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Baseline Technique for inducing LD

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That sounds a lot like a dreamsign, I actually did something like that last night.  I tried to use my dreamsign (flying), but that never happened.  Instead, I found myself looking into a mirror at my own reflection.  As soon as I realized that I was dreaming the image became quite clear but distorted.  Does that make sense?  Clear but distorted?




I have one I tried yesterday and it worked. Extremely simple. I woke up around 3:30am this morning. Too early for coffee so I got myself comftrable again and tried to get back to sleep. All the time I kept repeating to myself: "I'm out of my body." I repeated that sentence until I fell asleep. And all of the sudden I fell asleep but was still conscious. (I guess it would be a Wake Induced LD). But I did not realize it had happened until I began, for some reason, to think about a sucubus. All of the sudden I felt the vibrations and thought I had summoned one. So I told myself "F--k this sh#t!" And jumped up out of bed (first sign I was LD or OBE, can't do it normaly). I "ran" to the kitchen. On my way there I tried turning on the light of my room and the switch did not work (second sign). I got to the kitchen, where the light was on. (I think I had tried to turn that switch.) The cat looked at me. And I tried to go through the door but it was solid, so I'm questioning if it was an OBE. Although I do think it was an OBE. WHat ya think.


It was most likely a lucid dream, because in a true OOBE you could not affect matter in the physical (such as turning on a lightswitch).. although I am unsure if it is absolutely impossible to manipulate matter in the RTZ in your etheric double.

The second clue that it was most likely a LD was a device malfunction.  Light switches that don't work are a common dreamsign for device malfunctions.

What makes this technique interesting though, to me, is finding that special element that is preprogrammed in your subconscious mind so deep, that simply doing a modified MILD with it increases your chance of initiating that dreamsign, because it seems like with random dreamsigns, you still have to be able to create it in a dream or else you won't become lucid.


Originally posted by Graupel

It was most likely a lucid dream, because in a true OOBE you could not affect matter in the physical (such as turning on a lightswitch).. although I am unsure if it is absolutely impossible to manipulate matter in the RTZ in your etheric double.

I have opened doors and such during RTZ projections.  In a recent experience, after I opened a door, I thought to myself, "That was dumb! I could have just moved through it".  I then proceeded to move through the door that I had half-opened.  Note that the physical door was still closed when I came back to my body, but in the projection it seemed to work normally.  I have never tried a light switch in a RTZ projection, but I think I will next time just to see what happens.  :)



Why would the physical door be closed if you had opened it in your etheric double?  Perhaps it was a door in that "buffer" that was existing very close to the physical door?


Hey all, I recently have had some strange dreams and wanted to post an experimental technique for you all to try.  I haven't tried it much yet, as I'm just relating to what happened in any LD I have had over the past  2 months.

In a dream, I have re-dreamed about me being in the same scene over and over again because of a very unique land marker (in this case, it was the shape of a wall and how the ceiling merged into it, kind of like a rectangle standing up with one of its sides curved 40 degrees) and each time it seemed too real to be true, and that is when I realized I was dreaming and became lucid.

So a theoretical technique applies the same principles similar to MILD, but doesn't require much dream recall except for that dream which one possibly has that is dreamed at several times, and seems like a "home base" for most dreams, thus is why I call it the baseline technique.  Here it is as follows:

1.)  Relax and make yourself sleepy.  Now, imagine that you are in a room with a very familiar object that has so much deep meaning to you, it is already programmed into your subconscious mind and you sometimes think about it at one point in the day involuntarily.  For me personally, it's that wall in the gameroom of a house I lived in 5 years ago called Bellshire.

2.)  See yourself recognizing this striking figure at the location where it is found, and since it has such a deep programmed meaning to you (even if its just pleasure as I'm sure we all have some kind of object or place we hold dear or are bound to in some form or fashion), you realize you are dreaming and continue your fantasy.

3.)  Start back at 1 and repeat the entire process again, so it is the last thing on your mind before falling asleep (sound familiar? ;D)

Very much like a dreamsign, but this particular dreamsign utilizes something that is preprogrammed into your subconcious mind that may have a better chance at inducing a LD rather than a random scene recorded in dream journal (I don't even have a dream journal and already I have had 5 LD this month from this one scene alone).

NOTE:  Try to make this striking figure (such as an A.C. unit, a plug hole, etc.) that is your personal baseline an occurrence in your every day life, and do a reality check.  Since that wall is shaped a certain way, I have bended the edge of my shower placemat to mimick that shape, where I look at it every morning when I take a shower.  I fold my clothes in that shape, and if I see anything remotely familiar with that shape, I do a reality test.  Combining this aspect of modified Reflection-Intention with a MILD that is already preprogrammed into your subconscious mind presents an interesting technique that should be experimented with further.

Let me know if you have any questions or success with this experimental technique.