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death in dreams

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I have never been killed in my dreams but i have killed myself many
times. when i am in lucid dreaming i usually get into somekind of
obstruction with certain "beings" or "people". When i am in trouble
or in danger of being captured, i jump off a high height and hit the
ground and wake up (although the latest time this did not work)
I also have killed plenty o people and things in my dreams.
If any of you are a white male about 23-35 with light brown hair, or
an african woman with black hair who had a dream where in you were dressed as a cop and a young white male came to your cop car duriing
a struggle and shot your partner (the white male cop) dead, the shot you dead with three gunshots to the chest?
i'd like to know.
I also have this ongoing "story like" succsession of dreams or some-
times they come once in a while but the thing is that often the same
person and persons are in my dreams.
i also seem to have dreamed (when i was young) about a man  or doctor
of some kind, who looked evil as a M.F. tried to stab me with a
syringe. 15 or so years later, my older brother has a dream with the
same guy in it trying to stab him with a needle.
i also have strange dreams about wolves, and shapeshifters.
any body have any comments/


I myself have been having a recurring dream lately. (in which I die) I dream that a hooded figure (a bit like the grim reaper) chases me around. The figure has claws on its left hand and... yeah, chases me around until I wake up or die. Lately though I've been realizing that they're dreams and been having fun with them. (like making guys with chainsaws strapped to their hands to get rid of her. (and yes I say her because the grim reaper-like thing is defenitly a her. dunno why, though)



Dreams are controlled by our subconscience mind. When you wake
up everything that happends to us throughout the whole day is stored
in our subconscience.
-something dramatic
-something great
-we see a funny or scary movie
all of this becomes a memory that we forget
durring sleep our subconscience creatively uses these forgotten memories to create new images that are based on our memories
if this didn't happend we wouldn't be able to sleep
the reason we dream scary dreams is because scary taughts have most
effect on us an our subconscience pics our unpleasant memory and
uses it in our dream


I have died many times in dreams. Never has it felt painful, scary or negativ in any way. Most of the time I had an accident: I drove with my car in a river, or fell from a cliff. I had dreams in which I died several times. One time I fell from a high building and every time after I died I found myself on top of the building again. When  I die in dreams my conscious fades out slowly. Dying in dream being deadly is a fairy tale.
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


Originally posted by tombodenmann

 "One time I fell from a high building and every time after I died I found myself on top of the building again."

When you fell from a building did you feel, like what you felt in
a rollacoaster, your body froze and you felt you were going to jump out of your flesh. If it was something similar to what I described,
you might be very sensative or psychicaly connected to spirits who have died and are trying to use you to communicate if their death was
undiscovered, or if they want to prove something.


Originally posted by mustard

When you fell from a building did you feel, like what you felt in
a rollacoaster, your body froze and you felt you were going to jump out of your flesh. If it was something similar to what I described,
you might be very sensative or psychicaly connected to spirits who have died and are trying to use you to communicate if their death was
undiscovered, or if they want to prove something.

Hmm  I can't remember exactly. Once I hit the ground, I felt like my body got smashed but I couldn't fell any pain. My body felt like a useless sleeve. Then my vision faded and I found myself ontop of the building again. Why do you think spirits are trying to communicate?
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


The reason I think spirits are trying to communicate with you is because similar thing happened to me. I dreamed of falling down
from buildings so much that it wasn't funny anymore. I usually
wake up before I hit the ground but now I just end up being in a
different place dying another way, getting hit by a car, people with
guns chasing me and I wouldn't die. I was aware that I was dreaming
because I was seeing things I newer saw before, I wanted to wake up,
but I couldn't. I tried to kill my self, but every time I would end up in a different place. I was scared, I couldn't wake up!My dad came
and woke me up because he needed some help to move the furniture in
the truck, we were moving. Every time I had these kind of dreams someone
woke me up. I newer woke up by myself. Anyways, it has been known that
spirits can communicate with the living in their sleep. Normally when
something communicates with you it's for a reason, unless it's a demon, then I woudld suggest you get a priest to bless your room.
Some spirits that passed on unjustly(murdured),want justice(who wouldn't)
and if you are sensative to dreams meaning you are actually aware that you are dreaming when you are in a dream like me, then they might use you to acomplish what they want.

this is JUST my >THEORY<
Are you aware that you are dreaming in your dreams?


I think death in a dream indicates a change in situation... or the death of a situation.  I think it can also indicate your fears. - Uncovering the Divine Within - World Awakened - World Awakened Talk Radio - InnerCircle Publishing


Originally posted by mustard

Are you aware that you are dreaming in your dreams?

I'm seldom aware in my dreams, I would like to be more aware though! I wasn't aware in the "falling from the building" dream
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


Usually, when we can recognize ourselves in our dreams, we are in full
controll over them. I don't know how to expalain  this, but every
time I was selfaware I could actually fly in my dreams. I would look
at characters and tell them you are not real, and they would look back
at me with disbelief like I was crazy or something. The weird
thing is I could land and takeoff any time I wanted. It wasn't
one of those dreams where you had no idea, or weren't in any controll
at all. It was like my own private place where I could do whatever
I wanted.
What usually works for me is, before I go to sleep I focus my self to remember that I'm in my bed, in my room, and it's very quiet.
Hopefully in my dream, like everyone else, I dream that I am somewhere
in some place I never saw before. If am somewhat selfaware I'll  ask
my self how did I get here when I was in my bead. EURICA!!!
I realize it's a dream, and I begin to explore it.
To increse your chances, I would suggest that when you wake up(open your eyes) don't move, DON'T focus on anything except trying to remember your dream. If you start thinking about your day,
you will loose any memory of your dream, you wouldn't be able to recollect anything that happened. By doing this you'll
become closer to your subconscious taughts, and it might help you
to be more selfaware in your dreams.
so far this works for me
Hope it helps a little.


Thanks Mustard! I'll certainly try your technique. I do have Lucid dreams from time to time. My technique is that I tell myself: "tonight I'm gonna have a lucid dream" while falling asleep, I do only get about one LD per week though.
My main problem is, that I don't get full control once I'm lucid. For example if I'm trying to fly I feel like a astronaunt on the moon but I can't lift off completly. One other thing is, that often ilogical things happen, but I don't get it. I'm lucid but still not completly clear in my mind. For example: I can't remember what I wanted to do in the LD, or like last night: I attached a  hidden card under my bed to verify if I'm actually out of my body or not. I had a lucid dream and decided to look for the card. But I walked to the stairs and looked at a card there, although I never attached a card there. And I didn't got it although I was lucid!
So do you have any tips how I can enhance my lucidity?
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


When we dream sometimes no matter what we see or how unusual it is
we just play along because its represented so real to us . In the afternoon start acting(ACTING in your mind)
like you don't believe in spirits, energy, controlling your dreams, and be very angry at it like it's nonsence,  if you deeply believe in these things, your sudden change of attitude will have a deep effect
on your subconscience and it will stay inside there like a tool for inspiring your next dream. When you dream, and if this has any effect
you should immidiately become selfaware.(in your dream) Like I said if you deeply
believe in being able to controll your dream your heart will tell you
that you are in one.(it might not be a positive dream since this techique has depressing effect on you) but don't be afraid at all because fear is the only thing that can stop you from being in controll. Fear can consume and confuse us, but in our dreams it can't do anytinig.
Hope this helps!


So if I act like I don't believe in spirits, energy, controlling my dreams, and be very angry at it like it's nonsence and it then happens in the dream, then I become lucid cause I don't believe in it. Did I understood you right?

I don 't completly understand the following "Like I said if you deeply
believe in being able to controll your dream your heart will tell you
that you are in one"
Isn't that the opposite of the above( believing that, controlling is nonsense?) Or is that an other technique?

thanks Tom
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


Sorry for putting it that way, what I meant to say was that if you
try to fool your mind into believing something else that you secretly believe in, it might have an effect on you, subconsciencly makeing you dream about spirits and things you tried to fool yourself into being nonesence, therefore you become aware in your dream that you are dreaming about these things that you forced yourself to disbelieve and
realize that this is a dream(when you are dreaming) because we had this discussion so
you could remember that it is a dream.
"your heart will tell you that you are draming"
I meant sometimes we can feel from deep inside when something isn't  
right in this case that we are draming because everything seems so unusual.
Hope you understood.


I think I got it. ; )
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


Can you tell me if anything happened?


O.k I told myself several times during the day that there are no transcendental/supernatural things. I didn't really believed that it made a huge impact, mainly cause I couldn't really decide if I truely believe in ghosts and things like that or not (Would it for example  also be possible to convince me , that there are no dogs and then use the same technique to dream of dogs and then become lucid??)Do you use this technique frequently? how many LD's do you have?

Anyway, the following night I had two lucid dreams! Although I didn't dream of ghosts or any thing supernatural, at least as far as I can remember. So I can't really tell if I did it right and if it worked, but since I has two LD I guess something went right. Unfortunately I can't remember my LD very well. But I remember that I looked at my hand, observing like it melted away, then I tried to remember what day of the week we have. First I came up with wednesday but I knew it wasn't right, so I pulled myself toghether and realize that it was Sunday. Then I didn't know what else to do, which I admit is pretty sad ; ) Any suggestions for my next LD?
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


So you tried to remember of what day was it, perfect!!! excellent!!!
this means you are on the right path. The next time try to remember that you controll everything. Your hand melted because you wanted it to melt(subconsciencly). One more thing you can do to enhance your lucidness, try to focuss yourself as as big powerful boss that fears nothing(or your idol, or a hero, I think of myself as link from zelda games, my favorite>zelda orcarina of time<  this might give you confidence to feel in charge of your dream
something like from a freddy cruger movie, you remember the one when they try to kill him by playing their own game, using their own special powers in their dreams, super strenght,flying, and extreme martial arts. moving on
I have lucid dreams almost every night, except when am really tired
when I go to sleep, I wake up and it feels like a second passed after I went to sleep, I don't remember dreaming at all when I have an experience like that. It just feels like nothing happened at all, one
minute I remember trying to fall asleep and the next thing you know BOOM! it's morning, it happends so fast.
Don't forget to go over your dreams in the morning, when you wake up. That way you can
become closer to them, so it will be easier to remember them as you go on.
You'r going in the right direction! Controlling your dreams takes some time untill it stays in your head for good. cheap example(we lerned to
write words in school day after day so we can write them without anyone's help, soon we learn them so well that we don't need help
anymore they just stay in our head like memories in a vault that you
instantly pullout whenever you'r writting something they just come out
because you are use to writting them so much)you don't have to understand this Good luck!


Yeah I know Zelda ; ) I'll try to to get more in control. You know, my main problem is not to control my LD. I think thats something I'll figure out with practice, but what I really have trouble with is getting LD on a daily basis. Thats what I really aim for but I seem to be stucked in a blind alley.
I can't really decide which technique I should use. Shall I look for dreamsigns, or tell myself to have a LD while falling asleep or use a different technique. Often I try to combine techniques but then I seem to get confused. Usually I try to induce a LD with no sucess and then after about 5 days I finally have one followed again by a couple of days with no sucess. Thats pretty strenuous! Must be cool to have a LD almost every night. Did it take long for you to get to this stage, or are you a naturally gifted person?
BTW I write my dreams down more or less every day.
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


I use to have alot of sleep paralysis when I was young like 6 or 7.
My parents couldn't do anything to help me so I figure only I can help muself, I stopped telling my parents cause I didn't want them to worry they had enough problems as it was. It was then that I started to notice patterns in my dreams(nightmares not LD, YOU KNOW WHEN YOU WAKE UP FROM A NIGHTMARE that you can remember everything in the terrifying dream, the pattern was, my nightmares continued when
I went to sleep, from same place with same characters, continueing
so I started to question the whole philosophy of fear in my dreams and I realized that I wasn't scared anymore so I started bringing fear into
my dream characters(witches, flying skeletons,vampires, demons, you name it)(no matter how frightening they looked like) and they actually responded, they turned out to be nothing but bullies,
act tough, really nothing,it was like they were feading from my fear, when my fear was gone they were nothing more near than a thaught which took forms in my dream so after haveing many experiences like this,
I became aware of every dream I would have, I can still recollect some of my nightmares or sleep paralysis episodes.


I was reading some deja vu stuff,but needed to register in order to respond.i lost where it was so ima just do this here....the past 5 or 6 months i have been having quite a bit of deja vu experiences and didnt think anything of them until today.I was in english and we just started to watch 'The Edge'...for those of you who havent seen it,there is a scene where a little red float plane encounters some birds in the air and it starts gettting all crashy,then they hit a mountain top causing the plane to fall into a lake(all except the pilot make it out of the water alive)...well,at least a month ago,i had a dream where i was in a taxi cab with 5 other people including the cab driver(i only remember seeing the cab driver,my brother and my gym teacher)and we were on some highway,then BAM,a turn comes outta no where,we flip over the little road side blockers,and start to fall from a mountain or the bottom i saw a small lake thing,and it was like we were going to land right in reality,odds are we would have missed it....then i woke up before we hit.the feeling i had when i was watching the part in the movie was....very creepy...although it was in a total different scenario,it seemed like i knew what was going to happen...ALSO..does any one know anything about telepathy?im kind of ...paranoid about some things and i want to find some stuff out...


You sound like you were emotionally affected by this movie, so it might have influenced you to dream about something similar.
You might wana go to "energy development" forum about "telepathy".


i had the dream before i watched the movie. . . ?


oh!  Sorry then, don't recall haveing any experience like that.


Originally posted by mustard

. Your hand melted because you wanted it to melt(subconsciencly).

How do you mean that. Alot of people report of their hands melting. It seems do be a good way to seperate OBE from LD. Why should I (Or for that matter most people) want my hand to melt? I'm facinated by that fact that hands seem to melt in dreams in most peoples LD. Yours don't then. Do you have any insight in that matter?
Thanks Tom
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross