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Two of my dreams.... Heh...

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Hey Tarconiss,

Don't feel bad, I don't get much responses from my posts either..

I think people feel you can't interrupt other people's dream.. I'll tell you though, I have been telling my dreams to my bestfriend for around fifteen years now, and she has a great nac for asking me questions while I am recounting the dream, that brings out things that start making sense to me.  

I did have a dream KINDA like your underwater one.....It seemed the end was coming, but of course like in most of my dreams, I was saving a large group of people from the impending doom.  We were in a large bus, not just a large bus, but underwater bus.  I guess my mind had to devise some kind of veh to hold everyone.  Anyway, I try and convince as many people to come with me as I can, some don't come, they don't belive me.  Everything started getting dark, and weird.  We were next to a large body of water, and started in with the Bus.  

Now, we are underwater, I can't remember all that I saw under there, but there was some kind of Prison that we cruised thru.  It was dilapidated.  We went tru it, came out, then I realized that even  though it was a large body of water when we drove in, it is now REALLY LARGE, like most of the planet was underwater.  I felt then I needed to find some land to "restart"  
Finally we find some land, and the buildings and what nots were in rumble.  But I found some nice areas for growing food and stuff and decided this was the place to start over.  We started digging little canals for the water to feed the plants, then I woke up.

I really have no idea what this dream meant, but I can tell you, that most of my dreams are extremly real.
What is funny, I told this dream to my friend, and well...she has always thought the end of the world was going to be here in her lifetime, by war, astroid, ect.. Not me...I think Mother Earth has many, many years.  So, she was ALL excited about that not excited in the good, she kills me....rofl....

I have read in differnt Posts about something called retrieval?
Was is that about?  Cause, like I said most of my dreams consist of me helping, or saving people.  Maybe I am doing some sort of thing like that..hmmmmm?

Well, I have bored enough..

Take Care Tarconiss, keep posting your dreams, I love to read about other peoples dreams..I may not be able to advise, but I can listen!

[:)] Nay.


Did you know that the waters around Cuba have never been completly explored until now?  The cubans were allies with the russians during the cold war and therefore would not let us do under water exploration in their surrouning seas until way after the conflict was over.  So anyway the U.S. was exploring this region and discovered an abandoned underwater civilization.  Don't you think that is neat?[^]


This was my post on "Dreams and Such..." in the General Metaphysics board, but i didnt really get any feed back as to what any of this could mean, or how complex my dreams really are..... but yeah.. here you go...

1) This one i had when i was a bit younger.... i think i was 12 at the time.

Setting: Aquatic realm it seemed. There was also dry land with some buildings near ocean front, but there was a MASSIVE underwater Civilization/Metropolis.

I had been swimming around, and i found a carpet of sort that floated securely on top of the water, and i got on it. during the time of finding the carpet i had met a few animals that seemed to talk. A Dolphin and a Sea Tortoise. I got on the carpet and i guess the dolphing and tortoise managed to drag the carpet along the top of the water at an increadibly fast pace, so that the carpet was skimming along the water, going on a fast water ride... it was great. then after a while i had met a woman, that had sprung from the water. She was a mermaid and very beautifle. Me and her had conversed for a while, her showing me the huge underwater civilization, and i was in awe that something so great had existed underwater. Large Palaces built of stone and coral it seemed and archways connecting some of the smaller buildings together.... it was truely wonderous to experience. [ I dont remember all of the details between what had been said between me and her, or even the animals...]
Next thing i can remember is of me and her, lieing in lounge chairs on a house patio, that was right above and next to the ocean edge, so that if you just walked off the patio into the water, it went from patio to atleast 50ft deep water. Main thing i remember about our conversation there, was of me falling in love with her, her being the princess of the underwater civilization. and her asking me if i found it odd, or if i thought it was wrong that she was over 10,000 years old... I had no problem with that... I just knew i would be with her, of whom i truely felt love for.... we had lightly kissed, and she had the most goregious [spelling?] eyes, and i was captivated..... Then things began to get dark, and the sky started to rumble as dark clouds formed. She got worried and headed toward the edge of the patio and dove into the water to warn her father, who was the king of the civilization. I had barely got to the edge, when thunder erupted and a lightning bolt crashed into the sea. I saw the whole top part of the sea, zap around from the lightning but quickly went away. I dove into the water and looked around underwater.... To see an Entire civilization wiped out, and the buildings being blackened.......
[ I doubt the lightning would affect anything underwater in the actual sea... but i was only 12 at the time and didnt know as much.] I was horrified to see such a beautifle paradise, destroyed with a single thunderclap. Then a large figure that held a lightning-trident that looked increadibly like a ticked off, Posideon with glowing eyes, confronted me, and began stabbing at me.... i dont remember much else.... i just know that i havent felt as in love with anything yet again, as i did with that Girl.....

[ yeah... these are long... sorry... ]

2) This one happened i think last year...

Setting: Ancient Greek Marble buildings and Massive fountain and pool areas.

I remember, looking around and walking around in a town square it seemed; with large statues and fountains and a fountain/pool area more towards the right, just beyond a large columned building, that seemed like a libriary. Everyone was in the nude, but there wasnt any problem with that for some reason, so i went along with it. Walking over to that raised pool/fountain area, i had walked along the outside of it, and put myhand in the water. it was fairly warm. there were people in the pool, conversing, and enjoying themselves. I had walked past thatpart farther along, to were it seemed there was a more high profiled aquaintance among the people... i had leaned over and knelt over along the edge of the smaller, more respected pool area, and there were a couple sitting along the other side about 10 feet away. The Female had looked over to me, and just waltzed herway over to me, and kissed me. This took me by suprize, and even more so, with her male-counterpart. This was not a good thing for me.. I made a double-take on the situation between her just kissing me, entranced with more for some reason, and a now 8'11 muscle-beach man, with long flowing black hair, and wings now sprouting from his back. I swiftly made my way into a small clearing about 20 ft away, and he just continued growing more angry, pulling out a large sword, covered in flames. He had stated that he had been in a Variety of wars and that he had conquered a large troop of ancient egyption warriors 4,000 years ago, and that he had to prove himself worthy time and time again to gain the approval of the one that had kissed me, and that here i am, just walking over, for her to walk right up and embrace her. He had stated a Long dignified 4-name name, and sought to destroy me at that point.... For the life of me i dont know why i didnt write down his name.... i knew it clearly wasnt anything that i would normally come up with, and the realness of the dream was astounding.... im glad that none of it happened on the physical, because i would be flat out F'ed over....

Both of these dreams seemed so increadibly real at the time, and i've been wanting to revisit these places, once i learn to conciously project. Hopefully i can figure some things out.... and meet that mermaid again.... Well.. if anyone has any idea about what these dreams could mean, or if i might be in deep guano in one particuar realm... please be flat out honest with what you think.... thank you.
If someone has the knowledge, and wants to do something, how far do you think they can go, if they lack the experience, and are unable to sustain the amount of effort needed to succeed?  ~ Self 2/25/2003