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Dream of relatives passed on

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I believe you man i talk to my dead grand father in my dreams all the time but that is probably because i can control my dreams and use them to my advantage.


I had a strange dream the other night that effected me quite a bit.  Not sure how much exactly it has to do with OOBE or projecting but I thought some might find it interesting perhaps.  [|)]

I've always heard of people projecting and talking to relatives that have passed on but never have done it or thought about trying anything like that before.  

I only remember bits and pieces of the dream so I'm going to try and put it together best I can here.  

Don't quite remember how the dream began exactly, only that I was in a grassy field, I remember saying to myself that I'd never seen grass so green.  I could feel it on my bare feet as it was slightly damp.  I remember laying down in the grass and looking at it, running my fingers through it as if I were looking for something in the blades of grass.  

Suddenly with a start I realized someone was sitting there watching me.  As I looked up I felt tremendous love and happiness, a huge smile came over my face.  It was my grandmother which has been dead for little over 7 years now.  We talked for what seemed like forever but my head was in a slight daze, all I can remember are impressions and images, thoughts and feelings not words exchanged per say.  Was almost like she was talking to me without talking and I just sat there absorbing it all.  At that time it felt perfectly natural.  It wasn't till after I'd awoken later on that it struck me as very odd.

The conversation itself is really fuzzy or what was said, or tried to be said rather because I'm not sure I understood what exactly what was going on.  All I do remember is having this feeling of not wanting to leave, the feeling of wanting to stay there with her.

At that point I think I started to wake up slightly because noises from the real world (girl friend sleeping and moving next to me) started to intrude.  For a quick moment it looked like my grandmother (in the dream) was snoring before I woke up, then I realized it was my girlfriend.  

I have to admit I was disappointed when I woke up. [V]  Felt like I'd lost something all over again, but the more I thought about the dream the happier I got.

About a year or so before my grandmother died she had lung cancer, had 1/3 of her lungs removed because of it.  After the surgery all she did was lay in bed and sleep.  I moved in with her after that to take care of her.  Worst thing I've ever gone through was to watch her slowly go down hill like that and die.

I felt myself slowly losing my sanity as I watched and took care of her best I could.  

Guess this dream eased that long term pain a little bit somehow, as well as brought up a few I thought weren't a factor anymore.  

Even tho it confuses me a bit still. [?]
