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Hi Tia,

It truly is unfortunate that most people equate metaphysical development with insanity. I feel extremely lucky in that I have a small group of friends who are all tolerant of my weirdness. I once had a girlfriend though (big mistake) who didn't like my interest in paranormal subjects. I think she felt deceived because she originally thought that I was a "normal guy", but I later turned out to be a "weirdo" . Glad I got out of that one!

"I'm starting to feel like my interest in these things is becoming a dirty secret"

I think this is one of the reasons why practitioners assemble into groups/covens - to provide moral support and to reinforce each others' beliefs, interests, and discipline. I believe that metaphysical stuff is the best stuff, and it's strange that the majority of the earth's population thinks the opposite. Strange, but not surprising. Aren't we all conditioned from birth to be as "normal" as possible so that we'll fit into the popular reductionist paradigm of modern society?

Take Care,


I just started a club on my college campus for learning NEW. I've been into it for a few months so I'm helping people get used to the ideas and practice in a structured way. Almost none of my friends are interested in learning (which continually amazes me :) ), but several people did express interest, and we had a first club meeting! We are going to reserve some space, and I think it's actually going to get off the ground. I talked briefly about visualization, and then I led them through some MBA exercises. Then I got creative, and we tried to raise the level of ambient energy in the room through visualization. That was crazy! Three of us got the "balloon-head" sensation, one person got really heavy, etc. It was so cool!

I can't *quite* understand where people are coming from, but I remember what it's like when Christians (or whoever) come up to and start trying to convert you. People think you're crazy, or crazy-religious, and that turns them off. Dunno, I just want to share this wonderful thing, open doors, and all that. :)

Hmm, I started out by emailing all my friends, and emailing the the floor that I live on. I got an extremely small response. Out of 35 people, only four showed up, and they almost didn't. But they got very interested. I just want to say that if you try and introduce this to people, don't give up. Today, 2 more people who had read my email came up to me and were very interested. Even if no one had showed up at the first meeting (which *would* have been very disappointing), it still would have worked out.

If people know and respect you, even if they don't believe you exactly, they'll realize there has to be something there if *you* are interested.

And, if you want to meet like minded people, advertise! I think you'll really be surprised. Use your mind and intent to reach out into the world around you, and make contact at some level. Bring people together.

Oh, and this is not addressed specifically to anyone. I'm just tossing ideas around and sharing my (limited, growing) experience.

Tia, I would have been the first to ask too.


Edited by - kifyre on 19 February 2002  04:46:09

Edited by - kifyre on 19 February 2002  05:11:45

Pres Nevins

> He then tells me that I am 'gifted' and that it takes years to learn
> that. I had to wait for a break in the exercises before I then said
> to him that in fact it only takes a month and anybody can do it - he
> disagreed but it's a fast paced class so I didn't have a chance to
> explain.

Using the methods that he's been taught, it may well be only the gifted students that get results quickly.

It seems that oftentimes people get "stuck" with the system they're used to using, whatever it may be. It's also natural when teaching to try to teach people the same methods that worked for the teacher. Being a leader of a group has a degree of responsibility, and not many people in that sort of situation would want to "experiment" on their students in the middle of a class, I would think. Your teacher probably has a full agenda already - you might try going and having a private talk with him after the class is over, or on a different day when he's not in "teaching mode." Depending on how much emotional investment he has in his current methods, he might be more receptive to taking a look at NEW then.

Any teacher would be doing well to keep a lookout for ways to improve what they're teaching, whatever the subject. It's just kind of rough to accept that, after all these years of effort, maybe there's a better way... (:

Pres in Japan


Hi, Tia!  I know exactly what you mean.  My mom and sister encourage me but they do not understand the experience itself.  I raised enough energy my first three days that I was shocked and apprehensive at the sensations.  It took downloading NEW and explaining in detail to my sister that I had energy depletion.  I am just now beginning to feel like myself again.  

I live in a small town and there is no one to talk to that can share some of the experiences I've had.  I've tried talking to my mom and sister but they never did it. Neither wants to devote time to it.  

I guess occult really does means "hidden," unfortunately.  I used to live in a rural town in the American South.  If you even had tarot cards, you were labeled a witch.  Yes, some witches use the tarot.  But not all tarot users are witches.  That is the danger of putting labels on people and things.  Your instructor strikes me as someone who should, having delved into "the hidden", realize that life and its secrets are forever growing and expanding and limitless.  To close your eyes when new information is developing and not share it and strive to learn it is defeating the purpose of spiritual growth. IMO.

I thank my lucky stars for finding the Astral Pulse and Robert Bruce's site.  It is such a long and daunting journey to learn energy work, etc., without having a place to gather and share stories, theories, ideas, and perceptions on what we are striving to acquire.

It was nice to meet you, BTW!  

If your focus your life on hate, anger, and regret, it is only your fault for what you get.


I am sorry for that Stencil Font, looks like I'm shouting.  Here goes another try with comic Sans, cross my fingers...

After reading the replies here, I've changed my mind, I dont think I will keep NEW all to myself.  There are other people out there like us, I need to find them, somehow.  Mark, that is such a good idea, starting a group/club of like-minded people, I would like to do that too.  Unfortunately I am not on a campus and not sure where I can 'advertise' but I have the will - there must be a way.  Selfishly, I know that I could personaly make great progress in the security and power of a group - I often feel it in my Qi Gong class, that strength.  

"I once had a girlfriend though (big mistake) who didn't like my interest in paranormal subjects. I think she felt deceived because she originally thought that I was a "normal guy", but I later turned out to be a "weirdo"." Malcom, you really made me laugh...  It's true, 'Paranormal' = not normal/weird.
"It seems that oftentimes people get "stuck" with the system they're used to using, whatever it may be. It's also natural when teaching to try to teach people the same methods that worked for the teacher."
This is so true, once something has been learned/established they stick to it like glue.  I forgot to mention that I had called the Spiritual Church some time ago.  I got talking to a guy who holds meetings several times a week, I talked a little about my energy raising efforts - he then told me it was very dangerous to practice on my own, that the chakras have to be closed down etc.,  I didn't know enough to argue with him, but could tell that he was very set in his ways - like most religions - this is the way it has always been done and this is the way it will always be done.  When he started to tell me about seeing the Chakras as 'flowers' opening and closing, I suddenly went deaf as I think I've actualy seen one of my chakras and it didn't look like any lotus to me...

Ladylea, I also thank my lucky stars for this Forum - gets pretty claustraphobic holding onto stuff after a while.  By the way, if you were 'raising' energy, surely you would not have had energy depletion but more of an overload?  If you had thoroughly stimulated your own energy body, without actually raising new energy, and worked through blockages using your reserves, then you would have had energy depletion, is that what you mean?


Isn't it nice to be able to come in here and talk about all this stuff without being labelled a weirdo.
I know if I mentioned half the stuff that's happened to me since doing NEW to my work colleagues, I'd have been carted off to the Funny Farm ages go.   :-)
It is nice to be able to share experiences in here with like minded (or at least open minded) people.
Take care.


To all you "weirdos" out there, don't worry, you're not weird, everyone else is for refusing to accept or even entertain the idea that there might be something different outside of their "normal" perceptions.  But have pity on them, it takes a lot of energy to keep your head buried in the sand.  Just remember that it can be very difficult for people to change a belief system that has been the basis for all their choices in life.  To accept just one new idea such as OBE or NEW means that they will have to start rethinking their lives, because, if you think about it, proof of a "greater reality" also holds the implication of personal responsibility and accountability.  This is just too much for most people to swallow.  Only the brave jump right in, explore and adjust.


Two Bears

Hello Tia; my sister.

energy into the feet, pulling it up the body and then throwing it out through your hands.  I just had to tell him then that I had raised energy and it was quite scarey for me.  He then tells me that I

Qi can feel disconcerting at times (especially in some areas of high energy.

a break in the exercises before I then said to him that in fact it only takes a month and anybody can do it - he disagreed but it's a fast paced class so I didn't have a chance to explain.  I am finding

I agree with your Qigong master or instructor. It usually takes quite a while.

it so hard - I really want to talk about all these amazing things and nobody is interested - even the people who are trying to learn about energy!  None of the other students asked me about it, but I

You may E-Mail one grumpy old Bear I get a boat load of E-Mail so please be patient. I will reply.

My partner is Catholic and wont discuss such things, my friends would look at me like I was nuts if I ever mentioned it - I'm starting to

Some people become very frightened by things they do not understand. take your time and be patient. He may come around.

A few years ago; a Catholic friend was VERY impressed in my use of Qi to heal a badly mangled right foot (partially torn achilles tendon, and two broken bones) in four weeks when he was sure that I would need surgery to repair the foot. Needless to say he was impressed, and asked me to teach him Qigong, then in 1998 I received mastership in Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, and I had the pleasure of introducing him to Reiki, and passing attunements to him.

Shamanism, and HUNA he has no interest in. But that's perfectly OK.

Two Bears

Aloha nui loa
Received the title "master" 8 times and still trying to master myself.

Clear Light Crystal Woman

Dear Tia, I would not worry about people who won't see what is happening to you. They just aren't karmically there yet. Pay attention to your teacher though. Although he/she may not be as tuned into you as you would like, evidently there is something very powerful within him/her that allows your energy the ignition to experience the chi/ kundalini rising. I spent 8 years working with tibetan monks and we all had different powers arise at different times. It didn;t make any difference if the monk I was practicing with understood my experience...because the point was always to get to the space in your consciousness where the ignition switch was no longer needed. Being in a space of joy and power is all that we are heading for across our lifetimes anyway. Have fun with the energy and your catholic friend needs to be reminded of why Christ was nailed and tortured at the energy points he was on his body. They covered all 33 master points as written in the tibetan and egyptian texts. However, once a master healer, always a master healer.

D. COdekas, Writer


I am continually reminded of the early Christian church...the believers that formed together after Christ ascended...they called themselves "a peculiar people"...even God identifies "His church" as a peculiar people.  

I think that religous groups, at least most of them, lose track of the fact that as one becomes "closer to God" and distances his or herself from "the world" (the physical plane- or what the senses percieve as whe whole of reality) then the eyes are truly openened and one's potential- endless potential- becomes apparent.  

Those who choose to see only a small part of reality limit their possibilities...and thus the things we understand and discuss are simply ludicrous and unreal to them.

I understand how you feel and here you will find many who "see" and "feel" those things you do...

Edited by - daniel on 22 March 2002  23:32:02
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


I went for my Qi Gong class tonight and at one point the instructer was explaining a movement, describing it as pulling energy into the feet, pulling it up the body and then throwing it out through your hands.  I just had to tell him then that I had raised energy and it was quite scarey for me.  He then tells me that I am 'gifted' and that it takes years to learn that.  I had to wait for a break in the exercises before I then said to him that in fact it only takes a month and anybody can do it - he disagreed but it's a fast paced class so I didn't have a chance to explain.  I am finding it so hard - I really want to talk about all these amazing things and nobody is interested - even the people who are trying to learn about energy!  None of the other students asked me about it, but I know I would have been the first person to ask me how/what/why...  They had a lively discussion on the benefits of a detox massage before the class started (yawn...)

My partner is Catholic and wont discuss such things, my friends would look at me like I was nuts if I ever mentioned it - I'm starting to feel like my interest in these things is becoming a dirty secret, I shall not mention such again outside of this forum...