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I said "A way you can go back to your body is just thinking about going back be passive, calmed. In the Astral you can do anything if you can hold a thought, like if you want to make a car, visualise the car, hold that thought for as log as you can and you will be able to use the car and do whatever"

it is true what Astral body said, about thinking of a car and being able to make it and use it in the Astral, if you did such a thing you would be letting the subconscious and its dream-images loose, and thus be blocked from experiencing what really exists in the Astral, that which is outside and independent of the subconscious/subjective mind.
It is best to keep the mind as clear as possible, with as little thoughts in it as possible, because when thoughts appear in the Astral they have the potential to create subjective images around us, which can take us into a dream.
When the mind is clear and you are aware of your surroundings, you can explore what exists in the Astral, which is far greater, more profound and imporant, than anything the subconscious can create or indulge in.

\What do you guys think about that??
There is this foum i go to once in a while their believes about spirit guides and other things are different than the people in this forum.
The website is