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Dreaming after death

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Hey everybody. I hope all is well! Hey i had a question... I went ahead and posted this in the dreams section because well you will see.

I have heard so many stories of the afterlife and what happens but one really stands out to me. I HOPE it's not the case. I guess the only way I will know is when I die... and when i get better at obe. Robert Bruce, whos back astral dynamics is really awesome...! said recently that when someone dies if they basically haven't mastered meditation or became like the dalai lama and are REALLY advanced you don't even have much choice in the afterlife. You die and very quickly it fades into dream mode... and without choice you just "automatically" come back to earth. This really shocked me because even tom campbell says you make choices in the afterlife. I think RB was saying was you lose awareness very quick after death and go into the "dream realms" I don't wanna put words in his mouth but on multiple occasions I have heard him say this. I can kinda see this maybe? He relates it to when people have an OBE they can only hold it for 5 mins if that.... (I can only hold it to minute)... and he says death is the ultimate obe and if you can't hold your awareness and have trouble controlling your thoughts you just start dreaming and come back to earth automatically. Boy I hope this isn't the case... I would think I have choices in the non physical too... and since I would no longer have this body maybe it would be easier to be present over there like it is here because that would be our primary reality... What do you think? It sounds like tom campbell says the exact opposite as does william buhlman... which is a little more comforting to me! If RB is right then pretty much all of humanity is coming back here over and over until they can master meditation and their thoughts. That's a lot of people coming back here over and over and over without even a choice :/

That being said I do see how this experience over time can fade into a dream because you will be living other lives etc and it wont matter much anymore... But you can just take you awesome experinces you had here with you and hold on to them forever in your spirit or your IUOC as tom calls it. I see it as more of a letting go.... I remember dreams I had when I was 4 years old so..... lol
John Kody, ere :) love from new york area


The theories you are describing are very close minded. No offense to whomever thought of them. For one, I can be in AP state for hours. I don't have problem holding my awareness. A few times I stayed so long that I even questioned isn't it time to go back. And I tried snapping back and I couldn't. Then I thought that my body may have died since I am not snapping back. LOL.
I have communicated with deceased loved ones who some of tings happening in the present here, so they have been there for a while and they seemed very happy. The multiverse contains so many realities of all kind of frequencies with endless worlds, endless types of characters on all levels. Not just here and there as we think. It's everywhere, if you can comprehend what do I mean. The reincarnation is not what we think. It is a lot more complicated. If you can comprehend that everything exists at any point in the multiverse. Past, present, future as we understand it, as well as all characters your soul possesses. Everything exists now, and your soul at this moment is experiencing endless types of characters in endless parts of the multiverse at this very moment. Time and space do not exist the way we perceive it here. Without this understanding, one cannot possibly grasp the idea of the soul's eternal journey.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


MarsZM asks a great question here, and one I have frankly avoided the last couple years since I didn't have a fully formed answer.

LightBeam gives a great answer with which I agree, but I will offer this distinction:

As a population of Earth, we are approximately 7 billion.
We are, like schoolchildren, at different levels of development...the one level we, here at the Pulse are concerned spiritual development. I think that the majority of Earth's population does likely recycle in a fairly automatic fashion. It's not right or wrong, it's just the system. When you are ready to break out of the system, you will.

Personally, I think that level of development translates directly to where we find ourselves within the Afterlife when we do transition.

In my own understanding, it was 2013 when Szaxx responded to my Fieldtrip post with the mention of the 'second personality'...a subtle reference that only occurred to me a year later as an idea worth exploring...

Further research showed me that it was obviously important to the Egyptians in that they came up with the Egyptian Book of the Dead...and several hundred years later it was important enough that the Tibetan Book of the Dead was written...both treatises were used to assist the dead in their navigation of the Afterlife NP world. The message being- these people took it seriously.

To reinforce Mars' question, I will reframe it this way-

If you suddenly die tomorrow, just what state of awareness do you assume you will become conscious within? A coma, a lethargic state, a dream state, an actively conscious state? I happen to think that is a big question. And I am not sure that any of us can assume a guaranteed answer.

So that may be why meditative practice and our NP explorations may be 'very' important...IDK that's just been my bothersome question for a few years...and why I think the Pulse may be just a little important...your present dream personality is the one you will have when you just how confident do you feel with that?

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Think about NDEs, altough we could argue that you are not 'really' dead then.

Still ..., most of them ar not in a unlucid dreaming state, actually I did not read any account that said so (and I read many from books and online sources). Most are highly lucid.

What Robert maybe talks about is the many people who are confused after death and end up in the lower astral as they are bound to earth and attachments, or some that also end up in BSTs. They are indeed many, but not all.

I hope I will NOT be one of them (and I am NOT good at meditation honestly).


I think you struck a chord with this question. I know your thoughts highly remind me of ones I used to have. Mine centered around Christian beliefs (that's my upbringing). How was King David so favored by God when he did despicable things? How could this man go to heaven while many others could not? Bear with me for the answer I finally arrived at is actually one answer to the question you pose although I admit it is still a work in progress.

I finally figured out it was the state of a person's mind (their own belief system) that would determine where they went upon death. Live a holy life but think you won't make it and you won't. Live an evil life but think in the end God will save you and he will.

So that begs the question; what state of mind will you be in when you die or as you are dying? I think that is the golden question. And how can you ensure yourself of being where you want to be once you are kicked out of your physical body? I think as EV pointed out that might be the whole point of this forum. Practice!
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Excellent replies all to a very deep thought provoking question!
Quote from: Nameless on November 19, 2019, 22:55:52
So that begs the question; what state of mind will you be in when you die or as you are dying? I think that is the golden question. And how can you ensure yourself of being where you want to be once you are kicked out of your physical body? I think as EV pointed out that might be the whole point of this forum. Practice!
All I can add to this is that William Buhlman's workshops today are based on this entire topic. He teaches people how to be "aware" at the time of their transition, so they can don't get lost in the shuffle, per se.
...and there are many other videos to be found on YouTube where William is talking about this very subject.

As stated above by others here, no one is going to know what happens for sure until we have transitioned over fully ourselves. All we have to go on is what we have been shown via our own NP I like EV's suggestion to "practice". It never hurts to be prepared!  :wink:
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on November 20, 2019, 03:46:18
Excellent replies all to a very deep thought provoking question! All I can add to this is that William Buhlman's workshops today are based on this entire topic. He teaches people how to be "aware" at the time of their transition, so they can don't get lost in the shuffle, per se.
...and there are many other videos to be found on YouTube where William is talking about this very subject.

As stated above by others here, no one is going to know what happens for sure until we have transitioned over fully ourselves. All we have to go on is what we have been shown via our own NP I like EV's suggestion to "practice". It never hurts to be prepared!  :wink:

"Higher Self Now!" - that's one of his mantra-trademarks (next to "Awareness Now!" or "Clarity Now!" "Higher Level Now!" or "I'm Out-of-body Now!").  8-)


Thanks for the awesome replies everybody :-))

Volgerle - haha yeah! I just don't wanna be shouting that the entire time while in the non physical I can just see myself having a conversation with someone and shouting those affirmations over and over!  :lol: :?
John Kody, ere :) love from new york area