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i have found that running energy (i use NEW) before i go to sleep increases the chance of a lucid dream. those nights when i run energy but dont go lucid the dreams are very vivid and memorable. combining energy with wild seems to be my best combo.


There are four (4) brain wave levels: Beta Wave: The beta state is one of physical alertness, with mind and emotions reponsive to senses.  Most of our waking time is spent in this state, which is associated with tensioin and striving.  While in beta, one experiences a sense of being controlled by time and space.  

Alpha Waves: (which is Meditation) This is the area of mind which brings increased creativity and physical relaxation.  Not only is the level of stress reduced but many people enter a light or hypnoidal trance called meditation.  At this level, there is a slowing down of brain and body pulsation.

Theata Waves:  Theat is the portal for entering nighttime sleep.  We all pas through theata twice a day:  when we fall asleep and when we awaken in the morning.  With hypnosis, we maintain theta for as long as the session lasts. Which is (Lucid Dreaming)

There are 7 levels of theta.  1. Light Hypnosis 2. Medium Hypnosis 3. Deep Hypnosis (Somnambulism) 4. Deep Somnambulism 5. Esdaile State 6. Canatonic State  7 Ultra Depth (Sichort State).

Delta Wave:  Delta is profound sleep.  There is a further slowing down of mental vibrations.  While in delta, we dream and sort out our mental and phsical machinery. At this level we are not responsive to suggestions from the out side.

Lucid Dreaming can be achieved very quickly and easily. In less then 5 minutes through the use of hypnosis you can achieve a Lucid State.  Your body is totally asleep but your mind is 100% awake, more focus'd on the goal of Astral Projection.

Once your in the Somnambulism state you can give yourself a key word that will bring you back to this deep relax'd state with in seconds.

All Progressive relaxations that I've seen on AP sites go through this proceedure. With the progressive relaxation techniques it can put you into the Alpha state and it feels like the Theta State but to find out if you are in that state we use the D-personalization test.  If you cant remember your name or a number then your in the theta state which is Somnabulism or the Lucid State.

I hop this helps.  Sincerely, Frank (A. Ht.)


hey hypnotist, you said "In less then 5 minutes through the use of hypnosis you can achieve a Lucid State." Can you please tell me how you achieve this state so quickly and easily. I really would like to hear how.[8D]
