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Dream about death..

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First of all I want to say that everything seemed extremely in my dream and I didn't have any doubt about the reality of the events in this dream.
I was sitting on the back of a car. It was our family car. My father was driving the car and my mother was sitting next to him. -My brother was not in the car- Then the car stopped in the red light. I was looking outside then I saw a woman walking on the road. She was on my right side. Then she pulled a gun out of her pocket and tried to hide it while she was walking in front of our car. I was suprized when I saw the gun and noone were avare of the gone instead of me. She walked and come to our cars left side. Pulled the gun and shooted the man inside the car next to ours. I was very curious -??- and I looked my left to see the dead man. The woman attempted to turn and run but before she started running she saw me looking at her. She had an evil smile on her face and she stopped, pulled out the gun agin and directed to me. I felt very interesting. I tought she will kill me just for fun. I was thinking about the absurdity of my death and I didn't wanted that the bullet hit me from the face so I turned my head to the front, at the same moment I heard the sound of the gun. The bullet hit me from my throat. I felt my blood was gushing out from my throat like water from a hose. I felt the wetness. My eyes were closed. I tought my family would be in a shock but I could not hear anythink. I tought about my responsiblities, my work, and my relations. I was so happy that my life was ending.It was the greatest feeling I have ever felt. The feeling of peace and ease was great. I tought finally I will be able to rest. But suddenly I tought about the hell. I tought what if I go directly to hell and face the eternal pain without resting and relaxing a little. Then my body started shaking, the felling of peace came again. Suddenly I tought about the final travel. I was sure that my soul was going out of my body to do its last astral travel. I forgot about the hell and concentrated to get out. I was so happy.. But unfortunately as it happens all the the time I woke up. I could only realize that all of these were a dream when I woke up. It was soooooo real and It was perfect. If didn't have a family or if I could be just a little more selfish I would go and kill myself without thinking a second..
"Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar. Ask yourself, all of you,
What power would HELL have if those here imprisoned were not able to dream of Heaven?"


Maybe that legend can be true. Maybe when you die in your dream the silver cord disappears and you can never come back to your body..

Did you woke up when you died or did you got out of your body?
"Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar. Ask yourself, all of you,
What power would HELL have if those here imprisoned were not able to dream of Heaven?"


i died many times in dreams and never in real life :grin:

dying in dreams leads me to lucid dream so the legend is drinately not true :wink:
The truely wise man knows that he knows nothing!
  - Confuzius


Eh, this thing made me remember the Myth Busters.. :)
"Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar. Ask yourself, all of you,
What power would HELL have if those here imprisoned were not able to dream of Heaven?"


lol me too a bit :grin:
currently they broadcast it here in germany, very interesting.
The truely wise man knows that he knows nothing!
  - Confuzius


I've killed people way too many times in dreams. Sometimes I get the feeling there's another me living in an alternate universe, going around murdering thousands.

As far as dying, I've died about 10 times. Rather brutally actually...
Leaning over
Crawling up
Stumbling all around
Losing my place
Only to find I've come full circle.


I died once.Stabbed. my physical body jumped when the blade entered my stomach O_o
Tá mo chroí istigh ionat


Well lets see....In dreams anyway I have been.

Shot - a couple of times.
Stabbed - Numerous times.
Burned at the stake - but only once, and I am glad.
Run over
Car accident - several.
Slipped, fell, pushed, or thrown off of some thing and fallen to my death.

I can not give an actual number because I can't remember any more.  It's almost like asking how many times have you dreamed.  I could also add in all the times were I was either mortally wounded and didn't die but should have or died but had my spirit remain to continue the dream after looking at my dead body.

Oddly you get used to it.


Nazier I have experienced many different death scenes like you but this one was different. This one, I knew I was dying I was slowly feeling the life was pulling out of my body... Nevermind... Ah in one of my dreams Al Pacino shoot me from my head and ran away, and the rest of the dream I walked around without a head lol...
"Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar. Ask yourself, all of you,
What power would HELL have if those here imprisoned were not able to dream of Heaven?"


Quote from: El-BortukaliI died once.Stabbed. my physical body jumped when the blade entered my stomach O_o

I had some dreams like that which my physical body gave responses.
I still remember this one -it is about stabbing-
I was six or seven years old and I was a video game maniac. That day was my birthday and we were at holiday. There was a video game room in the hotel we stayed and my family bought me exactly a hundred coins. I spent all of them in one night lol. It was so fun. That night in my dream I saw the characters on the video games were stabbing me all together -i think they were revenging me- And I woke up crying with a great pain. I couldnt sleep again that night. And that memory was so alive that I can still remember..
"Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar. Ask yourself, all of you,
What power would HELL have if those here imprisoned were not able to dream of Heaven?"


Quote from: LeilahI've killed people way too many times in dreams. Sometimes I get the feeling there's another me living in an alternate universe, going around murdering thousands.

i killed only once i think. that was in a cool fighting dream where i fought against gandalf who is a vampire and revealed his true face to me. he gathered the armys of good and evil and i had to stop him. my brother and another child were also with him but i saved him. i had a wand and a female who was a in the clothing of a nun tought me a spell with wich i can impale gandalf. i killed two of his evil servants (they were humans so i didnt need the impale spell) and then cast the spell upon gandals but i wasnt powerfull enough to kill him so he said he will come back. this dream made me think a lot about my true nature because i didnt have any problem at all with killing these two people in my dream. :confused:
The truely wise man knows that he knows nothing!
  - Confuzius


Death = rebirth = transition = new beginning.

Anyway it all depends on your inner psy structure, so common symbols could have different meanings on their surface (because their cores are always the same).

The best thing to do is to just speak to that part of your mind who provoked the dream. Ask it to adopt some kind of image so you can talk to it as if you were talking to a friend.

To do so have some deep breaths, relax a bit and enter into the alpha state (you'll notice it because your breathing pattern will change and become more natural, deep and spontaneous). Before uncontrollable images start to pop up (as when you start to fall asleep into the theta state) ask for the help of your subconscious mind and then invoke that psy process who made up the dream).


"Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar. Ask yourself, all of you,
What power would HELL have if those here imprisoned were not able to dream of Heaven?"


I died twice in dreams.  As a child I would dream I was next in a serial killing spree and would wake up right before it was my turn.  This always made me mad because I figured I could find a way to defeat this murderer but I'd wake up and never get the chance.  As a teenager I dreamed I killed myself (jumped off a building).  The feelings of pain were all to real- jumping seemed like a welcome respite.  The weird thing is that I wasn't depressed or anything, and the feelings of despair went away after waking.  After adulthood, I commited dream suicide again, but it seemed to me for a good reason.  In this one I died too, but woke before hitting the ground.  So I'm not sure if it qualifies.


One of the things that gets me about dieing in dreams is the pain that is involved.  It is so intense, so real feeling.  Many of the things I have never experienced in real life before.  I mean I know what it feels like to get stabbed, punched, kicked, and to fall.  But I have never broken anything, been set on fire, and I have only been in one car accident and that wasn't until recently.  So I wonder how the body knows the pain of these things?  

And what I really, really hate is when that pain some times caries over to being awake.  One time I got shot in the stomach and it hurt, a lot.  I eventually died of the wound, slowly mind you.  But when I woke up my stomach still hurt and my skin was all red where I was shot in the dream.  Luckily it does not happen all the time but frequently enough to be annoying.


worst one i had was being tortured and crucified. awoke in cold sweat, but yes the realism is unsettling.



I wonder, has it occurred to any of you folks that these are precognitive OBE's and not just really vivid dreams?

I have them quite a bit, but then I see them on the news... One of them involved two children's' murders from their parents and even though my mind placed familiar faces on the children, they were in fact, down to the last detail the events that unfolded on the news only days later.  In retrospect, I think the night I had the 'OBE' was in fact 'real time' of the actual event.  



Well not for me their not.  Most of the time the settings are a bit strange and for instance I was burned at the stake one time in a dream and it didn't happen anywhere that I get the news for.  I think some thing like that would have been on the news if it happened.


:grin:  I still can't believe people have dreams like that! hehe Mostly I can't be killed, no matter what happens, though at times I feel death accompanied by a switch in consciousness.
Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth:


Quote from: cainam_nazierWell not for me their not.  Most of the time the settings are a bit strange and for instance I was burned at the stake one time in a dream and it didn't happen anywhere that I get the news for.  I think some thing like that would have been on the news if it happened.

I've heard some people theorize that the type of dream you mention has to do with a past life memory.  Anyone have any thoughts on that?


i read somewhere that death in the dreams means change and weapons the tools for changes.
"What are you doing here, Nasrudin? his neighbor asks. "I'm looking for a key which I lost
in the wood?" Nasrudin replies. "Why don't you look for it in the wood?" says the neighbor,
wondering at Nasrudin's folly. "Because there is much more light here"


hmmmm that would imply that a change will come and a rocket is the tool for this change... :grin:

ill go buy a rocket at the local armory :twisted:
The truely wise man knows that he knows nothing!
  - Confuzius


Quotemalganis Posted: 12 Apr 2006 09:19    Post subject:  


i read somewhere that death in the dreams means change and weapons the tools for changes.  

Change is good.....but not at the cost of lighting myself on fire.....or any of my stuff.

Quotefliesatnite Posted: 12 Apr 2006 08:16    Post subject:  


cainam_nazier wrote:
Well not for me their not. Most of the time the settings are a bit strange and for instance I was burned at the stake one time in a dream and it didn't happen anywhere that I get the news for. I think some thing like that would have been on the news if it happened.

I've heard some people theorize that the type of dream you mention has to do with a past life memory. Anyone have any thoughts on that?  

I would buy that is some instances.  But many of the dreams that I have where I actually go through these things are very current in their surroundings.  I have had several other dreams that have a very definite past life feel to them but I usually don't go through the dying part.