and Very Recommended Book of Adventure with a fantasy story related to Astral Projection (Phasing according to the author which has a great aptitude as a writer as well as an experienced Astral Projection practitioner); a great material for Imagination and Creativity.

30. Reign of Dreamers: Elizabeth’s Mystery
By: Michael Raduga

PDF Book:

DOC Book:

Other OBE Books:

Buy at Amazon (Kindle, Hard Copy in Soft Cover, and Audio Book):

Quote“Reign of Dreamers” is the world’s first textbook on controlling dreams in the form of a science-fiction novel.

“After surviving a bloody raid by fierce mutants, a twist of fate brings orphaned country boy Thomas Yourg to Parthagon, the kingdom’s legendary, forbidden capital. All inhabitants of the ideal city are happy and wealthy, while their entire lives revolve around a mysterious practice that has brought people to perfection. Now a grown man, Thomas dreams of becoming a knight in order to take revenge for his family, but his path is beset by a large number of obstacles, oddities, and puzzles, with the main one hidden in one of the towers of the king’s castle.”

Web Site:



This new book of Mr. Robert Peterson, "Hacking the Out of Body Experience" released on 2019, looks very interesting; the Table of Contents contains very interesting Topics.

31. Hacking the Out of Body Experience: Leveraging Science to Induce OBEs
By: Robert Peterson (Bob Peterson)

Book Info

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:
PaperBack -
Kindle -

Look Inside at Amazon:

Web Site:

Also, the following Web Paged on Mr. Robert Peterson's Web Site, contain lists of Books that complement a lot the ones contained in this Topic, and they'll be of Great Usefulness to those researching this Topics.

32. Robert Peterson's Book Reviews, Blog Articles, and BlogSpot "The OBE Outlook On Life"

OBE Book Reviews by Bob Peterson

Blog Articles by Bob Peterson

The OBE Outlook On Life
(Contains Some Additional Book Reviews)



This list wouldn't be complete without Robert Monroe's Books (Journeys Trilogy). I waited after reading the Three of them for posting them here, and they are really Good as a reference and guide on What To Spect and How to Handle these Experiences.

33. Journeys Out of the Body: The Classic Work on Out-of-Body Experience (Journeys Trilogy)
By: Robert Monroe (Bob Monroe)

QuoteUnpredictably, and without his willing it, Monroe found himself leaving his physical body to travel via a "second body" to locales far removed from the physical and spiritual realities of his life. He was inhabiting a place unbounded by life or death. His record of these explorations has comforted millions of people who have experienced paranormal incidents.

Buy at Monroe Institute:

Buy at Amazon:
PaperBack -

Web Site:

For his Second Book, the Story begins after the Chapter 6, as the first chapters present a lot of his activities in the Monroe Institute.

34. Far Journeys (Journeys Trilogy)
By: Robert Monroe (Bob Monroe)

QuoteNow, after more than a decade of in-depth research, he presents a mesmerizing odyssey that takes you even farther beyond the known dimensions of the physical universe. With great insight and wit, Monroe offers new awareness into the untapped resources and limitless possibilities of the human mind.

Buy at Monroe Institute:

Buy at Amazon:
PaperBack -

Web Site:

35. Ultimate Journey (Journeys Trilogy)
By: Robert Monroe (Bob Monroe)

QuoteIn Bob Monroe's 3rd book Ultimate Journey he charts the route that opens to us when we leave our physical lives and takes the reader with him on an exhilarating journey that expands the limits of human experience. This is a journey that reveals basic truths about the meaning and purpose of life - and of what lies beyond. Ultimate Journey is the masterwork of a daring and original thinker and explorer.

Buy at Monroe Institute:

Buy at Amazon:
PaperBack -

Web Site:
