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Examinations period means test at school? Are you over-dwelling on the results?  Worry and fear are great drainers of energy.

Now for 'Boring' things.  Stop doing them?  Tired of telpathy, try kinesis.  Try something more complex than a number for telepathy.  Work on your healing (always always always a useful skill).  work on Astral and Auric sight.  Work on projecting energy over a distance (far viewing and remote manipulation).

I've never been bored [;)]  but then I can usually come up with something interesting to work on.
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


Yo hi again
thnx 4 replyin that fast
yeah i mean examination period is the tests period in school
but i wasn't worry about em at all just normal
i only ddn't practice anythin during em .
and btw i've tried nearby everything , telepathy , telekinisess , healing , auric sight , OBE and more
but in fact i ddn't suceed in any of em
i just discovered after some energy development the i can read minds and do simple kinisess and do healing but ddn't succeed to have them in there special excersises , and now they're all gone [xx(]
wat make me bored is there excersises , i don't feel interested in makeing something i feel that it won't make me gain any profit
even if i don't really think so .
and BTW , u ddn't tell me how to gain my energy back [:P]
thnx again


Nothing is gone.  You are blocking yourself.

wat make me bored is there excersises , i don't feel interested in makeing something i feel that it won't make me gain any profit
even if i don't really think so .

Now that may be your english.  Are you saying there's not point in studying something if you can't make money at it, or gain some useful knowledge?

Your saying you are bored with telepathy, and that telepathy is the only thing that worked for you?  Let me use an American expression:  Well Duh!  Your bored with the only thing you can do, and you won't try doing anything else?

Something being 'Boring' is a function of your mind.  Since your mind is a tool, and not 'you', tell it to shut up.  Try working in the NOW.  I can't be bored in the NOW, and it is much easier to study new energy work that way.
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


plz i don't mean i'm just bored of excersises
i'm bored cuz it's now useless 4 me , it don't give me any benifit now
i've tried it after this problem hell times but without any thing new
Still @ zero
that's why i'm bored of it
and FGS i'm not bored of telepathy :S
u r the one who told me that i'm bored of telepathy and should try other things :S
common 4get this "bored" thing
Now i can't get any development with any excersise , and that's wat make me bored of trying them any more , so the point here ain't I'm Bored , it's that i can't get any development with any excersise .
I hope u got me
and BTW i can talk american good cuz i used to live there
so don't keep tellin me " U're English "
Sorry 4 dat missunderstand
And i'm still hopein if u can still help me
Thnx again


Hi every one
my problem is as follows
i had a good energy follow and chakra development ( not very good but it's good compared to what happened )
I could know wat's goin in other peoples minds , even answer questions without being asked
and i told alot of people to think of a number from 1 to ten or 1 to 20 or even to 100 and i know the number they was thinking of from the first time and this cuz i used to close my eyes and see the number floatin infront of my eyes
But after my examinations period all i feel like all my energy is lost and all my abilities are lost and i've became very bored of energy development cuz now i don't feel any development at all .
So i Just want any 1 to tell me How can i get my energy back
and how can i get rid of the boring
In other words , What Shall I DO ? ? ?? ?
Thnx in advance