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any one get Violet after vision

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Yes I get that color too. But mine is greenish. Its annoying to say the least. It seems as tho the colors are temporarly inverted almost.

majour ka

It seems as tho the colors are temporarly inverted

I dont follow that bit?


I also see green'ish or sometimes little blue after image-
and I also started to see small glittering 'things' in the air-
and am more sensitive to light-
I think it has to do with peripheral or auric vision starting to open-


Inverted like a negitive image. Black to white etc.

majour ka

Inverted like a negitive image. Black to white etc.

Oh ok, Im with you now[;)], May be intrudex is right about the Auric vision thing, I know one wasnt like this before [8D].

So why do some get green for e,g and I see violet?

What colour do you see when you close your eyes? Im see purple.


i see black, but lately i see sometimes green and sometimes blue-and yellow flashes when meditating-
My aura is usually emerald green, or blue- so i guess its my aura i see- maybe yours is violet-

majour ka

i see black, but lately i see sometimes green and sometimes blue-and yellow flashes when meditating-
My aura is usually emerald green, or blue- so i guess its my aura i see- maybe yours is violet-

Ive wonderd that, but snap! mines usualy emerald green, and or an electric blue, but some times violet with flex of white?

But I usualy just see violet, and occasionaly blue.

majour ka

Originally posted by runlola

violet light of Christ

Thanx lola,....or should i call you Maralin lol [;)] xx

majour ka

Hey all, First I hope im not posting to much..I have had so much happen to me latley, and seem to have so much to chat about,  I think im going through a enlightening stage, and it acurred to me recently ive been posting an awfull lot! I dont want to get on everybodys nerves[:I]

Any way on that note since ive become more spiritual, and seem to be recognising and awkening a more psychic side of my self, I now have violet after vision!  As in I look or even glance at any brightish light and im seeing pure violet for a few seconds the only difference from this and say the after vision you would get from staring at a light bulb is that its not obscuring my vision i see it more around the room or where ever I might be,....dont thonk im explaining it very well.

Any way any one else get this? M. ka