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Just relax...OW Cramp

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About three months ago I started with Astral Dynamics and have recently moved into using Mastering Astral Projection.  I should have known better than to expect something different because I was using the same technique, but I have a slight problem when it comes to doing any of the exersises.


I can't do it this way!  I start by doing the relaxation by tensing the muscles in small groups, then relaxing them, and inevitably, I end up with nerve-wracking cramps all up and down my legs, arms, and the most annoying ones, the ones that cause the toes to separate. :evil:

Does anyone out there know a better/different way to get to the deep relaxation point?


I can't do it that way, either. The idea behind progressive muscle relaxation is that if you can feel tension contrasted with relaxation then you will be able to know what it feels like to be relaxed. Normal just going through the day tension doesn't feel like tension; it feels normal. If you have your muscles as tense as you can get them, even normal tension feels like relaxation and you have a feeling to work with. The problem is that there are people like us who tense as much as possible and then can't release the extra tension to get to the point of feeling the full contrast. We don't get back to normal level of tension or less.

Autogenics takes longer, but it is worth the effort. It is where you give yourself a sequenhce of commands like "My arm is heavy." and "My leg is becoming warmer." It does not require that you tense yourself to learn to relax.

You should look into other things which might make you tend toward muscle cramps. It could also be a symptom of another problem. You know, just in case.


The way you are talking about sounds a lot like what I have heard my friend describe his hypnosis training sounded like in the beginning.  He says he can relax very deeply after one of those sessions, maybe I could try that.
