Chakras opening and closing during meditation

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So i've been doing a lot of meditation recently, and have noticed that when I keep my internal mind chatter quiet, and be in the, 'now' as much as possible, different chakras open and close spontanously thoughout my body, giving me an influx of refreshing energy.

Now, I don't consider myself a chakra expert, but is this normal? I'm sure it is, but any feedback would be welcomed

Thanks in advance :-)
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Ancient One

Quote from: Barnowl on April 03, 2013, 16:06:03
So i've been doing a lot of meditation recently, and have noticed that when I keep my internal mind chatter quiet, and be in the, 'now' as much as possible, different chakras open and close spontanously thoughout my body, giving me an influx of refreshing energy.

Now, I don't consider myself a chakra expert, but is this normal? I'm sure it is, but any feedback would be welcomed

Thanks in advance :-)

A good sensitive (how to phrase something like this) could/might/may or may not, actually see the chakra's.
Regardless, though, one that sees aura's, would notice the color changes in the aura, that are a result of the Chakras conditions.
Static, dynamic, stasis, dim, bright, and out of alignment, are some of conditions one can generally feel in one way or another.

So ones good moods can be a result of a (dynamic) Chakra condition. (brought on by meditation or seeing beautiful nature scenes and or being in love or with one lover)
Conversely, rough day at work, seeing accident scene, breakup or argument with spouse, boss, girl friend/ boy friend will close down the Chakras. (stasis)
Dull dim boring times, and illness can wreak havoc with the Chakras, some what like a leak in a water bucket, energy is just leaking away.

Ha, have even experienced out of alignment Chakras, and 'wilted' Chakras, that makes for a whole new round of 'telling'. Whether these were seen from the minds eye or otherwise, I'm unable to clarify,but one does not not normally see ones own chakras.

Chakras can spin in either direction depending on many circumstances.
(not all agree on this, but has been my experience, that the Chakra spin, can be CCW or CW)
They can spin/work, individually or, with only one or two others, or all together in harmony.
So yes, Chakra work can lead to a super charge of built-up energy, that can even prevent one from readily falling asleep at night. Is why I refrain from Chakras work late in the evening.

Have found that actively engaging in 'Chakra work' routine works best for me. Meditating for me, does not give the same result of storing up Chakra energy.

Be Well


Quote from: Barnowl on April 03, 2013, 16:06:03
So i've been doing a lot of meditation recently, and have noticed that when I keep my internal mind chatter quiet, and be in the, 'now' as much as possible, different chakras open and close spontanously thoughout my body, giving me an influx of refreshing energy.

Now, I don't consider myself a chakra expert, but is this normal? I'm sure it is, but any feedback would be welcomed

Thanks in advance :-)

You went very ahead in the meditation but now you are loosing concentration.


I've had similar experiences. When I meditate i focus on moving energy throughout my chakras. Im still pretty new to this so i can really only focus on one or two chakras at a time before i feel the energy dissipate from another area.