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Plague in 2009:Read this it could be important!!!!

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Euphoric Sunrise

Unless i hear other things about this virus/plague (this is the first i've heard of it), i won't be worried. I personally find the concept of prophetic dreams to be very hard to grasp. Of course that doesn't mean i'll discard this... warning?
"The soul is never silent, but wordless"
* Emperor - The Tongue of Fire



you hope it does happen?? why??

there's book out called 'the hot zone' i think. it's about how a virus is going to come about and wipe out a lot of stuff, i think, but i've never read it. and then there's the biblical prophecy from genesis, that states more or less that the oceans are going to be poisoned from above and many people will die. (you'll have to look up the exact quote, i don't remember it)

What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


I am immortal. I do not fear death of this body.


so is everyone else. that's not a reason to wish suffering upon the whole earth. though you may never lose consciousness forever, you *can* still suffer and feel pain while here in the physical.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Pain is an illusion. Those who suffer have the option of suicide, no pain or suffering. I am here to watch the end of the world, which isnt too far away. I'd rather it be sooner than later so I dont waste too much of my time.


I am immortal. I do not fear death of this body.

You are an unwashed,heathen,bastard.  If you lose your body you are not immortal.  Immortal means that your body will last forever not your spirit.Quick definitions (immortal)

noun:   a person (such as an author) of enduring fame (Example: "Shakespeare is one of the immortals")
noun:   any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force
adjective:   not subject to death


[xx(] You know how many "End of World declarations" I have lived thru? A new one comes out every year.

Guess I will just keep on living and not worry about it [:)]

[;)] Nay.


Yeah, Nay you are probably right.  It could be just a dream and I really don't think that I have the power or the authority to prophecy but I just thought that you guys would be interested in it.  I swear for all that I am worth that I did not make this up but I would not worry about it if I were you.


Anything is possible
It is impossible for me, in my current state, without any outside influence or help to travel faster than the speed of light, is it not?


I totally believe that you had that dream..I wasn't lessening your experience, I promise.  I have had some really fantastical dreams in my years and I swear they feel real.  I was just saying that sooo many predictions over the years have fallen flat.  Geez, now watch it happen..that would SUCK! [B)]

[;)] Nay.



You have some pretty awesome dreams! Sounds like you could make a movie out of them. I personally don't think it's any sort of prophecy, I think it's probably representative to something going on inside you.

Ever seen/played Resident Evil? It's kinda funny cuz that's pretty similar to that series.

Euphoric Sunrise

Originally posted by warlockyoshi

Anything is possible
It is impossible for me, in my current state, without any outside influence or help to travel faster than the speed of light, is it not?

If you say it is impossible then it will be [:D][:o)]
"The soul is never silent, but wordless"
* Emperor - The Tongue of Fire


It is impossible for me, in my current state, without any outside influence or help to travel faster than the speed of light, is it not?


If you say it is impossible then it will be

Okay, explain how you would travel faster than the speed of light at your house just sitting in a chair, without any outside influence, in your current state to travel faster than the speed of light.


Hey Warlockyoshi, Didn't you start that virus by expereminting on the deer?[:O]Your Secret is revealed.[^]

Euphoric Sunrise

Originally posted by warlockyoshi

It is impossible for me, in my current state, without any outside influence or help to travel faster than the speed of light, is it not?


If you say it is impossible then it will be

Okay, explain how you would travel faster than the speed of light at your house just sitting in a chair, without any outside influence, in your current state to travel faster than the speed of light.

I never said i could do it or that anybody could do it. All i said was it was possible to do it. So many people confuse the word 'possible' with something like 'simple', 'natural', or they think 'possible' means that people can and are doing it.
"The soul is never silent, but wordless"
* Emperor - The Tongue of Fire


So see it is impossible for you, in your current state(no knowing how) without any outside influence (divine or astral) to travel faster than the speed of light.  It is physically impossible for anyone without the use of machinery, concious or unconcious alteration of the physical body, or divine intervention to travel faster than the speed of light is it not.  How would you?  You can't if you don't know how.

Euphoric Sunrise

Read my reply to your thread in the philosophy section. Of course it's possible for me to do it now, i just don't know how. And yes it's possible for me to know how, it's just very hard to find out and to execute.
I'm sure i won't convince you, but that's fine. This debate is going nowhere. Everybody has their beliefs and philosophies, and that's great, i respect that about a person. We aren't going to convince each other [:D]
"The soul is never silent, but wordless"
* Emperor - The Tongue of Fire



you are one of those people that close their minds down too quickly.

have you ever thought about how fast you are traveling as you sit there in that chair without any influence from anywhere? we might be traveling at the speed of light and we dont even know it.

think about it. the earth is spinning... thats 1 speed to ponder
the earth is circling the sun............thats 2 speeds
our solar system is circling in the galaxy...thats three
our galaxy is spinning around in the universe...thats four
and our universe is spinning around something...thats five
(we just dont know what yet)

we have no idea how fast we are expanding away from the core of the big bang. and we are probably traveling in other directions and speeds i havent thought of yet.

this is why i think teleportation is not possible. at any given time the time/space coordinates are having to be factored in from many different sources. i think its too hard to pinpoint down.
the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing in the face of it.


if we were travelling at the speed of light right now, our sense of sight would be messed up. we wouldn't see anything, or else just see a few distorted shapes every now and then. but that's only if we survive being vaporized.. e=mc^2, yes. we don't feel like we're spinning, because we're a part of it. but if we were going that fast we would disintigrate. i would say that'd be fun to watch, things disintigrating, but you wouldn't even be able to see it o.O
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


ok i do agree that we are not traveling at the speed of light. but we are cruising pretty fast.
the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing in the face of it.


i just read an article recently that we're in constant acceleration. there was a time long ago when our flying outwards in the universe was slowed, but now we're speeding back up. scientists say the physical universe will eventually be travelling at the speed of light outwards in all directions by the gravity of some unknown, invisible matter (dark/black matter). pretty weird stuff.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Interesting dreams.  I hope I don't come across as an butt, but I have to be 100% myself and say, you're a jerk Warlockyoshi. Jerk!

Interesting dreams though, sounds like the virus makes you a mix between an evil super saiyan and a vampire.


This was a really interesting post. Funny dream. :D
warlockyoshi-if you dont agree with someones opinion...dont try and change their mind, because it wont work. o_o;


the earth is an outside influence is it not.  You are be no less "closed minded" than I.
why am I a jerk
I was debating not tring to change his/her mind.  There is a difference you know.  Debating is a process by which new ideas are produced.  you decide what to do with those ideas personally, you can either except them and add on to your personsal theories and idealogies or discard them and live in ignorance.  I am merely tring to learn from this experience I am not trying to convince anyone that my ideas are the only way to think.