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Presenting a question for a Dream simulation?

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  So I have recently read on information from Kurt Leland about how some dreams can be personal dream zone simulations to help deal with problems, answer questions for waking life and more and even the same for higher states of consciousness lessons as it is a personalized zone. And that at this area or simulation experience anything can be answered.

So my question would be how would one present a problem or question to be answered?
None of my questions are whats the winning lottery numbers or anything like that, they would fall under life's purpose, personal spiritual/consciousness growth and the such.
Good and evil are not conditions imposed by some benevolent deity, but states the soul must experience in order to surpass them and awaken.
-Neville Goddard


my suggestion would be once you become lucid find a person you can trust, like your parents, friend in your environment, then ask a question that is on your mind, you'd be surprised at the answer you'd get back, its your sub conscious really that's answering the question, that you really already know the answer to. good luck, keep us posted on your findings.


I usually try what you noted Bloodshadow that but 9 times out of 10 when I become lucid the dream ends quickly, and this is noted by Leland that if you are in a simulation that is currently giving a lesson and you become lucid it usually ruins the lesson so your guides or helpers that are monitoring you usually abort the simulation causing you to wake up. Only one time I became half lucid and I asked a guru like person that I took as a teacher of mine and I did get an answer to the question but the dream ended before I could continue on.

To get an idea if you haven't read any of leland's work here are some links to his work, one is to a page talking about the simulation idea and the other is a post from this forum in which I found the link.

This is the link to Leland's article

That link was found through the post here
Good and evil are not conditions imposed by some benevolent deity, but states the soul must experience in order to surpass them and awaken.
-Neville Goddard


see this is just an idea like you said its not fact, meaning in my opinion you are becoming the product of who you are listening to, you believe what he is saying about your guides not being able to help after becoming lucid, more than not, the characters in your regular dream state are just dream character playing out scenarios, but when you become lucid them take on a different occupation I want to say, in a regular dream everything is just jumbled together, but when you lucid you can really take on and pay close attention to beings like your guides and ask the questions you want answered you can't do that in a regular dream, when you become lucid you are more aware of the situation, and react and ask more questions if need be, no auto pilot or unpredictability's on your part. but again this is my opinion and perspective, I would say you need to get a better take on things unless what he is saying makes sense to you, cause it doesn't to me.


Bloodshadow, you make a particularly excellent insight about the Non-Physical in that the question arises -How much of what I read/listen to from various authors changes or shapes my beliefs and therefore my experiences in the NP?

The answer is that yes, it can and does; especially in the NP environment which is variably reactive to your thoughts and emotions.

So, finding an author whose perspective you can identify/resonate with can be very important. That's why I think it is good to gather many perspectives keeping in mind they will differ, but they are essentially describing the same thing.

Given enough personal experience, you begin to build your own "translation table" as Leland refers to his.


I am glad that you found this excellent Leland article on Simulations. I found it very helpful in distinguishing certain issues that I was facing at the time in my LDs. I don't pretend to have every answer for why a LD abruptly ends, but I have found that there can be very subtle reasons that were not apparent to me at first.

This is my current thinking: A LD can end immediately as your lucidity spikes up, you realize that you are aware and that spike of excitement takes awakens you. That is teaching you about controlling your emotions. The next subtle distinction, I realized after reading some of Leland's articles: You may have a perfectly valid question that you want an answer to, but the LD has already been designed to take you in another direction; and if you resist the lesson being offered...again, the simulation is ended. In fact, the simulation may have been set up to answer your question in a way you don't initially recognize. They don't want to just give you a verbal/telepathic answer, they want to give you a symbolic challenge that will do many things at once: Give you a physical/emotional/mental challenge that will allow you to answer your own question and with deeper understanding and value. Plus, they get to observe you in how you react and handle the challenge, to see what your natural abilities and strengths are.

Here are a couple of my Phasings and LDs from a couple years ago along with some excellent insights that were very helpful.
In the first one, I phased initially and had the clear intent to experience whatever was the next lesson I should have, provided by whatever guidance I was encountering; nothing more specific than that.

In this one, several months later, I had a definite intent to phase and visit somebody but was perceptive enough to recognize that my guide had something else in mind and so I didn't resist.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


To Bloodshadow, I do understand it is just an idea and not fact, everyone's experiences with in their dreams, and astral and such states are different from everyone else yet there can be some similarities for a few people, if their weren't it be impossible to get ideas across. I am actually quite a skeptical person and I take everything with a grain of salt and have gone through many other peoples ideas of how things work when dealing with dreams and and the such, yes Leland's works vibe with me a bit more than other peoples and like I noted I do know that they are probably not fact. And I thank you for your thoughts and insights.

To EscapeVelocity, I don't typically become excited when I become lucid I have good control so far over my emotions when dealing with dreams and the such, my issue similarly would be keeping my thoughts straight as I do have a rather bouncy mind so sometimes when I become lucid I cant think of what to do next... maybe this, or that, no this, how about that... that sort of thing, though I have been working on that its not as bad as It used to be when I started. Sometimes I would like a good conversation even if the answer isn't simple and I have to fight with deep riddles a good conversation can do wonders and go a long way and I don't tend to ever get nice conversations... always tends to be action this action that, not everything is fought with a sword I say, sometimes you have to use your words or the idea of. Ill be sure to read your experiences, you have been a great help so far.

I read your experiences, to the first the one about avoiding water, I have to say I have never had a dream where there were any given rules given or noted in any form or idea that a lesson was taking or going to take place. I have had dreams that have taken place in schools, most of the time though I was just visiting like I had graduated and was visiting my old teachers. I actually had one last night like that where I was just visiting. A very few of them I was actually the teacher or to some degree usually an assistant or someone giving a lecture for a day. The times where I am actually a student I am usually making a transition from one class room to the next like walking across campus from one room to another, but I never make it to the next class room no matter how hard I try. Only one case do I remember being a student in an actual class but no lesson was going on and I was playing a strange card game with a fellow student.

I have had plenty of non lucid dreams that I do believe have had lessons behind them that have played out all the way through that I have watched play out and written down when I awoke.

To your second I have never had a situation where lucidity has diminished and then returned as after becoming lucid the experience might last 2-3 minutes at most enough to ask a brief question and then I would awake. I have what I call skips where one scenario or dream would end and another would begin but I can recall roughly when the skips happen almost like its just walking through a doorway and one ends and the next starts. But never lapses once lucidity was gained, just would wake up after a very short amount of time.
Good and evil are not conditions imposed by some benevolent deity, but states the soul must experience in order to surpass them and awaken.
-Neville Goddard


Quote from: Phalanx on May 13, 2016, 22:31:33
To EscapeVelocity, I don't typically become excited when I become lucid I have good control so far over my emotions when dealing with dreams and the such, my issue similarly would be keeping my thoughts straight as I do have a rather bouncy mind so sometimes when I become lucid I cant think of what to do next... maybe this, or that, no this, how about that... that sort of thing, though I have been working on that its not as bad as It used to be when I started.
Hui Phalanx. You need to create your intent BEFORE you go to sleep or practice conscious AP.

I use the intent to be "taken to where I need to be and shown what I need to see, to be taught what I need to learn". Then I "ALLOW" that to occur. It is too easy to get lost and "flit" all around. Sometimes it's like being a little kid again. You almost feel like you have ADD. One second you are doing one thing then look a "squirrel" and now your attention is on caught up on that, lol.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 Thanks Lumaza for your post, over all I am keeping my dream journal up which is to a degree bothersome for me because I have an average of 3-5 dreams a night that I recall and they never tend to be short dreams I end up writing a few pages front and back for each. I am currently going to try to interpret them for a while and see what I get. So far results are varying.

But recently I had a dream that has brought up an issue I thought was solved, and it deals with that idea of negative entities. I don't think the scenarios of the dream has anything to do with it as "it" has showed itself in a variety of situations. But over the course of the dream this entity would show up and ruin what ever is going on. I can always tell that it is coming because it has a presence that builds up usually quickly like in 3 seconds sometimes a bit longer where you know it is coming, and could possibly stop it. I have delayed it a few times by doing something like locking a door but the only time I ever stopped it I changed the time of day from night to day when I was able to become lucid. Its presences is strange kind of odd to explain, it is like breathing in with an aahhhHHHHH and everything gets a bit heavy and then once the breath is full or presence is built up it lets out a shrilling high pitched scream, it doesn't always do this scream though. This thing or what ever it tends to be shows up randomly, sometimes when I begin to become lucid usually ruining the chance. And usually when it shows up as it gets closer everything grows dark like the dream is melting away, when it gets to close or makes physical contact the dream instantly ends. I have tried many things in dealing with it, asking its name, what it wants, where its from, even when I was out of ideas I tried using the... may god and christ help me, didn't work. I have fought it, usually this would require after waking up attempting to dive back into the dream and maintain awareness so that it was a induced lucid dream, at which point I would beat the ever loving ^%$# out of it which this induced dream would only last long enough to ask it a question or such, like 5 seconds or so this is usually where I would ask its name etc etc, though not at the same times I beat it up, the beating it up came at later dreams after the ones I asked the questions... sorry for language but there is no better way of putting it. I have tried hugging it, offering it light and love and understanding, nothing works, and it never answers.
Aside from its presence which is unsettling, I am not scared of it or anything its more of an annoyance than anything else in that it ruins what ever is going on and refuses to answer. It doesn't seem to be aggressive just really really really.... *hours later*... really really really annoying.
Good and evil are not conditions imposed by some benevolent deity, but states the soul must experience in order to surpass them and awaken.
-Neville Goddard


 Phalanx, tests, quests and challenges, that's what our Dreams are all about. Experiences and experiencing. It's what you do in those experiences that counts though.

Your "negative entity" here was likely your Teacher/higher self. It kept on creating situations that you had to "consciously" overcome. Not only did it keep you consciously longer in the scenario at hand by challenging you, but you were also making conscious decisions to jump the hurdles that it presented.

It achieved it's goal and for that so did you! Believe it or not, many of the negative things you experience there are actually blessings in disguise!  :wink:

Once again, change your mindset, you change your reality!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Feels more like a beast of burden... if I were to ponder on it so far its occurrences, only one time it may have been stopping me from doing something I shouldn't have but then I think about all the other times and it never showed up so ehh doesnt seem quite so helpful right now.

But I've never over come it, and I would say its done the opposite of keeping me conscious in the scenario longer as its arrival always ended it. I lock the door of the building I was in if I was in one would just delays it for a moment it would still get in. One time being lucid before its arrival I change the time of day from night to day introducing lots of light made it disappear once and allowed me to continue the dream, at that I didn't think it would show back up having possibly dealt with the problem but it did in later dreams. And I was never conscious for most of the occurrences. I would be able to remember the dream but no lucidity. The first time it came I felt its presence I was a bit guarded, because what I described is a bit unsettling and it just came up and touched me and I woke up times after that it became fight or flight and for me its fight so when it came to be I would try to fight as it was ruining my experiences it but every time it would get close it would melt away the dream and I would wake up, so then I would attempt an Induced lucid dream to get back quickly to fight it for ruining my experience, but that induced bit only lasted like 10 seconds or so at most. Later after some talk with other people they proposed the idea to ask it questions whats its name, what did they want and the such, which I did I found my self in teh dream even if I wasn't lucid asking it questions but no answers and everything still would just end, and I would attempt another Induced set and ask it different questions but still no. The last dream surprised me, it sneaked up on me because I thought I had dealt with the problem as I thought he was gone for good after one dream where I was able to hug it but nope.
Good and evil are not conditions imposed by some benevolent deity, but states the soul must experience in order to surpass them and awaken.
-Neville Goddard


Quote from: Phalanx on May 17, 2016, 20:23:08
Feels more like a beast of burden...
Once again I say, change your mindset you will change your reality.

It has gotten to the point where you "expect" this being to appear, whether you realize it or not. You say the Dream or scenario ends when it appears. That is because you aren't seeing the meaning of why it's there in the first place.

You need to write down all the instances of it's appearance and look for "patterns". There is always a pattern or cycle that leads to the lesson being taught. Sometimes it takes months to find it. But it's always there.

The only way to find it is to allow yourself to think of your situation in another way. Right now you see it as a hindrance and annoyance, change your mindset on that and see it as a guide or helper. You will see very soon that your whole situation begins to change.

Not all of the tests, quests and challenges come easy. But they can all be overcome if you can just sit back and observe what is going on first, then react. This fighting it is getting you nowhere. Every time you fight it, your experience ends. In other words, you failed to find the meaning behind it's appearance. Fight or flight both lead to a abrupt finale of your current "simulation".

I personally find myself challenged to calm a situation or handle a situation in a non violent way. It's easy to go there and blast everything or all the "bad guys" you see to smithereens. But, the easy way is not always the right way.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


When it first started to appear I expected it quite often but I don't really expect it to show up now, it just annoyingly does sometimes.

I am looking through all instances of it showing up and there might be two of these entities... other than that what is getting me right now is that I find no matching patterns so far other than it or they show up when the dream takes place at night.

I understand where you are coming at, but I haven't gone at it in fight mode for a while that was all way at the start, after a bit of time it came to trying to ask it questions which it has never answered, now I just sort of let it happen and after it wakes me I would wait a bit before going to sleep again so that a different dream starts up. And that is the thing no matter what happens I wake up because of it, either when it gets to close, its presence builds up enough, or if the dream manages to hold on when it makes contact. So my mindset about it doesn't know where to go currently. I tried being mean, tried being nice.

As it stand I do have a lot to think about and deal with.
Good and evil are not conditions imposed by some benevolent deity, but states the soul must experience in order to surpass them and awaken.
-Neville Goddard


Quote from: Phalanx on May 17, 2016, 22:29:54
I understand where you are coming at, but I haven't gone at it in fight mode for a while that was all way at the start, after a bit of time it came to trying to ask it questions which it has never answered, now I just sort of let it happen and after it wakes me I would wait a bit before going to sleep again so that a different dream starts up.
Very rarely do I ever get a "Yes or No" answer to any of my questions there or any verbal response whatsoever period. I get tests, quests and challenges and through them, my answers come.
I have found that that is the chosen form of communication in those areas. Yes it can be annoying. But once you realize it, it's like putting puzzles together. Once you put the pieces together the answers are easy to see.
You could be experiencing your first test now and the way you handle it now paves the way for your future teachings.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


 Phalanx. looking back at your posts here I see that on April 30th 2106 you created a thread here about having difficulty breaking through barriers. I still think you are having that difficulty, but now it's in a completely different tense.

Instead of a flying barrier, it has changed to a personal barrier. From your past posts I can see you are in the "learning stages" but I think you are having problems with the "curve".

That's okay though. You will get past this and then another test, quest or challenge will occur and then another and so on. The more you pass, the harder they get. Welcome to the wonderful world of Lucid Dreaming/non ordinary states of consciousness in general.  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


The beast of burden as its well worded also comes over as self doubt. This is always hidden and one of the killers of many experiences. It appears and ends the scene. Changing your mindset will remove it, how you do this is knowing you're in control of everything and it does require a clarity close to that when physical. Changing day to night left it behind so a similar approach will work better than mindless violence lol.
Do as it does, by returning this action you'll have gained control and reduced doubt on your ability.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


The other barrier if I were to attempt to recall I think has been about longer than the strange entity.
The entity came about after some what I labeled at the time bizarre experiences which led me into wanting to do astral projection.

A few years ago I was hit with the vibrations and strange sound that sounded like a planes propeller next to your ear night after night for about a week, fear of this strangeness and some research later led me to astral projections. Once I found out what it was the experiences stopped as I was no longer scared of it but excited at the possibilities. But then this entity began showing up now and recently I thought as I started to go through similar notes that there were two of them but after reading all the notes I think its still just one entity and as I go through different ideas and beliefs it becomes less and less than it was before.

It started out that I would have easily label it a bad entity as when it used to show up everything goes black and its not really black its literally like nothingness and then just intense fear even if there is nothing to be scared of it is just that stomach sinking feeling and the feeling of being crushed and sucked in with the sound of intense whining mixed with static and when that one made contact it felt like being electrocuted. When that happened I would refuse to go back to sleep at night because that is.. no bueno no no no bueno and that is what caused me to want fight as at the time all you could think about was survival. I do have an earlier note where it did communicate once, out of fear and last ditch effort when it came about I did a plea for god and christ to help and save me as at the time I believed in that sort of thing, and he just laughed at me and something came about it wasn't words necessarily but something was there like a thought, that was like look at him call for his puny gods that don't exist. And I am not trying to bash any religion at the time I believed in that, but I have now since found something that is more fitting for me. It still came about after that and talking to a friend about this they suggested asking it questions and I moved on to questions and it's intensity has never been the same. Back then the dreams wouldn't melt away it would just instantly be nothingness and it would rush me. Now it gradually walks towards me in a slight hastened manner and the dream melts away rather than boom gone. If this is a guide or something as such that is a very bad thing to have done at the start, as I would never ever ever wish that experience on my worst enemy or worst idea of a person imaginable or anything.

The barrier just boggles the mind, as I would never think if could or couldn't do it I would just do it and bounce off it like it was made of rubber and it would leave me confused afterwards and I still go about it the same way now I don't think if I can or cant I just go to do it.
Good and evil are not conditions imposed by some benevolent deity, but states the soul must experience in order to surpass them and awaken.
-Neville Goddard


Your added descriptions are now making for a more complete picture of what is going on. I think you are experiencing many of the various effects of Sleep Paralysis and there is a Sticky in the first Board that is required reading for most beginning projectors.

One of my first conscious OBEs also involved vibrations and the propellor sound (a helicopter, in my case).

In your case, you might not have felt the physical paralysis that is normally the key indicator of SP, but that happens to varying degrees for different people; I have had it both ways many times.

SP can involve a broad range of hallucinatory effects- auditory, visual, tactile, emotional... The incredible FEAR that can generate is unmistakable and you will eventually learn that there is an energetic power behind the FEAR which is a signature that you can use to recognize what is going on and respond appropriately.

The response is always to calm yourself and refuse the FEAR. Be calm and just observe, nothing can harm you. It can frighten the crap out of you if you let it, but that's about it. This is a battle that is won or lost within a few seconds at most; you don't get much time to realize that you are in SP and you must immediately exercise control over your emotions.

This is a state or condition that apparently exists at a point where you are IN-BETWEEN the Physical and the Non-Physical Realities and the proximity of your consciousness to your physical body causes these effects and their intensity. It has been likened to a feedback effect as if you left your electric guitar leaning against it's amplifier with the volume turned high.

If you can exit the physical body and move away 15 to 30 feet, the effect diminishes and disappears completely. This also is dependent on the percentage of your awareness that transfers versus what remains behind.

Like Lumaza pointed out, this can be thought of as a test or challenge, to see if you are ready to move into these new realms. I also think it is somewhat a natural phenomenon; it still happens for me at times, even though I have dealt with it long ago and moved on.

I also think that all the material you are hearing/seeing/feeling is pulled from your personal subconscious memories; that is partly why it can be SO effective at throwing you off course; it is literally, personally-designed for you.

You are not the first person to report that when you called for your personal Saviors' protection, the entity simply laughed at you. This is your subconscious telling you that you can't hide from it. It is a tough moment!

You can try a question, but usually the response is gibberish or simply your subconscious toying with you (I wonder if Carl Jung ever had the opportunity?). Embracing the entity with a feeling of Pure Unconditional Love is usually the best answer, so LightBeam may have asked you the best question...
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


I have had two cases of sleep paralysis before where it was like a false awakening but could see about my room through closed eyes and such and couldn't move, trying to force my self to move would then actually wake wake me up or what not. Both times I saw what I would define as goblins rummaging through my things.

I haven't gotten the vibrations since then, I once in a great while still get the sounds but even I would define myself to excited for whats going on to be able to proceed. I have yet to get anywhere near such stages through practice so far, though I do have two cases where situations were similar but there were no sign posts, but I possibly had an obe and didn't realize it out, both cases I was napping in my car. The first one I wasn't very lucid to and thought was a dream but like like a strange vivid dream where I got up opened the door of the car got out looked around for a second looked myself over like if you were looking to see if you had anything on your clothes then got back in and laid back down only to actually wake up as I was laying down, did not see my physical body in this. And the other was similar but I was trying to consciously separate as the situation was similar for me but there was a strange rubber band effect feeling as I was attempting to get out. I was laying on my side facing the front of the vehicle and it felt like I was trying to go head out first but that there was a rubber band wrapped around my forehead I pushed hard enough and thought I popped out the front of the vehicle this one was strange and probably a obe but I never bothered to check to see if my body was still laying there. But its vividness was that of like a dream almost so I sort of wrote it off. In this one I got out and hovered above the vehicle for a moment all the surroundings were the same as for the area I live in but the sky was a strange dark purple electric cloud like a heat storm (I live in an area that is regularly humid and hot and at night over the coast we have electrical storms due to the heat which are almost beautiful to watch from afar), this cloud covered the entire sky let no light through at all I could see no sun though the area had moderate to heavy cloud lighting to it, and my first thought was the clouds were strange and my second was I want to fly out of the atmosphere and look at earth from afar only to hit the clouds bounce off of them and awake. Both of those experiences there were no sounds or vibrations.

I was I believe sincere once where I rushed it and tried hugging it when I could think of nothing else one time, in which I felt good for awhile afterwards and thought that I might of had the problem solved, and then next thing you know it pops back up and your just like ahhh come on really.
Good and evil are not conditions imposed by some benevolent deity, but states the soul must experience in order to surpass them and awaken.
-Neville Goddard


So you have a good range of experiences where you have experienced a variety of these SP-related and early exit phenomena. Weird things can and will occur from time to time and you will gradually come to accept them simply as a range of effects that can be encountered.

Don't make the mistake of getting overwhelmed by or too-focused on any one of these variations, most of the difficulty is your attempt to perceive/interpret what is happening...and quite honestly, it is all too easy to come to wrong conclusions. So just be open to it all, write down what you experience, and be ready to change your initial interpretations as time passes and your experiences increase; your interpretations will change over time.

I know the "aaahh come on really" feeling quite well when it comes to this experience repeating time after time. I can't explain it except that it may be a natural, instinctive reaction that sometimes we can bypass it and other times we have to deal with it.

From the totality of what you have described, I would say that you are doing just fine, so don't worry about it. Just understand it for what it is. This is part of the early, somewhat disorienting experiences most of us are prone to have. Be confident in your safety and your ability.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


You've also described a partly successful phasing experience into the void. This is influenced by your thoughts to a greater amount, it's also influenced by your subconscious in which your latent previous thoughts also manifest. Expectation being the manifestation here and the recurrence of the blackness all point to this.
If you read Bedeekins masterpiece you'll start to see where these experiences you're having can lead once familiar with how they progress.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.