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Fear of never flying

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I do not recall ever flying in a dream. I have jumped into the air really high, like above tall trees. I have done some Matrix/Ninja type moves like the movies. The ones like climbing walls, impossible jumps and twists, etc. But no flying that I recall.
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


flying is a common feature of dreams ...and mostly it symbolises freedom. But obviously if you crash into things then thats no good.

holy reality

if you can lucid dream you can teach yourself to fly.... just keep at it.... if you have to, jump off a skyscraper or something or a big cliff, if you're ever lucid in a situation where you're on one... you may hit the ground but you may be able to figure out how to manipulate where you are falling and maybe alter your speed and stuff like that and get a feel for it.

also tell yourself you are going to fly about 100 times while you're trying to fall asleep, and actually believe it...

i hate crashing into things though, when you are lucid your mind is like "you can't fly, what in the world are you doing?" "you're going to hit power lines, be careful" all these little self doubts that keep throwing me back down to the ground...

last night i was flying over a pool of crocodiles and of course i'm like "i hope i don't lose control and fall into the pool" and of course, just that very thing happened, almost.. i was thinking that because it's still really hard for me to fly for prolonged periods of time unless i'm in a dream scene which has no ground or the ground is wayyy far away.

the best dreams for flying are in which you aren't fully lucid, you know in the back of your head that you are dreaming, but you aren't aware enough to remember that for more than a few seconds... it makes you do things like flying and all the stuff you do lucid normally, but you still treat the dream as if it's real, to a degree, and you don't deviate from the plot too much.

if you're really really aware mentally it can be hard to overcome fear and doubt when trying to fly or go through walls, etc.


Originally posted by m0d0
Ok, no doubt sometime in your life you've talked to friends about dreams and regaled about the dream you had where you would fly. Everyone i speak to has had a least one dream where they flew.
I however have no dream like that to speak. When i have taken to the air in a dream, ive been either thrown (from a rollercoaster), catapulted, swept up (in a tornado) but never have i flown of on my own.
I wonder if anyone else is the same?
I'd loved to hear any comments you have to offer.

Well maybe you have but just don't remember it.
I myself have lots of dreams about flying but can't fly very high which is strange because I don't have a fear of hights. When I OOBE I have more trouble with flying than I do in my dreams which is also strange to me since you would think it would be easier when you are aware and know you should be able too.

In the end it will not matter one way or the other when It comes to OOBE's.



you would think it would be easier when you are aware and know you should be able too.

In fact, I think the opposite...  As I said in another flying thread, the more I am lucid, the less odd things (like flying) I can easily do...  One theory is that it's a battle between the conscious (who thinks that flying is impossible) and the unconscious (who thinks that flying is possible)...  The more lucid, the stronger the conscious part...

If you can't take off easily, you could try to swim in the air...  Or maybe use some props you create, like a rocket pack or something.
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


Originally posted by Nagual

you would think it would be easier when you are aware and know you should be able too.

In fact, I think the opposite...  As I said in another flying thread, the more I am lucid, the less odd things (like flying) I can easily do...  One theory is that it's a battle between the conscious (who thinks that flying is impossible) and the unconscious (who thinks that flying is possible)...  The more lucid, the stronger the conscious part...
If you can't take off easily, you could try to swim in the air...  Or maybe use some props you create, like a rocket pack or something.

Yeah I know, it really just makes me mad more than anything. If I jump off a building than I hover along well enough. Your right, living in the physical world makes you get use to things working a certain way and it is hard to unlearn something like that. I just keep on trying, sooner or later its going to get better.[^]

I really wanted to zoom up really high and see the earth get smaller and smaller but it'll have to wait.


holy reality

"I really wanted to zoom up really high and see the earth get smaller and smaller but it'll have to wait."

I'm not sure how possible that is... I'm sure you could if you had a vivid imagination, and being a pilot or flying a lot would help... but it's like....

I can transition scenes, from a low altitude scene to a high altitude scene, where i'm in the clouds, but there is no ground, ever, you may see a ground and fall through it, or you may not see a ground yet be standing on something... there's just very rarely any sense of height or speed while flying in my experience, the visuals are there, but they aren't accurate.

I have flow up into "space" and it's disappointing to say the least... I end up phasing into it.. I just stare at the sun or at something straight above me and try to force myself up as hard as I can, and after a while I'm in space, usually looking down at earth, but it's more like phasing and not actually gaining so much altitude that you go through the atmosphere like you're actually flying there.

And at least for me, space doesn't look real, it looks cartoon like and unvivid.... :/

Is anyone else that way?


I had both extremes:  Some dreams looked soooooo real; so detailed/precise!  Almost clearer than "reality"...  And other times, some dreams looked soooo fake; there was no life; everything looked like cardboard/plastic...  I hate the fake ones; I always get an intense feeling of loneliness when I have these dreams...
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


Well it would seem that I was almost born with the ability and pontential to fly in my dreams.
When I was very young about anywhere from 1- 4 years old I began involuntary leviating on my own which later on as I grew stronger and older lead to flying when I was about 5 years old.
In my dreams I can fly very fast and shoot up very high all the way up into the clouds but I can never enter space because of the pressure and lack of air.
But with all things one has to practice very hard at it.
I used to practice running and jumping to obtain lift off around the apt. when I was a little girl so I would be ready when I was in the dream world to acheive flight.
Now I just make sure I'm asleep and often practice by jumping off of things like the side of my balcony.
I am always lifted up by a natural buoyency like that found in a pool and I come back of and fly off from there.

holy reality

Is it just me, or is jumping off of a tall building and letting yourself hit the ground really fun?

Like this one time I went lucid, and I'd just go up in this building and jump off of it over and over again, and people were looking at me strangely.

At first I had a parachute and for some reason I'd be at that moment a few seconds before landing for an extremely long time...

Then I decided, well... let's not open the parachute.... thump, I'm laying on the ground, get up, get in an elevator, and go back up to do it again.

Lol... that was a fun dream.. I think I tried to fly to the top of the building but I was trapped inside some sort of dome and had to use the elevator to get out.



It so is!!!!

One of my most fondest dream experiences was falling off a building -

The setting was a tall city like New York, ones with those massive sky-scraper type buildings. I was on the ground in an alley way next to one of these giant sky-scrapers. Looking to the wall it had one of the metal fire escape, stair cases running all the way up to the top.

So i start my climb to the top and when i reach it, it's just like im on a platform, no roof features what so ever. No sooner had i reached the top i jumped over the edge. Falling at a rate of i don't know what.

Next thing i know is my face slamming into the concrete sidewalk. Having realised this whole process didnt hurt i got up, brushed myself off and heading back up the stair case to repeat the process.

I repeated exactly the same thing about 4 times. Non of this was Lucid i had no control (Or didnt feel as though i did) The only conscious decision i made in the whole dream was going back up those stairs for another ride.

I loved, can't wait to do it again but this time with FULL knowledge of what im doing. Maybe i'll fly off the platform next time or something. The possibilities as you probably know are endless. Can't wait!! hehee


Thanx for everyones replies by the way.

It's greatly appreciated.




Now, when I am really really lucid, I usually end up hesitating for a few seconds before jumping... [|)]  It looks soooo real that I can't help asking myself "Ok, it's a dream, no problem!  Hum... is it really a dream?  Hum...  Ahh...  Hum...  Maybe I should...  Hum..." [:D]
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


When I was lucid for the first time I couldn't fly, but I could jump really high. So I jumped around looking for someone to teach me, in the end I just looked at the person and I flew by myself.


I remember a dream i had once where i was riding a roller coaster and my seat came loose as the coaster hit a bend.

I veered from the track and was catapulted through trees (Much like Ash in Evil Dead II hehee).

This dream happened the day before i went to Alton Towers (A big UK theme park). Great Timing i thought! hehee


I fly sometimes when i dream but when i like it stop flying little by little[V]

holy reality

how many of you can fly really fast?

Two nights ago I drove my uncles truck through the air and I was going REALLY fast, faster than I'd ever gone before, though it was hard to not hit buildings and stuff...

but... last night I had a jetpack somehow and I forced it past 100 mph but I was just really slowly rolling down the road...

is there any key to flying fast or is it just really hard to do in certain types of dreams?

I haven't really figured that one out yet.


Hey all.

Ok, no doubt sometime in your life you've talked to friends about dreams and regaled about the dream you had where you would fly. Everyone i speak to has had a least one dream where they flew.

I however have no dream like that to speak. When i have taken to the air in a dream, ive been either thrown (from a rollercoaster), catapulted, swept up (in a tornado) but never have i flown of on my own.

I wonder if anyone else is the same?

I'd loved to hear any comments you have to offer.

