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Can some one please help me.

Everything  says  "focus on that"  with no real explanation.

For example, my foot.

How do you focus on it? 

I think about the foot, but nothing really happens.

So I imagine my foot and say my hand tickling it.  Still nothing much.

Same with chakras.    When I say, focus on my belly button, nothing really happens
I don't even know if I am focussed on it.

So I imagine my body separately like a mannequin and imagine a light on my belly button.

Still nothing.

Am I missing a very key component of  visualisation  / energy work ?????

Robert bruce says visualisation it not required, but I can't see how you would focus on
a part of your body WITHOUT visualisation?

I feel I'm missing someone key here ?


 Hello, search for Robert Bruce's NEW technique in either a Google or search.

He will explain everything you need to know.

I use his NEW quite a bit when I am experiencing intense pain, due to my Degenerative Disc Disease.

It's great for releasing muscle spams as well.  :-)


Quote from: Lionheart on April 29, 2013, 17:04:28
Hello, search for Robert Bruce's NEW technique in either a Google or search.

He will explain everything you need to know.

I use his NEW quite a bit when I am experiencing intense pain, due to my Degenerative Disc Disease.

It's great for releasing muscle spams as well.  :-)

Do you mean new energy ways?



Quote from: BillionNamesofGod on April 30, 2013, 16:29:15

Do you mean new energy ways?

Yes, that's the one!  :wink:

All the info you need to learn that technique is written there.

Happy Hunting!  :-)


Quote from: BillionNamesofGod on April 29, 2013, 16:27:29
Can some one please help me.

Everything  says  "focus on that"  with no real explanation.

For example, my foot.

How do you focus on it?

As an example let's use the forehead, it is simpler.
To begin understanding how to focus on it do this simple thing: touch your forehead with your finger (or you can use an little object, as a coin or little rock). Concentrate on the sensation of the finger/object touching the forehead for a while, then let go and try to recreate the sensation of the touch. When you begin to lose it put the finger/object again and so on. Work slowly and with patience and you will see that the lapses will become longer and longer until at a point you will think you are touching the forehead while you aren't (but DON'T anticipate this or bother about it, just concentrate on the sensation of touching that part). When you will be able to do this for the forehead (or whatever else you decide) you will be able do the same with every part of your body just by bringing the sensation of touch back.

When you talk about "focus" concerning parts of your body it is usually referred as a touch sensation (but then you will see that this touch sensation will transform in just a focus of your mind there). It is called focus because when you will be able to do it fully your consciousness will be literally placed on that point (the part you call "I" will seem to reside there instead of where it is now; usually for most people this is in a point behind the eyes, being sight the primary sense and the sense on which you focus more of your attention). Concentrating/focusing on a single point is one of the most important things you can learn, so either if it will take a while until you will be able to do this, work for it (naturally you don't need this level of proficiency in it for "energy work", you just need the sensation of the touch in that part).

Quote from: BillionNamesofGod on April 29, 2013, 16:27:29
I think about the foot, but nothing really happens.

Don't bother too much on what it "happens". Just concentrate on the sensation of touching that part as if you are doing it physically. Concerning about what it will happen will just break your concentration.

EDIT: Naturally what Robert Bruce explains is another way to do it. Use what it works best for you. I wrote this to give you an alternative just in case you find what Robert says difficult to execute (that depending on the milieu of the person it can happen). There are various ways to do things. Try some of them to find what it gives the best result but then stick to it and don't change after (it always happen, in fact, that after a while the exercise you work with will seem to stop working or working much less; when this happens many people do the great mistake of switching methods for the tedium of it. Never do it; the not-working lapse is the prelude of the exercise beginning to work fully. Endure till it does.)


The most simple way I've had this explained to me is by E. Tolle:

Close your eyes. How do you know your foot is still there?

You should then feel your foot. You can use this with any body part, and eventually your whole body. I did find internal areas difficult to feel at first, areas within my trunk, and not close to the surface of my skin.

Hope this helps.