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Free 15-Minute Healing Session

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Message me for a Free 15-Minute Healing Session!
You will recieve a specific date and time,
Due to the possible high volume of requests, Please be patient.


1. No illegal or legal use of altering substances.
2. No consultation or work ever done with Negative Forces.


1. Age:
2. Name:
3. Location:


1. Photograph

Message me for a Free 15-Minute Healing Session!
You will recieve a specific date and time,
Due to the possible high volume of requests, Please be patient.


What is disappointing is I see so many requests for Healing, yet no one sends me a message.


principle,  i respect and admire your offer to help others. we all need eachother.

i think the Want to heal is the first step.  the Will to heal is the next. a two way thing.

what kind of healing do you do?


"Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility."  -- Sigmund Freud



Quote from: Principle on April 24, 2007, 15:50:09
What is disappointing is I see so many requests for Healing, yet no one sends me a message.

I find it disappointing that you would comment on your disappointment.  What is it with people?  You come on here advertising your alleged skills and then fuss at us when no one wants to take the bait.  How egotistical is that? 


I don't think it's egotistical at all, There is plenty of people who request Healing on this forum,
yet none apparently approaches another that is offering Free Healing services.

Now, I am not advertising my 'alleged skills',
I am advertising because I have avaliable time in which I would like to help others.

It's not bait, but Assistance.

I don't see how your post was at all productive, The question is, How egotistical are you?
To come and claim I have 'alleged skills' and I am providing people with some sort of 'bait'.


Principle..  I keep wanting to call you Alex.. I think it's the avatar.. anyways, I think it's great to help people, but to come back and complain about the lack of interest is...different and a bit egotistical, IMO.  To be honest I had not even seen your post, maybe others hadn't the chance to see it as well? 

I'm reminded of this tiny little lady at the mall who keeps trying to sell me this miracle manicure stuff.  I swear the woman does not take no for an answer and it has become a on going joke with my kids and I, to see if I can dodge her quick enough... I've found the key is no eye contact.  :lol:  She's so convinced that I need this stuff.  I'm willing to bet if she wasn't so in my face, I'd buy some of that miracle lotion. :)

As to saying "alleged" well, the definition of alleged is, "Represented as existing or as being as described but not so proved; supposed"  I thought I was using it in the correct manner.


Quote from: Runlola on April 25, 2007, 14:25:51

maybe it would help if you say more about yourself and
your healing practice & some testimonials....stuff like that...

or maybe the people that need help don't fit into the prerequisites you set forth.  :?

I have taken this into consideration, I have posted perviously 'About myself' and the 'whole nine yards' and apparently I didn't recieve any responses either. I thought maybe people did not want to read, Unfortunetly.

I am only disappointed in the amount of requests you see posted, yet I recieve no replys?
That's all.

I have only recieved a few requests recently.


Quote from: principleYou will recieve a specific date and time,
Due to the possible high volume of requests, Please be patient.

For someone who is very busy you seem pretty upset about no responses.  Is this a contradiction?

lady of the ring

Talanay - I have to ask : what is going on with you lately? I am still very new to this forum and have  respected your posts,  but first erynys and now principle - you have to cut these guys some slack!

love and light to you



Hello lady of the ring, nice to meet you.  If you're new to this forum then how can you wonder what is going on with me lately?  Usually that implies a knowledge before hand.  I'm going to suppose you lurked long before you posted.

Can you please point out exactly what I have said that is not the truth?  I'm not here to be an enabler, pushover or gullible.  I'm just saying. :)


I will no longer respond to the messages concerning this post.

Wiether you are trying to raise emotion in me, or seek an arguement, I don't know.
I unfortunetly will not provide you with that satisifcation, nor is it productive.

My Love, Positive thoughts, and Energy goes out to all of you.


actually, you are intentionally trying to stir up negative emotions and you poorly disguise this as an innocent opinion. i find it very childish and inconsiderate. i dont know whats going on with your life, but i pray you find your peace. and as for testimonials, principle did some healing for me, and i have to say it worked tremendously. my energy flow has improved greatly, my chakras are extremely healthy, and it is now easier to attempt certain abilities. if you do not believe this, that is your choice, however there is no reason for you to insult anyone on this board. thats not what it is here for and i suggest you find another outlet to release your stress if you cannot control yourself. and by the way, using the word "alleged" does imply that you meant fake, as it is common knowledge that the word has a negative connotation. i am deeply disappointed in your "opinions" as you call them, and i hope i've made it clear that i no longer respect anything you have to say.
im not really THAT psychic. i just like to pretend that i am. :)


Quote from: Principle on April 25, 2007, 22:15:17
I will no longer respond to the messages concerning this post.

Wiether you are trying to raise emotion in me, or seek an arguement, I don't know.
I unfortunetly will not provide you with that satisifcation, nor is it productive.

My Love, Positive thoughts, and Energy goes out to all of you.

LOL.. what?  Am I some kind of negative you've been warned against?  :lol: ?????

lady of the ring

Hello lady of the ring, nice to meet you.  If you're new to this forum then how can you wonder what is going on with me lately?  Usually that implies a knowledge before hand.  I'm going to suppose you lurked long before you posted.

Can you please point out exactly what I have said that is not the truth?  I'm not here to be an enabler, pushover or gullible.  I'm just saying.

Hi there

yes - I joined some time ago, but have not actively posted due to time constraints and the fact that I do not as yet have the confidence as many here do.  I consider myself still new cos of this, but am happy to go along at my pace.  your posts have given me lots of motivation.  I do not want to get involved in this, but asked out of concern as the tone of your remarks and/or posts to them are not so nice and does not reflect the kind, helpful person I have summed you up to be.  About this being the "truth", I am not here to judge anybody, so I would like to apologize for commenting in the first place. 

More love and light to you



I hear you, I do.  I suppose it's a pet peeve of mine and I come across angry.  It's who I am, I don't mince words and get to the point pretty quick.  I'm forty and when I was a young kid needing to know more about the paranormal, there was minimal resources and no one to talk to for the most part.  I was lucky to some extent that my father was open but over all I couldn't bring up seeing ghost or why I was flying around outside my window at night to anyone.  The past few years this planet has seen a huge influx of people wanting to know more, which is great, except you have people who are giving out wrong or flat out false information for whatever reasons... it could be greed, attention, or control issues, who knows.

Since I've been on this site I've had two people come to me and confess to flat out lying about abilities that was bragged about, just to fit in or be cool.  Immaturity played a big part.  My point is.. it's hard enough getting by in this life without having to waste energy chasing something that isn't.  keep it real, that's all. :)

lady of the ring

Now thats more like it!   "keep it real" - could'nt agree more!
We share the same age - no wonder I resonate so strongly with you  :wink:
here's another karma for you lol



Thank you kindly. :-D

Another forty year old ?... WOW.. I didn't think there were any older members left.  :)


Quote from: TalaNay on April 29, 2007, 19:30:16
Thank you kindly. :-D

Another forty year old ?... WOW.. I didn't think there were any older members left.  :)
Quote from: lady of the ring on April 26, 2007, 13:41:32
Now thats more like it!   "keep it real" - could'nt agree more!
We share the same age - no wonder I resonate so strongly with you  :wink:
here's another karma for you lol


You ladies are making me feel like an old fart!  Or an old something!   :-D

TalaNay,  I have appreciated your candor the short time I have been on these forums.  I have visited some other sites that were completely overrun by immature/angry/otherwise over-emotional adolescents (what should we expect from these dear ones?).  I'm fairly confident that a lot of the older folks on these forums serve up some BS as well -- for whatever reasons.

I admit I struggle with with being non-judgmental vs. skeptical with some of what I read.  Anything is possible in this awesome Universe.  I also admit that I've kept some of my own experiences  quiet for fear of being misunderstood, but that's why I try to keep an open mind.

I guess my "BS detector" goes off when people start getting too dogmatic about what they believe (pride vs. humility), or their experiences seem too perfect (who doesn't have some setbacks along the way?), or they seem to be trying too hard to sell something.

Anyway, I'm glad you are the moderator and not me!  Keep up the good work.

Peace,  DH
God created the Universe for His 7th grade science project -- and got a C.     - Swami Beyondananda


I very much appreciate your kind words DH. :) 

I'm still learning how to be patient and yep, not judge too much.  Eh.. it works some days and not too well other days.   :-P
I guess my "BS detector" goes off when people start getting too dogmatic about what they believe (pride vs. humility), or their experiences seem too perfect (who doesn't have some setbacks along the way?), or they seem to be trying too hard to sell something.

Totally relate to that!  :-D


I will be the 1st to respond; since I have registered to astralpulse today for your wonderful offer. (Mine are the 2 healing requests on today's topics) for Hep C & an anguished Father in pain. 6/3.
I will try to work on sending a photo that I have on my yahoo if I can figure out how.
Name: Carolyn K (myself)
Location: Vallejo, CA.

Age: 85/86
Name: Bob K
Location: Fort Smith, AR.


I ask you to please remove personal information from your post, and to message it to me instead, due to security issues of course. (If you so choose to request a healing session)


So you? Still giving free sessions to people? I'm not asking for any just yet, I'm just wondering how they're going. I remember one guy on here seemed to really benefit from it.