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A couple neat dreams

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This is a good dream showing the workings of the mind. I like the use of computers in this dream. Here is a list of symbol meanings that came to mind for me. The more vivid a dream, the the more difficult it seems to connect with symbolism.However, if it happens in waking life, why not in the most vivid of dreams.

I have had cement in a few dreams. Maybe it's a block or something.

Hulk- the You in your dream, big.The astral you. Why the disguise?

You- You in your travels or journey

High school- Progress being made, higher learning (significant dream).

New York- Collective, many involved.

Wall-A barrior or a veil.

Computer- Information (through).

Alley- Familiar territory for you.

Side- Energy or aura.This may have something to do in your wake time.

Back-Past or hidden ways.


Poor?  Compassion? Need?

Lockers- storage areas, small recesses of the mind.

Shopping carts- Collecting what you need or require.

Maze-complex-Accessing hidden information.

guards-Restrictions your placing in this place or yourself.

Does the stone sign in the first dream have any connection with the cement in the second dream?


Hi, thanks for reading. :)

For me, high school would be moreso a sign of lack of progress, imprisonment, and stiffling of the spirit.

I do feel like the sign is connected to the other part of the dream though.  Actually, oftentimes there is an enormous building I'm exploring in my dreams.  It feels mysterious and somewhat frightening, along with a sense of going deep into some hellish nether world.


I also felt negative about the High School experience.Even so,if I have any form of a school scene in a dream,it's a sign that something new is coming in the way of enlightenment or higher level of acheivement.

Sorry to tell you this, but get use to the high school mentality. It's a large portion of society who never advances in the real world. This is probably one of the biggest disappointments in life for me to discover. I'm not even sure many get past elementary level of education in the spiritual sense. They stay stuck in childish dramas and society lies.
high school would be moreso a sign of lack of progress, imprisonment, and stiffling of the spirit.

Better for you to recognize this now, many don't! My daughter just graduated High School. I am so proud of her. Not because she graduated, but because she was able to get over that hurdle in her life. High School is more of an obstacle if you ask me. However, as I've already mentioned. Many don't get past this mentality. They seem to believe in the system.

Here's part of a quote taken from Kiauma in a new post this day (about a Dream Star):
could be representative as trapped in form or concrete negative identification.

I wonder if cement can mean concrete, as in something related to the physical?

I have to think the big building represents the world in general. The subconscious is a dark nether world.Maybe your tapping into the collective dark world (subconsciously).


Cube's alarm method did get me to dream some this morning, though it was more-so my snooze botton.

In one dream, I was the incredible Hulk, making mile-long leaps over a series of mountains just like he did in that movie. Then there was another me, which came to an ancient, slightly worn stone sign which seemed to be a former marker for a high school.

Then next dream was amazingly vivid, almost real. In it, I was visiting a computer store in New York, and they mentioned software was being slipped through the walls and sold by another backalley distributer. I headed out of the building, and went down a side alley, coming to an underground maze-complex made with walls of cement blocks painted in bluish-gray. There were a number of people down there taking care of various odds and ends, some of them with those shopping carts. It was a strange place. I came back to an area less populated than the others, and rounded the bend. After being checked by two guards, the escorted to an area with hundreds of lockers set in the wall. People were working in small alcoves on their computers, software being slipped through the walls to be distributed to the poor. They mentioned something to me about the ups and donws of the stocks taking a heavy toll on the businesses, but the products were distributed to the poor nonetheless.

This dream might sound rather ordinary, but the interesting thing about it was how clear and vivid it appeared, almost like real life. I also sensed that there were other darker areas to the underground complex, leading down to mysterious areas within the bowels of the city.