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B6 vitamin helps remembering the dreams!

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Bananas and nuts are a source of vitamin B6, which is believed to "wakes" the brain during REM sleep rapid eye movements, and because of it dreams are more vivid and easier to remember.
People who take large amounts of vitamin B6 have more vivid dreams and recall them in the morning, say British researchers who analyzed earlier studies on the effects of nutrition on sleep. Vitamin B6 can be found in meat, whole grain cereals, vegetables, fruits and nuts and it can boost lucid dreams.
In a study from 2002. volunteers were taking different amounts of vitamin B, while the other received "placebo". Those who received the largest amounts of vitamins had the most vivid, most emotional and most lucid dreams. The researchers explain that vitamin B6 has such an impact on the dreams because the amino acid is converted into serotonin, which wakes up the brain during REM sleep rapid eye movement, sleep stage in which most dreams occur.
However, vitamin B6 should not be exaggerated, because excessive doses can cause insomnia, cramping, pressure boosting and heart problems, scientists warn.


ive had better results from just waking up periodically through the night( i can have like atleast 3 vivid dreams every night) add that with melatonin and huperzine a haha fascinating dreams!!!!!!:)......try rem rebound too(i never could get cannabis rebound but a benzo one was so crazy and vivid i awoke jumped outta bed ran like 5 feet and ticked myself    so be warned(ex.i could close my eyes and watch spongebob then i had tea with wolves)


Quote from: theAbsolute on April 10, 2012, 21:44:11
Bananas and nuts are a source of vitamin B6, which is believed to "wakes" the brain during REM sleep rapid eye movements, and because of it dreams are more vivid and easier to remember.
People who take large amounts of vitamin B6 have more vivid dreams and recall them in the morning, say British researchers

So, how much is a "large amount"?
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well since energy drinks have numerous times over the daily needed values in(well some) b vitamins id say youd just about have to try and take to much.......ive drank alot of energy drinks and taken many more energy supplements than given as a single dose on several occations and it didnt do anything but color my urine to a very yellow and i think thats solely cause of the niacin


I have heard of the following supplements for lucid dreaming:

Calea zacatechichi AKA Calea Z; Dream Herb; Leaf of God; Thle-pelakano; Bitter Grass.
Vitamin B6

I would like to try the calea Z.  And choline is supposed to be good for thinking.
I think I will start eating more potatoes and spinach for more B6 :-D

I am curious as to how well these work.  Anyone else tried any of them?
Karmic Beats provides free binaural, isochronic beats, ASMR, videos for astral projection, lucid dreaming, study & focus, healing and other meditations.

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look at walmart for dream water.....5-htp is expensive and i cant find galantamine     oh dream water also besides 5-htp has melatonin gaba and more    way worth it like $3 for all that instead of $25+ for a bottle of 5-htp at GNC     try huperzine a   its very effective i remember way! more dreams now from it it stops the break down of acetlcholine   very good for memeory and learning since acetlcholine is a neurotransmitter     valerian root passionflower and chamomile is also very good(helps me relax and fall to sleep i have adhd and its quite often hard so thats a plus besides dreams haha)


oh neat..i didn't knew about dream water at all..Pity I can't buy in my country   :|


thats the reason we have the internet lol order online!! you can even get a free sample to try it out....taste aint bad either   pineapple pm is the flavor ha funny twist there

Lucid Pirate

Great information to know. Thanks for posting.

I've been taking melatonin pills every day for the past couple of months. I usually take 5mg per night but there isn't a noticeable difference in my dreams, just my sleep. For the past week or so I've upped my dosage from 5mg to 10mg and onto 15mg.

Here are the results:

5mg: More comfortable sleep. No changes in dreams.
10 mg: Good Sleep. More vivid dreams. Dream characters are more hostile.
15mg: Fantastic sleep. Less vivid dreams but greater intensity. Dream characters are very violent and will often attack if disturbed.

I'm not sure what the hostility from the dream characters is about. I think they are trying to prevent me from reaching lucidity. Watch THIS from about 1:50 onward. Stuff like this happens often before I become lucid with the pills.

I'm planning to jump into a 20-25mg range this month. I want to get to full lucidity/OBE with this. I'm maxing out at 25mg though. I don't want to go into a coma. That, and I don't want to be brutally tortured/murdered by my subconscious. :roll:
If you have any need of a dream interpreter or anything similar, PM me. I'll try to help you out.
And if there's something strange in the neighborhood, don't call Ghostbusters. PM me and I'll attempt to guide you through your problem.


Quote from: Lucid Pirate on April 19, 2012, 19:59:48
I've been taking melatonin pills every day for the past couple of months. I usually take 5mg per night but there isn't a noticeable difference in my dreams, just my sleep. For the past week or so I've upped my dosage from 5mg to 10mg and onto 15mg.

Excellent detail there. Thanks.

I just checked my melatonin bottle and it is a 3mg pill. I take it about two or three nights per week. But I will often go a couple weeks with no dosage at all.

When I was around 30 years old both my brother and I tried it and we noticed no difference in our dreams or sleep.

When I turned 50 my brother told me to try the melatonin again. I mentioned our previous experience and he smiled and just said, "oh... I think you'll notice a difference this time". I tried it again and I noticed more vivid dream activity. Melatonin production diminishes with age so this was why he brought it up again. He is a bit of a supplement nut and tries every new thing he reads in those health magazines. I will go along for the ride when he pushes me a little.

Pirate, based on your input here I am going to try double and triple dosages and note the effects.

Vitamin B6 is easily available and very inexpensive so I take that sometimes too. I wanted to try Choline but Vitamin World was out when I stopped in to shop. Galantamine was not available. I also heard that caused nightmares too, but maybe it is just the combination of all of the above.

Beware the fake "seeker" who finds Truth to be abusive.


Are there health risks to taking any of this stuff? I've heard some supplements can do damage to your liver, especially if your body isn't used to these things in more-than-natural doses. But I've never taken any supplements, so I don't have a clue.


some say melatonin but ive read research papers where they tried to kill rats with melatonin and call it safe if they cant even find the ld-50 in rats let alone kill a single one.other than that no plus i see no point in taking large amount of any supplement and if any of em could do harm think we consume these things daily youd have to be trying to kill yourself or just plain stupid.take it as directed or know your stuff i researched melatonin for 2 days before i started taking my nightly 9 mg dose before than i stuck with just 3mg.      logically there is the right effective way then the wrong dumb A** way     its a supplement not a narcotic drug it can only do so much just respect it and youll be fine

Lucid Pirate

Melatonin has a very low toxicity level. I've heard of people taking up to 50-60mg of it, although I wouldn't advise starting off at that dosage. Depending on your age, it will have different effects.
If you have any need of a dream interpreter or anything similar, PM me. I'll try to help you out.
And if there's something strange in the neighborhood, don't call Ghostbusters. PM me and I'll attempt to guide you through your problem.


always start low on something your trying.why take 20mg when 5 works just fine for you


Thanks for the info guys. It's not really that important to me, I do fine without supplements and sleep really well most of the time, I was just curious in case I ever did give it a try.


id give it a try itll amaze you on how it impacts the vividness of your dreams trust me lol very useful tool and so is huperzine a....some say no one remembers every dream ha! ive recalled 6 in one night with practice and the use of huperzine a


Huperzine!? I had never heard of that one so I did a search and found lots but this one looks good;

Ancillary Drugs

Three drugs, in my experience, also seems to assist with induction: huperzine-A (200-400 mcg), melatonin (3 mg), and nicotine (standard patch). I don't suggest combining them.
Beware the fake "seeker" who finds Truth to be abusive.


so far outside my one dxm induced obe. huperzine a is the best thing to aid in dreams to me that ive tried so far.....i am gonna go amanita muscaria hunting and hunt for panaeolus cinctulus this summer ive heard many things about them giving many vivid detailed dreams after use and even inducing lucid dreams by usage. but hands down out of all supplements ive tried huperzine a is the most useful with the others yes they make dreams more vivid but huperzine a does that and makes it so much easier to remember them in combo with melatonin and choline gives amazing vivid detailed dreams

Lucid Pirate

Quote from: psychedelia on April 20, 2012, 11:55:44
always start low on something your trying.why take 20mg when 5 works just fine for you

Because upping the dosage gives you different effects.

And just an update: Last night I upped it from 15mg to 20mg.

5mg: More comfortable sleep. No changes in dreams.
10mg: Good Sleep. More vivid dreams. Dream characters are more hostile.
15mg: Fantastic sleep. Less vivid dreams but greater intensity. Dream characters are very violent and will often attack if disturbed.
20mg: Heavy sleep. Slept for 45 minutes longer than usual. Vivid dreams (about the 10mg level). No lucidity whatsoever. Reguar dream signs are ineffective. Dream characters are not violent at all.

I'll do another trial of the 20mg dosage tonight and report back tomorrow. There were too many inconsistent results. If the 20mg is really what made me oversleep, I'll cut the dosage to 10mg.

Quote from: Rudolph on April 20, 2012, 12:21:32

Ancillary Drugs

"Dreams on melatonin tend to be more colorful and more chaotic"

Perhaps that's why my dream characters are violent?
If you have any need of a dream interpreter or anything similar, PM me. I'll try to help you out.
And if there's something strange in the neighborhood, don't call Ghostbusters. PM me and I'll attempt to guide you through your problem.


One more from me:


Reiter recently put some hard science behind the cherry folklore. He conducted a five-month study and found that tart cherries contain significant amounts of melatonin — a hormone produced in the brain's pineal gland that has been credited with slowing the aging process, and fighting insomnia and jet lag. It's also being studied as a potential treatment for cancer, depression and other diseases and disorders.

Oats, Sweet Corn & Rice

Oats, sweet corn and rice are the best foods to eat for melatonin. These foods contain between 1,000 and 1,800 picograms (1,000,000 picograms = 1 milligram) of melatonin per gram.
In the oats family, eat oatmeal, cereals containing oats, nature bars, oatmeal cookies and oat bread. Sweet corn is available in can or frozen form or fresh from your local grocery store or farmer's market. Rice, both white and brown, is available at local grocery store.

Ginger & Barley

Ginger and barley both have a small amount of the hormone present. Ginger has about 500 picograms per gram of melatonin, and barley has minute amounts.
Ginger root and ground ginger are found in most local grocery and health food stores. To find barley, visit your grocery store's soup aisle or a local health food store.

Tomatoes, Bananas & Radishes

Tomatoes, bananas and Japanese radishes (the stem and leaves combined) also contain small amounts of melatonin. All three foods have around 500 picograms per gram of melatonin in each one. These foods also can be found at your local farmer's market or grocery store. Try to buy fresh if you can.

Fruits & Vegetables

Several other fruits and vegetables also contain minute amounts melatonin, including pineapples, apples, oranges, strawberries, kiwifruits, peppers and spinach. Try to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, try to consume the them within one week of purchase.
You can prepare melatonin-rich meals using several foods containing a small amount of melatonin.

Almonds & Seeds

Other foods that contain melatonin include almonds, pimpinella peregrina (the dried root), sunflower seeds, fennel seeds, lemon verbena (the young plant), balm mint (the young plant) and green cardamom seeds. Most seeds can be found at your local health food store and some farmer's markets.


Quote from: Lucid Pirate on April 20, 2012, 13:49:04
And just an update: Last night I upped it from 15mg to 20mg.

A couple nights ago I tried upping the regular 3mg to a 9mg dose around 10pm and really did not notice much difference.
Then I tried something last night.
Just a small dose B6 at bedtime, with 2 hrs meditation then a 3mg melatonin about 12:30am then another 3mg at 5am, go back to sleep for a couple more hours....

Definitely enhanced dreaming clarity and recall.
Beware the fake "seeker" who finds Truth to be abusive.


Quote from: Lucid Pirate on April 20, 2012, 11:45:08
Melatonin has a very low toxicity level. I've heard of people taking up to 50-60mg of it, although I wouldn't advise starting off at that dosage. Depending on your age, it will have different effects.

I have taken that much.  Be prepared to sleep a lot :-D
Karmic Beats provides free binaural, isochronic beats, ASMR, videos for astral projection, lucid dreaming, study & focus, healing and other meditations.

Fractal art wallpaper at blog:


Quote from: KarmicBeats on April 14, 2012, 18:24:41
I have heard of the following supplements for lucid dreaming:
Vitamin B6
I am curious as to how well these work.  Anyone else tried any of them?

I just picked up a bottle of 5-HTP on clearance sale at Walgreens. But Stookie's warning stuck in my head, I guess and I did a little reading on it.

People use it as a mood enhancer from the serotonin boost.

I was thinking this was not the right chemical to take before going to bed.

Those mood enhancer discussions were enlightening though... many of them really did report a big impact on dreaming from vivid to lucid. And they were not even the least bit interested in that part - they were just reporting "side-effects", heh.

These are 100mg pills.

Does anyone have a recommended protocol on how to use these?

(I still have not gotten choline, galantamine or Huperzine - the last two are hard to find at a local supplier)
Beware the fake "seeker" who finds Truth to be abusive.


Quote from: Rudolph on May 07, 2012, 19:56:17

I just picked up a bottle of 5-HTP on clearance sale at Walgreens. But Stookie's warning stuck in my head, I guess and I did a little reading on it.

I am thinking of getting that one.  I already use melatonin sometimes. My dream memories are sporadic.  Melatonin does help in getting a good nights rest and it is cheap.  The others seem so expensive.  The two that interest me the most at this time are 5-HTP and vitamin B6. 

Turkey is cheap maybe I should eat a lot of it :-D
Karmic Beats provides free binaural, isochronic beats, ASMR, videos for astral projection, lucid dreaming, study & focus, healing and other meditations.

Fractal art wallpaper at blog:


Id stay away from Greece its very fattening, lol.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.