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My friend [;)] uses a lot of energy when she does that (trying to dream in "reality", do telekinesis, etc). Then there isnt enough left to be conscious enough in dreams to remember or control them.


I have never noticed a difference, but I'll Definitly think about it next time.


My friend uses more marijuana than a normal user, so she will know its effects better.


Personally I against using marijuana for purpose of spirituality or even recreation although other people have the freedom of choice to use them.
False induction of vision and experience only clouds the reality of the universe.


"False induction of vision and experience only clouds the reality of the universe."

Thats why you should use marijuana to see the reality of the universe. A brain not properly functioning because of its lack of marijuana couldnt possibly see correctly. Most people dont see that reality. Most people dont use marijuana. Where are you getting the idea that most peoples' normal view of reality is superior?


Pot causes temporary memory loss and therefore negatively affects dream recall. I don't recommend it. I have heard that a small pinch of powdered shrooms in some tea can induce lucid dreams/OBE's/visions. Of course I will not promote it.[;)]


GTP where are you getting that information? If you're talking about psylocibin mushrooms then the answer would be 'no'. Psychedelics deter the mind's ability to sleep so it would just be a waste.


Notice I said "small pinch". As in very small quantity.[;)]

Psychedelics deter the mind's ability to sleep so it would just be a waste.

Very small doses of mushrooms before sleep will act as a sedative and dream enhancer, however in larger doses it will impaire sleep. I don't remember where I got this info but I know it to be true from experience.


Impairing normal sleep helps with REMEMBERING lucid dreams/obe because the conscious mind is more active.


Well, I will have to try this in the future.



i wouldn't try 2 project when smoking dope.  months ago i had some skunk it was the strongest i've ever had and me crown chakra went mad i had 2 get up cos i was getting really parinoid thinking about negs 2 b honest i think i could have quite easily have projected but i don't think it's worth the risk


You cause that risk to be much higher by thinking about it.


about earlier when u talked about shrooms helpin u lucid dream with a small pinch, that is believable, because caffeine keeps u awake, but sometimes ill have a pepsi right in bed then go to sleep and ill have a lucid dream like right away.  one time i had a pepsi and went to bed at 11 then had a very vivid dream where i became lucid in the end and woke up at 11:40.  just thought id like to share this if anybody is uncomfortable with drugs and is ok with soda ya know/
Luke E.

Are you Dreeeaaminggg?


Slap a nicotine patch on before you go to sleep...  




You guys are too much.  DQ: That's an interesting point w/the soda.  

beavis: lmfao: "A brain not properly functioning because of its lack of marijuana..."


yes, think about the anandamide receptor in the is there in our brains for a precise reason, no ?[8D]


can you fill me on what this receptor is and what it means to this thread?


I don't know about you guys, but I always get really strong vivid dreams after I smoke pot.
We are not truly lost, until we lose ourselves.


Anandamide is a natural brain chemical. THC in marijuana also fits in the anandamide neuroreceptor.


I actually recently smoked aome POT to see,but i had no dreaming at all. Normally I dream all the time, but why not then. Only the pope knows.



Have a question that deals with marijuana and dreams. I notice that the frequency of my pot use, especially when it is near sleep at night, affects my dreams and dream memory recall. If I can abstain for a few days, I notice that the dreams get more colorful and are easier to remember. I realize that the cure for this problem would just be to stop smoking (a little hard when you have 5 college roommates). Has anyone dealt with this inconveinance of the mind before and may offer some insight onto why this occurs in the first place? I theorized that the area that is responsible for dreams, OBE, mystic types of phenom that would occur naturally, well that area is suddenly opened up, flooded with thought and stimuli until the mind is sore. External dream chemicals I guess.

my computer is trying to play soul to squeeze but its running too slow and keeps chopping it all up, that g5 will be here soon...