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Dream Journal

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Good move on keeping a dream journal, imo. [:)]

This is such a wonderful dream! There's a lot to look at. I want to look more closely at it when I get a chance. It does sound like you connected with the otherside! Wow!!

I don't know if your into this sort of thing, but when you said...
While i was telling her this, we were in my room where I live now, but the bed was in a different position, allowing me to see into the living room. I then saw my uncle sitting on my sofa, wearing a tee shirt and a pair of shorts.
....This made me think of a thread where upstream is talking about various positions and views. Here is the link to this thread.

It may not be related, but upstream says some very interesting things.When I read this part of your dream, I immediately thought of upstream's posts at this link.


Thanks for the link.

Upstream does say some interesting stuff, half of it I don't even understand! LOL. But, I can identify with the flipping of the astral body and the disorientation, as before I realised what was happening to me, I used to feel as though I was being yanked or sucked back into my body, and it would feel as though I was upside down when this happened, which caused me to feel disorientated. Anyway, that's another story.

As for my bed being in a different position than what it is in real life, my bed was where it used to be in my dream. This got me thinking, I think that in my dreams, the past and the present are mixed up with each other. So some things would be as they were in the past, and some things would be as they are in the present. Even the future gets thrown in the mix. I'll explain what I mean by this:

In the first dream (see the link), I was in my old house. that relates to the past. Chris appeared in the old house, but he was telling me what would happen to me in the future (the date I would die and insinuating that I would be married to someone by then), that's the past and the future mixed together. He asked me how I am, that's relating to the present.

In the second dream (see above), I was in the old house fighting with the guy and I killed him. The old house refers to the past. The hatred I feel for the guy does exist, both in the past and in the present. I woke up (in the dream) in my current house, which refers to the present, but the bed was where it used to be, that refers to the past. Mum was there, which refers to both the past and the present.

Chris appearing in my dreams, well seeing that he's dead, but looks the same as he used to, that obviously relates to the past, but it also relates to the present, because he does exist, but in another world/dimension or whatever you call it.

Sounds complicated? It is. But it's interesting because I don't get a lot of time to communicate with him in my dreams before I actually wake up. I always ask the first question that pops into my head, instead of the questions that I really want to ask. I feel as though as I don't have a lot of control over what I do or say, I seem to be a lot more impulsive when dreaming than I am in real life.

So far he has appeared a the end of the dream. He usually tells me something about my future. For example he hinted at when my time would be up, also hinted at the fact that I would be married, even hinted at the name of the guy that I would marry, and now he's hinted at the fact that I might not even have to go to WeightWatchers after all. he even told me something that I didn't know, that my Mum doesn't remember him as well as I do. Which brings me to the next point.

I have just spoken to Mum, and this time she was more specific about her memories of Chris. She said that she does remember him, but as he was when he was much younger. She does think about him, but not very often. I. on the other hand, remember him as he was in more recent years, right up to when he died. I also think about him more often than Mum does.

That's my penny's worth. I will keep this journal updated.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Dr. Wayne  W. Dyer

Please visit Astral Planet.


This is another update.

Unfortunately Chris didn't appear in my dream this time, but I do remember parts of what I was dreaming, although it is rather vague at times.

I remember dreaming that my friend and my Mum was there with me, I think my friend had come to visit me, and we all decided to go some place for a day out. But somehow my friend's Mum found out and wanted to stop us from going out. So we spent the entire day avoiding my friend's Mum. Then for some reason we found ourselves in a small garden with a tree in it. We were trying to get out of this garden (I can remember being afraid of a creature that was in it, but I've no idea what the creature was), and my friend started talking about Portugal, and he told me to look up, so I did. I saw a huge off-white map of Portugal above me, and I also saw a huge map of the Southwest (England - westCountry), and we started planning where we would go next. I think we did pop into Portugal for a bit, although I remember very very little of it.

The next thing was that we went to a different place for a day out, it was indoors, and I saw a few celebrities from Eastenders in it. One of them played Kat, and she looked like she had a boob job, but the boobs were stuck on her face, which made her look like she had three heads. That was a bit unsettling to say the least. I also saw the guy who plays Dirty Den having a heated conversation with the younger version of Sharon.

Then we walked into this room, it was huge and looked like something from Egypt, it was like walking into a giant pyramid, but it was brightly lit. There were people in it, but I don't know them, I couldn't see their faces. They were dressed as Egyptians. They started talking to us, and in the middle of the room there was a rack type of thing, where certain people were being tied to it. At that moment I had no idea who these people were, and why they were tied to this rack. But the Egyptians started asking me questions (can't remember what they were asking), and I replied, but it wasn't in my own language.

The next thing that happened came as a huge shock to me, apparently these people that were tied to the rak were going to be thrown into a huge pit of fire as punishment for their wrong-doings, and I had just given the order for them to be thrown in. But the strange thing was I didn't even realise what I was doing until it was too late. I saw a part of a wall magically open up and these people were thrown in the pit. I could feel the heat from the pit, and I felt horrified at what was happening. I couldn't hear them scream or anything because it happened so quick. The wall then reassembled itself brick by brick.

I woke up.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Dr. Wayne  W. Dyer

Please visit Astral Planet.


You make some interesting connections. I just saw and read your last post. You kinda lost me in this one. [:)]

Your post before that one, I understand. You make the same kind of connections I do sometimes. I had a recent dream with my deceased dad and uncle in it. I'm still trying to get the message.


Yeah I can understand why you didn't understand the last dream I had. Even I don't understand it! But regardless I'm going to keep a record of every dream I remember from now on, as it would be good to improve my dream recall and so on, also it might help me to understand the ones with my uncle in it more.

The ones with my uncle in them, I feel that I made some kind of connection, and that can only be a good thing in my eyes. Even if it just makes me feel as though as I haven't completely lost him.

I also just want to understand my dreams more as well. So your feedback does help, as other people might offer some insight.

Thanks for the comments so far. [:)]
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Dr. Wayne  W. Dyer

Please visit Astral Planet.


I think it is a smashing idea! I have a smidgen of a dream journal I have kept, a work in progress...


I think I lost one of my dreams in making up this post, compiling it from various .docs.  :-(  Nevermind the preamble and names...You won't be distracted by them.  Also, note that this is my last-ditch effort to try to find a common ground.  If I do not after a few months of this, I'mm off and away to a better place.  Teehee!

After last night's dream, I started to think back about another one I had in 2001, and while it was vivid as hell and made me think, I totally filed it away and left it for dead because it just seemed nonsensical to me at the time.

Sometime during the summer of 2001 I had this very short dream where I was at Chicago's O'Hare airport. I was outside, kind of standing-floating over a road or parking lot of some sort, and the sky was crystal clear blue. It was morning and I was standing north. I looked to my left and saw the main airport terminal. I looked to the right, and off in the far distance I saw a plume of black smoke rising, on the horizon. Dream ended.

Well, I'm not going to bother speculating what that one was about.

So anyway, here's what went down last night in Hoo's la-la land.. It was very strong, and very bizarre. Enjoy, if you can.

Captain's log...


It opens up in some airport, where I had just gotten off a flight and was looking at a sign which told you which terminal had the baggage of each airline. I had just gotten off a Virgin Airways flight (which I did not know until I looked at the sign with all the airline names), and the sign said terminal 65 for Virgin, with an arrow pointing left. Then headed to some odd "waiting" area that had the sense of an old high-school room. Nedd was there, along with many people that I seemed to know in the dream but with only vague familiarity. I knew that all in the room were on the same flight and had come back from some vacation together.

The room had windows on one side on my left and was on ground level, and as I was staring out the window I suddenly noticed this jetliner coming VERY VERY (think lightspeed) fast right at the window I was standing behind. In a blink, this plane went right through the room/building, but made very little to no noise, and sliced through everything like paper.

The main portion of the room where the plane had gone through was gone and in it's place there was what I could only describe as a "fuzzy reality", where existence was blurred.

Looking at the walls, there were very thin "slits" where the wings had passed through, on both sides of the room and wherever else there was a solid object.

Looking down at my feet, I saw this scrape line along the floor that indicated the where end of the wing was. This mark was no more than an inch from my toes, and I looked to my right and saw my briefcase there on the ground, right at the edge of this mark. The brifecase had gotten clipped a bit and was missing a little bit of the leather covering in one corner.

On my left I saw Nedd standing there, same deal with feet standing super close to this "line". I said, "Holy excrement nedd, that thing missed us by like an inch or two! Holy excrement!" Absolute feeling of awe and fear. The other people in the room didn't seem phased by this at all. They just had a kind of relaxed jovial feeling one might have right after a nice vacation.

Now I am standing outside, walking to some reporter who was looking back at the building. I turn to look at the building, and could see it was made of either red brick or old brownstone. There was a clean hole where the body of the plane hit the building. I looked farther out behind the building and saw another hole punching through the view of a row of residential houses. Think of a hole in a photograph.

The reporter said, "Boy, that was something else." I said, "But my god, all those people in those houses!" I remember having this terrible feeling about that plane crashing through countless houses. There was no smoke or fire in the distance however.

Next scene is back at the beginning of this, all EXACTLY like before. Every nuance, every sensorial element. I am standing at that sign for the luggage, and my eyes fall onto Virgin Airways, terminal 65. The arrow pointed left. Everything was the same until we got to the room.

I am back in the "holding" room, but there was no incoming plane this time...The room was the same as before the plane tore through it in the first sequence. Nedd was not there. This thin brunette with some unrecognizable black outfit was sitting at a small square desk. I walked passed her and heard her go "Ow!" I turned around and said, "Sorry, did I hit your hand?" Right as I said that, I realized I had stepped on her toe and mentally thought, "oops". She pointed to her bare feet and said, "No, you stepped on my toe." I looked down and sure enough, she was barefoot. Red toenail polish. I felt like I knew her in some way, but did not recognize her.

Next scene flashes to the people on my flight all going up an escalator to get their luggage, and the line was long so I tried to find a shortcut on the left side of the escalator. I had to duck under this thin red rope or tape. It then started to get too dark to see anything so I turned around and walked back to the people shuffling onto the escalator, ducked under the same red tape/rope that was strung like a "do not pass" line, and started going up. When we neared the top the dream ended.



Very vauge...

An old American car trying to make it's way through 5 feet of water, and stalling out. I had wondered what would cause all this water to be here, and was then transformed onto a scene of lots and lots of snow melting and the water cascading down the river valleys.

Pretty much the end of the dream there.



A large room with a giant elevated "platform" of sorts in a corner of the room. This platform was coated with and was a container for some sort of bubbling acid. When objects were thrown into this acid, they would sink and one of two things would happen...

There would be bubbles coming from where it sank and nothing would happen. These objects were "duds".

Or, there would be small bolts of blue lightning on the surface, and then this cylinder of circular energy would start rising from it, and inside blue and green "energy streaks" would start forming a new object. After a moment, a new child's toy would be there, hovering over the surface, like a toy airplane, robot, or some other trinket you would find in the bargain bin of a toy store.

The object would then poof and appear on a table nearby, complete with retail packaging and a sense of monetary value.

Usually, objects made of plastic would generate toys, while most other objects fizzled and did nothing.

There was a sense of excitement when throwing in an object to see if it would either fizzle out or would generate those initial blue lightning bolts. If you saw the bolts, you knew you succeeded in creating something new.

I saw on that table some really large and complex retail packages, and asked how those objects were made.

I was told that these little things being thrown in would only generate consolation items, little nothings. The real goods were generated by finding a certain object that appeared outside once every two days, and this person pointed out a window to where they could be found.

"Every two days an object to make a complex item worth a lot spawns out there, you just have to be the first to find it", pointing to an outcropping of stone and brush outside, across a small field. "How would I know what the object is", I asked?

"You have to ask people with more experience", was the reply.

I sensed that there were even better objects to be found to the right of where he was indicating, in some other part of that field, and that nobody had found it yet.

Dream pretty much ended there.



An odd one

Opens up in a jetliner parked on an airport ramp at night, with snow and ice covering the taxi-ways/runways. The plane is empty except for me. I look into the cockpit and somehow know that this plane only needs a 2-man crew, even though there is a seat for a flight engineer. I remember thinking, "I hope I can ride in the engineer seat during the flight."

The copilot gets on board and intends to taxi out to some other place in the airport...He gets in the left seat and starts moving the plane around...At one point he does a three-point turn like in a car, to change direction. At this point there are voices coming over the com radio, clearances being given and whatnot. In the co-pilot's frustration at trying to move the plane around, he hastily steps over the communications and asks for clearance.

A sec or two of silence follows, and someone says over the air, "Good job, asking for that over the intercom." The peeps on the radio all start berating him, calling him names. The co-pilot now has the plane heading straight down the taxiway, but seem highly upset at what just happened and keeps saying to himself, "Damnit, now I have to make that phone call, I'm in so much trouble."

He somehow just leaves the jet while it is moving, to go to a payphone behind us. The plane start moving faster down the taxi-way, so I jump into the seat and jam on the rudder pedals to try to brake the plane (brakes are activated by pushing toes forward on the pedals). I am putting all my weight on them, but the plane keeps skidding around because of the snow.

I get very confused as to why the plane keeps yawing to one side or another while putting equal pressure on both pedals, hearing the brakes grind. I see on the right side ahead a small private plane, and am trying to keep the huge jet from rolling over it, but it does, and crushes it with the nose-wheel, just missing a wall that is there. Now the plane is skewing left again. I try throttling each engine counter to the direction we are heading to get the plane to go straight, but it does no good.

Each time I get it to go straight down the centerline, it just starts skewing left or right. Soon there is on the left side what looks like an embankment and the plane is about to fall into it, but I hear a woman's voice yell in my dream-mind, "Don't let it fall over the side!!!"

Then I sense this same woman running after the plane down the runway, yelling, "You have brake with just one pedal, then hold it with your hand!!!" I have no idea what that means, and she keeps yelling this over and over.

Now the plane has slid a u-turn and is heading the other way. It finally clicks in what she means, so I brake with the left pedal for a few seconds, then jump down and grab the pedal with my hand, and the plane finally slows down and eventually comes to a halt.

I am then outside the plane facing the nose, and am holding onto what appears to be a long telescopic antenna attached to the front of the plane, about 50 feet long. I can hear the plane creaking as it tries to slide down an incline, but I am still holding it at rest with this now imaginary point in air attached to this long horizontal antenna/metal bar.

Scene flashes to me standing at this small plane that was crushed, looking at all the pieces scattered about like the Delorean from Back to the Future III. I am thinking, "That was not caused by me, was it? That stupid co-pilot should not have left the plane!"

Next scene now flashes to a few passengers and the chief pilot walking along Community Drive just south of Northern Blvd in Manhasset. The passengers seem upset the flight was cancelled. They ask the captain why it was cancelled, and he says, "Because it's over 12 hours late."

Dream pretty much ended there.


Was in a university of some sort, and had a sense of not needing any of the classes. I was peeking into a classroom and observing an old professor giving a lesson on some unknown subject, was a woman. I remember having fond memories of taking her class in the past, whatever class it was. (In-dream memories or feelings, not related to any RL association.)

I remember I had just been in some terrible accident and my left leg was injured, and some unknown friend of mine had been killed. I actually remember a sharp pain as I tried hobbling without a special cane/support I had with me.

Suddenly the professor was now a man teaching, and I was in the classroom with my cane. The man was angry at me for "cheating" at the class by looking in on it. I said to him, "Hey, I'm late because I was just in a bad accident!" and was feeling very angry at him for him not understanding the reason why I was late without me having to tell him.

The students and the professor were all eating cake, they had huge slices of yellow-food cake with pink (and green/yellow?) frosting, and I was ticked-off I could not have a slice because I was not partaking in the class (?). I remember the professor holding his cake on a plate, standing there, berating me for "cheating" on his class by looking in ahead of time.

An old RL friend was there trying to console me, comfort me in some way while I stood there propping myself up on this weird cane. I got very fed up with being berated and understood that I was somehow "beyond needing any of this."

I headed down, or rather kind of just appeared, in the lobby of the university building. I was carrying a stack of books with me to the exit, which was a typical revolving glass door, except it was spinning too fast for me to enter. I was standing right at the edge of the rotating door, feeling it brush by my hands, knowing I could not enter because it would crush me.

Suddenly I am outside the building looking back at the door, holding the books with two hands while also holding myself up with the cane. Weird. It was daytime, time of day indeterminable, no direct sunlight. I observe that the revolving glass door is now rotating at incredible speed, and increasing.

To the right of this door is a large-screen projection TV behind a glass display case with some unknown show on.

As the door continues to increase in rotational speed, its diameter is shrinking more and more the faster and faster it spins, contrary to physical law. Faster and faster and faster it is spinning, and I can now feel and hear it vibrating. A sense of panic starts to develop as I sense great danger because of that door. Faster and faster and faster it keeps spinning, getting smaller and smaller, and is now sending ripples or waves through the "physical reality" of the structures around it, making the glass walls, floor and ceiling "shimmer". It starts to break up/interfere with the videostream playing on the TV on the right. Some Asian girl is now standing in front of the door and watching it with the curiosity of a small child, and I scream in my mind for her to get out of there, but she doesn't hear/pay attention to me. I am fearing for her life. (This might have been someone I knew in RL, from Taiwan, but I could not see her face in the dream. Most likely was just an unknown person.)

Now my old RL friend from before is to her left, and I try to tell him to get everyone the hell out of there, for him to get out of there, to get the bonk away from that door, but I cannot speak. Yet I know I am communicating with him through thought, and he just kind of stands there.

The "vibrating sound" is very loud now, the whole reality is "shimmering" with these ripples, the door an absolute blur, and I can sense it is about to explode/implode/whatever.

I start hobbling away with the books and no cane, and each step on my left leg sends a sharp pain through it, fearing for everyone inside the building.

I somehow see behind me without looking as parts of the door start to come free, and here the full dreaming state ended and I found myself in that funny place between dream and awake state, where the mind tries to fill in the rest of the detail. I stopped it from doing that and woke myself up.



Vivid astrals, tough to describe.

Bright sunny area with caves nearby. Am "living" in this cave network with RL ex-fiance'. Day and night transit very rapidly here...Day turns to night very quickly with no real twilight. There is something very very important in the night sky, and every night we have to view this object.

Upon dream start, it is daytime and there is an enclosed bulletin board downhill from this "cave area", and behind the plexiglass is a star-chart which shows where in the night sky this object is. I take out the star-chart and in glowing-white lettering are labels for the major objects. The object that is very very important is labeled "BBE", and right above it is an object labeled "BB9". "BBE" is the uber-important object that must be seen. It has some sort of connection with an ancient city. Nighttime comes and the object can be seen with naked eye with only dim fuzzy detail. Using some sort of "device" we have, we see the object as a less-dim fuzzy object, heh. But it is the most important stellar object in the sky for some reason. Very old, very ancient.

There are light sexual overtones throughout this one for some reason.

There is a dark-skinned man living in this weird cave area with us, total stranger, but is non-threatening. When daytime comes, somehow the sunlight is shining down through the ceiling of the cave complex.


New place, new dreamstate. Am in a large metropolitan city of some sort, and I have a subpoena to serve. It is neither day nor night, but rather both at the same time. It is dark-light. Lots of people and cars everywhere, have trouble finding a place to park. Find a place to park, and start walking to some unknown destination. I walk through a school-yard where tons of kids from broken homes and neighborhoods are leaving school. Kids everywhere of all ages, from like 8-15 YO.

I get to this company building and enter. In a large room is a lady behind a desk. I say I have an employment record subpoena for one of their employees. The woman calls on the intercom for some guy to come to the front desk. I notice there is a New York Post in the in/outbox on her desk, folded, but I can't make out any text.

The wall behind her turns transparent and I can see a large area of space behind her with desks, but no people. Some guy comes out from a door behind her to her right and asks who it is for. I show this gentleman the subpoena and say, "See, the subpoena is for..." On the sub is a very long company name, but I cannot read it. It is like blocked out. "Well, it doesn't matter", I say, "Because here is the authorization from...Michael E...Chiango? Chiako?" The guy says "Chiango, yes. But he doesn't work here."

At this point strange things happen all at once. In remembering back to this instant of the dream I am positive beyond all doubt that the first name for the deponent is Thomas E., and the last name was Ciako, Chiako, Ciango or Chiango. His address on the authorization was Albany, NY.

I immediately sense that these two people are lying through their teeth and have hostility toward me, but I can sense that the guy is working there, and was several floors above me.

I now have a flashback, in the dream, of going to the last known living address of this Thomas, and it is an apartment building with an enunciator board. I don't see the name on the board, and sense that he moved out long ago.

I point my hand toward the wall in the direction I entered the building, turn it transparent and tell the guy, "See that building there across the street? Thomas used to live there long ago." The guys nods and mumbles some things I cannot understand, but finishes with "...and anyway it would have to be processed through the Mobil corporation." He refuses to take the subpoena. I look back to the woman and the man, nod to myself and walk out. Just as I close the door I open the mail slot of the door and shove the subpoena through it. I can see the guy's legs, and he is walking briskly to the door. "You have been served, fool" I think to myself and take off running, to the left as you look outside. I can sense the guy chasing me. I round the corner of the building and see two choices...On the left is a staircase to the roof of the building, to the right in general is the metro area I came from. I decide to head to the right.

I am now wandering this city area again, and have completely forgotten where I parked the car, and I panic a bit because I know I can't leave this place without the car.

I come again to the same school-yard, kids are still everywhere. There are parents and teen brothers and sisters there as well, walking with them. I stop at the corner of this fence, and take my right arm and somehow raise myself straight up with my elbow on the fencepost so I can see over everyone's heads. So weird. Imagine putting your elbow laterally on somebody else's shoulder, pressing DOWN and feeling yourself move UP.

I see a staircase ahead that leads up to a street (as if this schoolyard were depressed 10 feet below street level.)

I am wandering the streets again, and there are still lots of people everywhere, but now I notice lots of cops also.

Shift now to some weird office space, where my RL client is working. His usual assistant is instead an old RL friend of mine named Patricia, and she hands me a piece of paperboard with two pieces of sticky tape on the back and asks me to paste it to some door before I leave. I stick it on some door and see an odd sequence of numbers on either end of this strip of paperboard.

I am now in a back room of this office, where there are old board games of all sorts, a shelf with an Atari 5200 that is half apart but still works (don't know how I knew this), and a bunch of old Atari 2600 cartridges in excellent shape. I am happy it still works and that there are two 5200 controllers with the unit, except they are not the normal kind with the analog stick on top and 12-digit keypad below it, but the stick is in the center and says "Atari 5200" in the upper-left corner of it.

Pretty much ended there.


A couple of notes here for the above...

A) I wrote that out as a pure journal entry on each morning-after, and in the context of a certain online guild I am a part of, so names might seem odd.

B) If many of the dreams seem to be centered around airplanes and airports, I would only say that this may have something to do with the fact that I am under the main approach path for JFK airport in NYC.  There are planes coming in at all odd-butt hours of the night...Big ones.  Perhaps them flying over have influenced the framework my dreaming consciousness has placed these memories.  It is something to consider.  But also consider that I have flight training experience as well.  Who the hell knows on that bit.

All I know is, these are wildly entertaining and complex dreams.  I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have experienced them, and if you care, I can push my journal to this website instead of my old guild.  (They were not that interested anyhow, unfortunatley  :-(((    )


Your dreams are interesting, I did think it was a bit odd that a lot of them had something to do with airports. Maybe that is a symbol of some sort...?
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Dr. Wayne  W. Dyer

Please visit Astral Planet.


Originally posted by G3MM4

Your dreams are interesting, I did think it was a bit odd that a lot of them had something to do with airports. Maybe that is a symbol of some sort...?

Hi there,

Look like you all are doing very very... wish I was so dilligent.

Kind wishes,

Stephen [:)]

P.S. Great thread Gemma [^]



I thought about it some, and in truth most of my dreams are not about airports; it's just that if you could put the vividness of dreams on a scale of 1-10, then many of the vivid ones in the 8 to 10 range involve aviation.  That's a more accurate way to say it, heh.

I don't get many of them as vivid as the ones posted below, as can be gleaned from the chronological span between them.  And if they are not of a certain level of detail, I don't bother writing them down because they don't read in any sensical manner.

Here's an example of one from last night that I would not have bothered to jot down.


I believe it started in some strange woman's house.  I know she was married, husband had just left.  Air-conditioner was running, and lots of water started flowing onto the carpet from the A/C, as if it was set-up to drain into the house.  Then LOTS of water started flowing into the house.  Lots, like the A/C was generating a small waterfall.  I open the window and look down at the A/C from above, and there is a wall of water flowing up, over the top and into the house.

Woman was trying to seduce me somehow (succubus?).  Then she was in a bathtub, telling me to look at her.  I told her it was wrong.  She kept flaunting her body in another room now, we eventually started kissing.  


Now the house is filled with the rushing sound of water.  Water is flowing everywhere from the huge rainstorm outside...I remember seeing lightning flashes.  The house had changed, now it was a huge old wooden house, water is running down from above all over the place, different floors...I checked the attic, the water was not coming from a leaky roof, it was dry in there...

I checked the basement, and to get to the basement you had to push down on one of those folding staircase-type deals that you usually use to get to an attic.  I push down the starircase and it open up into an outdoor field covered with a huge open-air hangar-type building.  So the house was in the attic of this outdoor environment(?)

Was a long building, next to a Home Depot.  Seems this is some huge structure my ex step-father was building for a business of some sort?  I go to one end where there is a vegatable garden growing, a strange man is there picking the crop.  He hands me a tomato, a large bunch of green bananas  (I clearly remember him saying they were some kind of "sweet..."  Can't remember, it's faded).  He says they are extras, to take them.  I take them somewhere, (all fading now)...

Shift to a large family gathering, many relatives from my dad's side of family are there, plus many strangers.  Some recognized me...


Well anyhow, as you can see, for me dreams that are not clear and vivid are impossible to write about in a coherent matter.

As I am in between jobs, I have more time to try and fall into a dream state, and usually what will happen is I will sleep normally, and then after waking up I will try to "fall asleep" again, and over the course of 3-4 hours, can induce another 2-3 dreaming sessions.

I wish I was able to get further and get lucid (I have done this only rarely, can't get the knack of it), or AP and whatnot, but I am too distracted mentally to practice any breathing exercises.  I am sure some wonderful adventures await me if I could do so, but alas, I'm stuck in this wacky dreaming rut for now.


Since I'm thinking about the subject, there's one more aviation dream I need to get off my dream-chest. [:P]

Never wrote it down, never told anyone about it before until now.  Some details are lost, and I can't even be sure of when I had it.  It was at least 2 years ago, maybe 4.  Somewhere between 2-4 I am sure of.  And the sucky thing is, I remember having it twice in a short time-span, perhaps a week between sessions.

It was night-time.  I was at a very large airport, somewhere.  It was very busy, busier than you would find at a real airport.  Planes would come in to land, planes would go an take-off.  Look, here comes a plane.  Holy excrement, it just flipped upside down and plummeted onto the runway.  Emergency equipment would come out and suddenly the mess would be gone.  A few minutes later, another one would turn on it's side after taking of, do these crazy cartwheels and crash.  Crash after crash after crash would occur through the night, and there were all these people around just staring, like people stare at car wrecks.

I kept thinking to myself, "Why on earth don't they stop this?  This is madness!  For God's sake, shut the airport down!"  It was as if this were just a normal occurence to these people, to this weird society.  Like a frickin' spectator sport.  Planes would collide, people would cheer.  Clean up the mess, another one comes down.  Like every 3-4 normal takeoffs and landings and then there would be a crash, and people were camped out around the place to watch.  Just utterly horrible.

That's all the detail I can, or care to, remember.  I'm not afraid of flying, and there is no trauma in my family or friend network involving airplanes at all.  Hell, I love to fly.

As much as I hate to admit to myself, I am absolutley sure I was entrenched in the dark side of the collective human psyche in this one.  People are way too interested in disasters for my tastes, heh.



Well I couldn't remember any of my dreams when I woke up today, so I will have to wait until next time I sleep to see what happens.

And if they are not of a certain level of detail, I don't bother writing them down because they don't read in any sensical manner.

IMO it's advisable to write down every dream you can remember, even if it's only a few vague details. It could help you improve your dream recall in some way. Look at one of my dreams, the last one that I noted down. It didn't make very much sense, and some of the things in there were very vague, but I still put it in.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Dr. Wayne  W. Dyer

Please visit Astral Planet.


That's good you can continue your dreams like that. I never did that!
your quote
IMO it's advisable to write down every dream you can remember, even if it's only a few vague details. It could help you improve your dream recall in some way. Look at one of my dreams, the last one that I noted down. It didn't make very much sense, and some of the things in there were very vague, but I still put it in.
This is good advise when keeping a dream journal.

your quote
As much as I hate to admit to myself, I am absolutley sure I was entrenched in the dark side of the collective human psyche in this one. People are way too interested in disasters for my tastes, heh.

Agree, I think you are picking up on what seems to be obvious paths of destruction.An airport and commercial planes do indicate collective thought imo.

Vibrational sounds do often sound like crashing.A long time ago (before I was into learning about dreams) I was hopping in bed one night. Suddenly I heard a crash. With my third eye (didn't know of such a thing then) I saw my ex mother-in-law fall, as if from a chair. It was as if the chair gave way from under her. It wasn't until recently (because I didn't keep a journal) I finally connected the vision or experience to her sudden death. I'm not sure what the symbolism of thinking about a chair meant. I wasn't around when she had her medical emergency, so I don't know why the chair. I was told she was in bed sleeping, and woke up not being able to breathe. There was a long time span between this experience and her actally dieing,so I was probably not putting the pieces together back then.

Your ex step father according to dream interpretations is giving you something. No matter if he is past or present in your life, a dream book suggests writting a dream out in the present tense. Food is nourishment.He gives you something consumable, something digestible for use. Digestion is important to understanding truth from false in daily awareness and functioning (living).

Cops are often symbols of regulation. It's the differences between your own sense of right and wrong compared to society's laws placed on you. Could the airport be the place you work out collective vs individual truths?

Your co-pilot is actually you. Your trusting another aspect of yourself to be in control, your being forced to take over the controls. Brakes are about control or knowing how to stop something. I'm not an experienced flyer, at least in the collective sense, I've just been a passenger.

I use colored (pastel) gel pens to write in my dream journal.When I type out a dream, I also have a tendency to use color as well. One morning I had three dreams to write. I reached in my pen bag for random colors. Each time I picked a color that was in the dream I previously wrote down.

I'm glad to hear your going to journal your dreams. The dreams you've already written down is enough to write a dream book. [;)]


Couldn't remember any from Thu night, and last night was "eh".


A room full of strangers, light levels were low.  They are all on my left.  To my right is a door leading outside, and it is bright and  sunny.  In walks a woman, and behind her is a cross between Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan.  Like a Jackie Lee, hehe.

He pulls out a throwing star, and throws it into the forehead of some guy to my left.  He starts twitching violently, and then falls to the floor.  He does this to like 6-7 people, point of view keeps changing during this, usually around the door area.  I think that these people are dead, but they are not I find out in a little bit.

He then hits me in the head with one, and I fall to the ground.  All the people that have these throwing stars in their heads are now on the left of this door as looking from the inside.  They are just kinda' there, laying down.  Then somehow there is an indication in the air "to begin", and the remaining people charge us that have these stars in our foreheads.  

The view is now from ground level, like I am in a crouching position.  The first person that charges me is some strange woman, and I deflect her to my left and hold her to the ground face down with my right hand on her neck.  I feel everyone else on top of me, like it's a huge pile of people wrestling each other.  I notice that this woman's neck is very thin.  I think to myself that she and I are going to sneak out of here.

Dream ends.


Oy vey.  Well, this one didn't seem to last too long.  Can't think of any details that need extra commenting upon.


Hmmm. I haven't been able to remember anything at all about any dreams I might have had since I wrote my last dream here. Why is this?

Is there some way of remembering them or something? It's like a light has been switched off.

I will tell you what I do when I'm going to sleep. I simply lie down, relax, tell myself that I will remember my dreams. I try not to let any worries or problems pop into my mind when I'm going to sleep, otherwise I don't sleep well.

Is there something I'm doing wrong here?
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Dr. Wayne  W. Dyer

Please visit Astral Planet.


I cannot help you with that, I don't know why I remember certain dreams or not.  :-(


Ah never mind. I did recall my dream today. It's 06.22AM now, I woke at 6AM after a weird dream that seemed very sexual. Gee... I don't know what is the matter with my brain...

Anyway, I dreamt I was at this house party, and I discovered some kind of drug, it was like an ink of some sort, very much like pen ink. I discovered that if I swallowed it, I'd get high.

I also saw my ex there (the one who hanged himself when I was 17), he was talking to me, but that part is very vague. It was my birthday, and a good looking guy gave me my post, and asked me why I was getting so much post, so I said it was my birthday. When I looked at some of the mail, there was a couple of postcards in it, and the pictures on these postcards were very sexually explicit. I'm not telling you what was on these cards... too rude to mention! LOL.

Also at some point in the dream, I saw these two HUGE dinosaurs at the party, they were real and everything. They were brown skinned, and had very long necks with small heads. They were harmless, no one was afraid of them. Sometimes they would stick their necks through the house, being nosy I guess. I've no idea what they were doing there, but they were standing outside.

At some point, I found myself standing at a small fountain, trying to swallow this drug that I was telling you about. it came in a slim container, very much like a pen, and I squeezed it over my mouth, and squeezed too much of the ink in my mouth, so I ended up spitting it back out.

Then I saw these really good looking girls over in the corner, and I can remember getting aroused by them. They seemed familiar but I couldn't quite place them.

The other thing that seemed very noticable was that the house was bathed in very bright light.

Weird or what?
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Dr. Wayne  W. Dyer

Please visit Astral Planet.


I couldn't remember any of my dreams last night. Also I have been experiencing extreme exhausion for the last couple of weeks. Wonder if that has anything to do with this subject?
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Dr. Wayne  W. Dyer

Please visit Astral Planet.



Nothing to update, couldn't remember any of my dreams today. Bah!
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Dr. Wayne  W. Dyer

Please visit Astral Planet.


Well... I have recently woken up, and I do remember some parts of my dream that I was having just before I woke up. Although it's  bit vague.

The irst thing I remember about my dream was that I was in bed with someone (gee... why does sex have to come into it...?), I'm not going in to details about what I was doing in bed! LOL

Mum and I were due to move house (We are thinking about moving house sometime soon...), and anyway, I was in bed with this guy who seemed familiar... I can't place who he is though. We fell asleep. The next thing, my aunty (who I haven't seen for more than ten years in real life) comes in and wakes me up. She tells me that it's time to get up and get ready to move house. I recall having a strong mixture of distrust and dislike for her. (In real-life this is true.)

Then I can remember talking to the guy I was sleeping with, and getting intimate again, but kept getting interupted by my aunt, which really irritated me.

I don't really remember much after that, as I kept momentarily waking up, then falling back to sleep, falling straight back into the same dream. Then I can remember watching a movie, and showing it to someone (a man) who got angry with me about it... not sure why exactly...

Then I woke up properly as I needed the loo.

I think the reason why my aunty was in the dream is because the area we want to move to is fairly close to where my aunty lives.

Any thoughts?
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Dr. Wayne  W. Dyer

Please visit Astral Planet.



Well I can remember some of my dream that I had just before waking up. I dreamt that I was a man, who had got run over by a maniac. It was very dark where I was, I was with a friend, and we were out skating. Then I can remember being run over by a light blue (or was it white...?) car... an old fashioned one that people used to drive in the 60's/70's. I had a massive pain in my stomach area, and was throwing up. The next thing I recall is being in hospital in agony, and being fed some food. Each time I swallowed, my stomach hurt like Hell. there were some people around me, they seemed familiar but I can't place them. I said to a nurse "Gee you're feeding me far too much food!", and she replied that I needed it.

That's all.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Dr. Wayne  W. Dyer

Please visit Astral Planet.


What a lovely dream ^_^


I hope you was being sarcastic... it was a dreadful dream... one that has no meaning to me.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Dr. Wayne  W. Dyer

Please visit Astral Planet.


Nothing new to report here, other than an odd dream about a dragon here or there. (Was red... it even breathed fire, too.  But it was kinda' violent).

Having trouble remembering anything remotley coherent.  Can't really write about something you cannot decipher into images/feelings.
