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Deep sleeping

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I didnt really know where to put this topic, since it is somehow related to energy in our body i decided to put it in here.

That off, are there any methods of "deep sleeping", i mean, sleeping half the time and wake up like you slept double?

Or maybe a method to regain the energy you lose during the day, then have a short nap and wake up? (I dont fully understand how it works)
This would be really helpful.



Try a few yogic breathing exercises for about 30 minutes a day and then drink some green tea. Then you will have the same energy as if you took a 4 hour nap.


Quote from: kurtykurt42 on January 25, 2010, 08:37:19
Try a few yogic breathing exercises for about 30 minutes a day and then drink some green tea. Then you will have the same energy as if you took a 4 hour nap.

Thanks for the tip, but this wont replace sleeping tho right? Any chance i can do a similar excercise prior to sleeping/while sleeping to get more sleeping "efficiency"?


As far as I know, nothing can replace sleep.

If you do it before you sleep then you won't be able to fall asleep!

Just try it a couple times and see if you have more energy. I used to take a nap once in a while in the afternoons when I was tired but now I do full-body circuit / yogic breathing (8:8:8:0 techniques in Astral Dynamics) and then I do a little chakra work. After about 30 minutes I feel like a million bucks.


Quote from: kurtykurt42 on January 25, 2010, 12:06:22
If you do it before you sleep then you won't be able to fall asleep!

Yeah, that was my concern lol!
When i arrive to my house after school i ALWAYS take a nap, no matter how much sleep i got last night. I'm gonna give those meditations a try. (Actually, the more I sleep the more tired i get up the next day)

I heard of some deep sleeping or quick nap hemy-sync style music that supposedly gives you this effect, but i'd like to hear if someone has tried using these or similar musical aid before getting them!

Are there any binarual-beat music (Did i get that right?) you know that can help? thanks.


Quote from: Uraotoko on January 25, 2010, 12:18:44
Are there any binarual-beat music (Did i get that right?) you know that can help? thanks.

If you ask me there all pretty boring... But everyone's different. You can find them all online for free if you know where to search.


Quote from: kurtykurt42 on January 25, 2010, 12:24:15
If you ask me there all pretty boring... But everyone's different. You can find them all online for free if you know where to search.

Allright, im gonna see if i can find something on the web, try it and let you know if it helped.


Ok, first attemp didnt go so well. I found the sounds too startling, even at very low sound levels. First 10 minutes went well as iwas able to relax more, but i couldnt fall asleep because of some of the sounds.

Maybe i need to relax more?


Yea, probably. Just go run around the block a few times and then do a bunch of push-ups and jumping jacks. That will get you relaxed!


Quote from: Uraotoko on January 25, 2010, 12:18:44
Yeah, that was my concern lol!
When i arrive to my house after school i ALWAYS take a nap, no matter how much sleep i got last night. I'm gonna give those meditations a try. (Actually, the more I sleep the more tired i get up the next day)

I heard of some deep sleeping or quick nap hemy-sync style music that supposedly gives you this effect, but i'd like to hear if someone has tried using these or similar musical aid before getting them!

Are there any binarual-beat music (Did i get that right?) you know that can help? thanks.
It kinda sounds like you're making it a habit of coming home and taking a nap right after school.
If you do this kind of thing enough your body is going to come to expect it and "become" tired.
This is a habit you should choose to break should you want to change it.