Please,help this junior understand what they call "cultivation"

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 Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well.
 I'm new here and I don't understand much, if possible I would like the elders to help me understand what they call "cultivation". I have seen information related to this on several forums, but each one is different
and they explain different things from each other that I can't fully understand later. From the little I have researched, it has something related to meditation, but it is very difficult for me to achieve it without falling asleep after 5 minutes or reaching some state of "peace". I would really like to know more about the subject and I would really appreciate it if you could help this young man. Thank you so much everyone.


Do you mean, like, "Cultivating" energy?  For purposes of...?   Meditating?  Spiritual growth?  Projection?

Oh and deleted your other topic in the Astral Chat section.  I believe your question fits much better in this sub-forum.  :)


That's right, cultivate energy and mind. Possibly everything I've read so far is a mix of fact and fiction, which leaves me confused and doubtful as to whether something like this really exists. Like that "dao" or something similar.
Meditation, healing, longevity, Projection, Energy Control, I really don't know how far reality goes since I didn't have the opportunity to experience something like that, nor did I have someone around me who could tell me "this is the path." Still everything starts with the most basic of everything, and in this case I think it is "meditation" but even in the most basic I can also fail, I really don't know how to meditate correctly. That's why I came here to see if my elders could guide me in this path and not let myself be confused by the excess of information that circulates on the Internet.

Many heartfelt thanks to anyone who wants to help this rookie.
Quote from: Xanth on December 12, 2023, 15:26:39Do you mean, like, "Cultivating" energy?  For purposes of...?   Meditating?  Spiritual growth?  Projection?

Oh and deleted your other topic in the Astral Chat section.  I believe your question fits much better in this sub-forum.  :)


Welcome to the forum.

I wasn't sure what you were talking about, but after reading your post I've been noticing the word a lot.


In my opinion, and from the material I've read after your post. You don't need to follow someone else.

You don't need to worry about getting something right or wrong either. Understand your desire, and recognize this pursuit as uniquely yours.

Between you and God. Or Universe, or Spirit. Whatever word suits your temperament.

Here's what I read shortly after your post...

But first, let's look at the word cultivate. It means you have to apply your will in order to see something grow.

Again... In my opinion- considering your confusion and your doubts, you don't need someone to tell you how to do what you want to do. You just need to do it. The correct way is not always the correct way...

Consider a 5 minute daily practice a damn good start. Congratulations on forming a positive habit. I would benefit to take your lead. And now here's the material I read shortly after your post...

QuoteAuthentic religion should be a personal experience because it is a spiritual relationship between you — as you are — and the Source of your being. How else could you have a dynamically positive spiritual experience if it was dictated by stern religious powers-to-be or drilled into you through mindless repetition of generic prayers combined with prescribed postures? Such routines cannot but stifle the childlike spontaneity that springs from genuine religious living.

A religion that fails to be a quest for transcendental values cannot contribute to the soul's elevation from its formation stage to its perfection stage. Shouldn't you have a say in the way you shape YOUR religious life? Your free will, coupled with your independent thinking and the prompts of your original personality, should be the instigators of a spiritual connection that meets all your soul's needs — far from a cookie-cutter type of approach.

Engage your mind in reflective thinking. Ponder your unique set of life circumstances. Freely share your insights with other hungry souls and leave it up to them to decide whether to adopt your methods or alter them according to their particular needs.

The beautiful thing about authentic religious living is that it assigns you the dual function of student and teacher assistant. It invites you to make others benefit from your hard-earned epiphanies.

Taken from,

I hope it helps.

Don't be discouraged, and realize a great meditative experience can be had in-between moments and at seeming spontaneous times. Restlessness is a great contender. If you are to cultivate anything- let it be awareness. Keep up the good work and please share your discoveries along the way.

Cheers.  :-)


Quote from: tides2dust on December 12, 2023, 22:25:29Welcome to the forum.

I wasn't sure what you were talking about, but after reading your post I've been noticing the word a lot.


In my opinion, and from the material I've read after your post. You don't need to follow someone else.

You don't need to worry about getting something right or wrong either. Understand your desire, and recognize this pursuit as uniquely yours.

Between you and God. Or Universe, or Spirit. Whatever word suits your temperament.

Here's what I read shortly after your post...

But first, let's look at the word cultivate. It means you have to apply your will in order to see something grow.

Again... In my opinion- considering your confusion and your doubts, you don't need someone to tell you how to do what you want to do. You just need to do it. The correct way is not always the correct way...

Consider a 5 minute daily practice a damn good start. Congratulations on forming a positive habit. I would benefit to take your lead. And now here's the material I read shortly after your post...

Taken from,

I hope it helps.

Don't be discouraged, and realize a great meditative experience can be had in-between moments and at seeming spontaneous times. Restlessness is a great contender. If you are to cultivate anything- let it be awareness. Keep up the good work and please share your discoveries along the way.

Cheers.  :-)
Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for responding.

I will read it again later since I am not in myself at the moment and I cannot fully understand your message. I appreciate it very much.

I'm sorry if this is sudden but I just had a strange experience and I need to ask, can our body die or suffer something from some practice?


Quote from: ZenKadima on December 13, 2023, 08:18:15I'm sorry if this is sudden but I just had a strange experience and I need to ask, can our body die or suffer something from some practice?
Can your physical body die from projecting?  Is that what you're asking? 
If so, then no, you're perfectly safe.  It's as safe as dreaming - and you've always woken up each and every morning safe and sound.  :)


Quote from: Xanth on December 13, 2023, 09:32:28Can your physical body die from projecting?  Is that what you're asking? 
If so, then no, you're perfectly safe.  It's as safe as dreaming - and you've always woken up each and every morning safe and sound.  :)
Is that so? It's a relief... I don't know if that's part of the projection but it's very scary. I may be safe, but the things I see, the sound, and the unbearable shaking I feel at that moment are terrifying. Simply feeling like I might "die" from letting myself go or that that feeling of fear really means something to my health, I walk away from that experience that could lead to more.
What can I do to overcome that fear?

And how can I increase my efficiency when "meditating" or "cultivating"?
If I'm lucky after 3 minutes I feel too many things, but most of the time when I spend more than 1 minute my mind wanders, no matter how much effort I put in, I start to wander and every 30 seconds or 1 minute I have to start all over again. Or I get really sleepy and fall into frustrates me a little

Once again, thank you for your senior guidance.


Quote from: ZenKadima on December 13, 2023, 11:19:18Is that so? It's a relief... I don't know if that's part of the projection but it's very scary. I may be safe, but the things I see, the sound, and the unbearable shaking I feel at that moment are terrifying. Simply feeling like I might "die" from letting myself go or that that feeling of fear really means something to my health, I walk away from that experience that could lead to more.
What can I do to overcome that fear?

And how can I increase my efficiency when "meditating" or "cultivating"?
If I'm lucky after 3 minutes I feel too many things, but most of the time when I spend more than 1 minute my mind wanders, no matter how much effort I put in, I start to wander and every 30 seconds or 1 minute I have to start all over again. Or I get really sleepy and fall into frustrates me a little

Once again, thank you for your senior guidance.

Reading this I am motivated to say there is such a thing as going too fast. Practice at a pace that is pleasant. Not everyone is meant to hit OBE/AP ( or even meditation for that matter ) on a dime. I practiced meditation, yoga breathing, asana and much more for decades leading into the OBE. The preliminary practices are crucial for actual success in their culmination. If you are going to cultivate something start with the basics; cultivate goodness, cultivate a steady and strong point of focus. This will supply an apt foundation with which to venture further. Learning breathing techniques and working with the breath, lengthening the inhale and exhale will help you take command when it comes to fear. Tratak, gazing practices will help you develop a steady point of focus which you can then take into your meditations *which will be deeper as a direct result. So. To summarize, begin with the basics ( or there will be no solid ground ) and always proceed at a pace that is pleasant.


The more you practice the less fear you will have. That part will come naturally. You may find that when your mind wonders all you have to do is follow it.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Thank you all for helping me resolve certain doubts, now I have everything a little clearer about what I should do.
From what they tell me, I should take things calmly and over time I will get used to it, I should start meditating but... what is meditating? and how is it done? How can I let go so I can connect with my environment or with a higher consciousness?
I have consumed so much type of information that everything is mixed together.


Meditation is quiet contemplation. You can do it anywhere. Even in a crowded room IF you quiet your own mind.

WHAT you meditate on is far more important than how you do it. Anger, retribution and revenge often lead to a very noisy mind. Whereas letting all that go leads to a peaceful mind and peace is where we are most effective.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


In addition to what Nameless has said,

Meditation is a stilling of the mind. It is simple to begin, but depth of the state will come with steady and regular practice. Sit and/or lay down in a comfortable position, close the eyes, put your attention into the space between your brow and be aware of the fact that you are breathing. Attention at the brow, following the inhale/exhale. Beginning with 30 minutes is a good start. You are asking good questions, stay with it.


Yes, Casey is 100% correct. Please don't be confused by these two seemingly different statements. I lean towards easing tension and helping people realize how natural this practice already is. Casey and others here are so much better at explaining the various techniques and how to become much more effective at what you do.

Casey and so many others here have really helped me understand the steps along the way. And like she said, you're asking good questions. Stay with it.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Thank you for guiding this inexperienced entity along these paths.

So, meditation is reaching a state of peace and stillness in the mind? Or does it have other purposes?

Being the first, I have a serious problem... every time I am about to reach a state of peace I lose consciousness and fall asleep, I really don't want to fall asleep or lose consciousness.

I have been practicing a lot these days and a moment ago while I was trying I had the feeling that consciousness, mind or memories are recorded in our soul and not in our body. and everyone says that our body is nothing more than a vehicle for our soul. But then....if the soul is the center of consciousness or mind, why do I lose it when I achieve peace? If what is supposed to sleep is only the vehicle and not my entire being.


Darlin, you're doing it RIGHT. Losing consciousness is often just meant to bring you into the state you want to be in. Perhaps you aren't quite ready for a conscious OOBE. Perhaps your soul really wants/needs you to dream first.

No matter what happens; maintaining consciousness, falling asleep or swaying on the verge of both you can (and will) have the experience that is best for you. Trust the process. Sleep and dream, sleep and lucid dream, have a nightmare, wake and see a world that is normally hidden, have an OOBE. Doesn't matter, it will be what you need at that time.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


To be honest, I'm not thinking about doing an OBE at the moment, I feel like I'm not ready for it yet, both due to lack of knowledge, a slight fear and because I feel like I don't need it. still.

Maybe it's not what I need, but I want to be able to advance as a person, spiritually, and refine my soul. It's just that there are so many obstacles that come my way that I don't know how to deal with them.

Maybe it is as you say and this loss of consciousness is part of the necessary process to move forward....but for a long time I have had these loss of consciousness just before reaching peace or discovering something really great. The only interesting thing I can get out of it are some feelings or visions that appear and that I don't know how to interpret.

Sometimes in that fraction of seconds where I am about to lose consciousness, I can see and feel how I can control everything around me. As if it were a game and you had total control, even of light or space.
But that's not really my goal, at least for now.

If I can't control my own mind and spirit, how could I control something like that correctly?

I have tried too many methods. but I always lose consciousness and no matter how well I slept that day, after that the sleep is so unbearable that I can't continue.

I am sorry for those who take the trouble to respond to me, I always saw those with greater understanding as my older brothers, if I don't ask my brothers for guidance then who?

I'm really taking it very calmly, there's no need to worry about going too fast.



Cultivate that spirit, forevermore.

We dig, and dig- occasionally we mistake a little well of water for the treasure. Or we get tired of digging and ask, how much more should I be digging?

But we must continue. In this life and the next. Patiently digging, patiently cultivating self awareness- because answers do come. Gems are discovered. And great joy is experienced in a most transcendental manner. I had not received answers to my forced out of body experience until 10 years later.

10 years later! And yet 100 years is the blink of an eye. Despite being given answers, which is quite a miracle in itself, the journey continues!

Do you believe in God? How do you define God? I'm not asking you to answer this, I'm asking you to hold this in your awareness. Here are Brothers before us who have shared great wisdom:

"You do not have to struggle to reach God,
    but you do have to struggle to tear away
       the self-created veil that hides him from you."

-Paramahansa Yogananda

"There is only one virtue     
          and only one sin
                for a soul on the path:
virtue when he is conscious of God         
                  and sin when he is not."

-Abu Hashim Madani

I agree with you 100%. It is not about the psychic powers, it is about taking the reins of our life. Turning our attitude into the cultivator- discovering the hidden gems. Realizing our time here is short, but the mystery and joy available to us is vast! It starts with utilizing our will, realizing we do not have to be slaves- even in the face of total oppression, you can be free!

Spiritual amnesia is common, and we are learning to temper our Ego as we continue to discover the mysteries of Life. Our Mother is a great host, providing us physical bodies bound to the laws here! And how little we understand those laws! If we understood them, levitation and telepathy might even be considered normal.

You are doing a great job, and I am inspired by your wisdom. Keep it up! Never give up. Don't worry about the dance, and how you get there- a secret is, that is the thing to cherish. And though our paths differ, the destination is the same. How is it so? Because we are all belonging to One.

The One! GOD BLESS and MERRY CHRISTMAS. = ) = ) = ) = ) < 3 < 3 < 3


Merry Christmas to you too and to all those who helped resolve my doubts and to those who read this, my brothers.

Quote from: tides2dust on December 15, 2023, 17:11:37"You do not have to struggle to reach God,
    but you do have to struggle to tear away
      the self-created veil that hides him from you."

-Paramahansa Yogananda

"There is only one virtue     
          and only one sin
                for a soul on the path:
virtue when he is conscious of God         
                  and sin when he is not."

-Abu Hashim Madani

The first time I read this I was quite confused, but after a while I think I understood it.

Are you referring to the fight we must make to separate ourselves from this bubble that prevents us from seeing beyond what our physicality allows us to experience? What do they call "system"?

If so and if I didn't misunderstood... how could you teach or explain to someone, not far from a baby, how to see beyond what your eyes allow you to see and what your heart allows you to feel? despite so many obstacles in life.

I honestly think I already know the answer, but it's always good to listen to older people.

And since we mention God... who or what really is GOD/THE ONE/THE ALL? Is he really the supreme being of all infinite reality? Or is he the supreme being of this reality of many or of this layer of planes?

Is it a type of energy that permeates every corner, or is it a being similar to us with similar feelings? As well as a part of the Bible that says "I will make you in our image and likeness" referring to its resemblance to us.

I really don't know how to address that being without knowing what he or she is like or what he or she feels.
I say it innocently, since if he is really there I would like to be able to pray to him and if possible be able to have communication... although I doubt that being so powerful would grant an innocent request like this, that makes me a little sad.


Hello again, ZenKadima. =)

I have not felt obligated to answer these questions, but I have been holding your response in my mind. I find all these questions very admirable.

Answers come, even if years go by. Answers can change too. It can be fun to discuss. I have plenty of thoughts and idea's. But what crossed my mind, as I was thinking of you(and someone else), was this:

Don't worry about the things you can't prove, just follow your heart.

I have found God cares for all Life, even providing for the creatures we rarely consider. To me, this experience is miraculous. Don't give up my friend.

Warm regards.


Quote from: ZenKadima on December 15, 2023, 18:55:13although I doubt that being so powerful would grant an innocent request like this, that makes me a little sad.

Do you feel worthy? Saying the word doubt sends a resonance throughout your energy and God reflects in back to you. God does not think the way a personality thinks. It's an energy that gives back what you give out. Prayers should be expressions of gratitude of something that you already believe you have and not something that you wish to get. Do you understands the meaning of the verse from the Bible "your faith has healed you". That same principle applies in all areas of life.
Do you know that you are a part of God. God is not a separate being, is nether male nor a female, it has no personality but is ALL THAT IS. God would not be ALL THAT IS if you were not a part of it, so you have the power. Knowing this empowers one's self to see thyself as equal to everting and everyone and to God, because of the highest level we all perceive ourselves as God. We may be even younger than you in physical age and many members here are females. So elders may mean to you more experienced but know that you have the capabilities of finding all answers. You have to trust yourself, trust your power, let go of all tension and fears, and perhaps the information you read from anyone will start arranging the way in which you will start seeing the picture of the puzzle. Let go and allow. Listen to your intuition. There is no one truth. Everything is ever changing according to your needs as a personality and so are your truths. Just play with whatever information you think resonates with you and see what adventures leads you to. Just have fun. :)
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow