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A Healing in the Astral

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Hi everyone, this is an experience I had healing in the astral that I would like to share, Here is what I typed soon after it happened almost a year ago.


I was in a dream, I became conscious I was dreaming, and the dream went away, and I found myself in the astral or somewhere, I have no idea where I was. I was with someone, and I became conscious of healing them. It was probably one of the greatest
experiences I have ever had. Negative energy, or entitys, (aren't all entitys made of energy anyway?) were going through my astral body, it felt very unpleasent, but I was sending them love, and emiting thoughts of love, just love, pure love, it was so great that feeling, and as I did that, they would move through my astral body from the front and come out the other side. The last bit of energy tried to cling on to me, and didnt want to leave, and I
concentrated on increasing the love I was sending out to them, thoughts of love, then when the energy was still clinging on to me and wouldnt go, I sent love to it, love for it. Love. It eventually moved off. I then found myself back in my body after that, and my body was vibrating the whole way down, my chakras all very active.

I dont know who I was healing, maybe it was me, or someone else, or
the energy/entities themselves, I have no Idea, I dont even know where I was in the astral, if thats where I was.

This was such an awesome experience, and I when I woken up in the morning I was really happy. To top it all off aswell, I had some really pleasent dreams throughout that night too.
