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Breathing Under Water Help Interpret *Short Read*

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I had a very intense, vivid dream a few nights ago...

I'm standing at the mouth of a very large, fast rushing river. My Mother is standing with me and we are marveling at how large and powerful it is. She turns to me and says, "here put this on", it's some sort of apparatus that allows you to breathe underwater. At first, I'm not concerned and place the device that fits very loosely almost invisibly over my nose and mouth. As soon as it's on, my Mother literally pushes me into the river. I'm immediately taken under and I'm terrified. I'm able to breathe, but this doesn't help to abate my fear. The river is pulling me up and down violently, relentlessly keeping me from reaching the surface. It seems hours pass by until there is a final violent drop off a tall waterfall. I felt like I was falling forever! I'm convinced that I won't make it out of the river alive, but I peacefully float to the bank where my Mother is waiting for me, happily might I add. As soon as I see her all my fear dissipates and I'm calm. I believe, I asked her questions and tried explaining to her what had happened, but I cannot recall the conversation. This is the first dream I've ever had that I was able to breathe underwater. Thoughts on what this might mean?  :? :?