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the DREAMERS' DREAM journal

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Really what helps is looking for consistently reoccuring people places or themes. During my hayday I found I usually dreamt one of 3 style of dreams and when I was in one I could tell instantly. Just try to get the emotional content and the basic plot, interesting things you noticed along the way etc. but read your dream journal before you go to bed, its amazing how recalling your old dreams spawns new ones.



Me personally I put as much detail into the writing as possible.  At times this has made me take extra time to write but I personally think that it is worth it.  One of the things that it can help with is if you decide to go back and analyze the dream.  The more deatils you have the better chance you have of figuring anything out that may be bothering you about a particular dream.  Plus it can help later with re-reading and remembering.  The more details the more likely it will trigger a memory of the event a few years down the road.  I find that things that may sound silly to record often help me to remember the actual dream.


Yes, more detail is definately good.  I'm not real great at LDing, but I know I can have them when I wish...   all I have to do is start my dream journal again.  I would even draw pictures of places or events I could recall.  Eventually, I'm writing so much stuff that I get tired of doing it, but I sure have lucid dreams because of it.  It's just hard to keep doing it because my hand hurts.  I'm considering getting a laptop, but I think writing with your hand actually helps you remember things much better.  I believe there was a study done about this in psychology... ???



Ive had quite a few LD's, And as far as keeping a journal that can be a tough one. I have a dream journal myself and it is hard to keep up. I remember my dreams almost every morning but im too tired or im just not in the mood to write another entry so I don't. When I do I try to keep it as simple as possible, for me their is no reason in writing a lengthy entry because when i come back to read it months away from having the dream i will remember every detail anyways.

after so many dreams look for patterns or common signs , for me I always seem to have dreams where I am at some sort of amusement park so when I have this kind of dream I know i must be dreaming making it a LD.

Most of all keeping a Dream Journal can be fun, It will make a good read after so many entrys.


Hey guys - So I started my dream journal back up because I am having trouble getting my damn OBEs to happen. Figured that LDing would be a good stepping stone to OBEs in the future. I've done the dream journal thing in the past but quit after 2 weeks, now I'm serious and really want to put time and energy into doing the thing. Question though; I've noticed over these past 6 - 7 days that I've been keeping these things, my dreams keep getting longer and more detailed. I'm ok with this because after only doing this for 6 - 7 days, I've been able to have some great recall and now usually remember 4 - 5 dreams a night. What is essential for the dream journal? Is it different for everyone? I am talking about how much time and detail you put into writing your posts. I don't mind so much but it does take me upwards of 20 minutes to write my posts now and they span across several pages wheras when I first began it took me around 5 min., sketching only a paragraph or two.

Is this a good sign that it is taking me more paper and more time to write my dreams or am I being too neurotic about the process?

What are the essentails for the dream entry that will serve having future LDs? <------ that's my question, lol