video of dots on hand when making a ki ball

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I dont see anything but a hand with a flashlight behind it, and thats not a video.


lol :) isn't something that can be pictured i guess... i can see them to when i put KI in my hand   it looks like red little dots over my hand


The red dots are due to an increase in blood flow through your exchange ports and energy centres.  The blood is what carries your spirit energy to where you want it.  Thus, explaining the increased blood flow and spots.

P.S.  The spots will steadily get bigger as your energy exchange ports become more attuned.


First of all, I am not able to download that file...

Secondly, Whenever I see my hand, I see the dots very clearly. Although their colour is pale white. When once I held I psiwheel over my hand and tried to lift it by sending Ki below it, I saw the dots turing green(I visualise Ki as Green). It was like all the dots had peen painted green, their green photocopy had been taken and had been kept above my hand, I mean that I saw the layer of Ki sometimes inside and sometimes outside my hand filling the same spaces the dots had taken. That layer sometimes moved very little forward and sometimes very little backward. So I saw a combination of pale white and green. It's very hard to explain you know.

Although the psiwheel never moved a millimetre.



heres a little video of those dots on my hand when making a ki ball i already mentioned the dots in other topics... WHAT ARE THESE DOTS??? and if anyone can see ki balls trough videos please identify my ki ball

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