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Healing myself?

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activating primary body circuit  should be enough, you have descriptions in NEW and heart on home page
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Build Power.
Open your Chakras.
Stimualte your Heart Chakra.  Move energy into it, and envision yourself being filled with the energy coming out of it.  Envidion yourself whole and healthy, both physically, mentally, and spiritually.  Picture "bad" energy flowing out with each exhalation, as you envision "good" energy coming in with each intake of breath.

There are many ways to work on yourself.  Envisioning yourself filled with teh pure white light of good is a simple one.  Just imagine yourself spiritually healed As in the Auric sense0 and the body will follow suit!
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


Should you target the specific area, Rastus?


Originally posted by daem0n

activating primary body circuit  should be enough, you have descriptions in NEW and heart on home page

Daemon, I wish it was enough, but I'm still sick even though I activate the primary body circuit nightly.


You should do what feels right.  A Reiki expert does it one way, an Auric  anotehr, and a Shamanistic style a third way.  They all achieve the same thing.

Take for example me.  I poisoned myself today, again.  Now before you ask why I didn't notice the real butter in the work fridge was bad, I'll respond with the stock "I was in a hurry and distracted and it was only butter on a Bagel".  I was looking for things at work, but I had fogotten I had an english muffin (do they call them that in Britian?) Wednesday.  Now what am I going to do about it?  I'm going to go outside at lunch, take my shoes and sox off, and meditate on a bench for 1/2 hour.  Maybe.  We are short 3 key people today and I amy not get a lunch (again).  During the meditation I'm going to concentrate on the toxins in my digestive track, and isolate them.  I am also going to concentrate on my body not absorbing the toxins, to let them pass on through.  To help this I'm not eating anything until about 8-10 hours from now.

That is a practical example of how I'm applying Metaphysics after diagnosing an ailment.  It's also why I'm not constantly puking in a bucket ( but puking in a bucket is the bodies way of getting rid of the Toxins, so in that respect I'm forcing an Atypical reaction, but given what's happening at work this week, it's a jsutified choice on my part ).

What specific problem are your trying to to affect?  You can PM me if it's too much for the boards.
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


you said you activate primary circuit nightly, this means once per night, one session per night  ??
maybe you don't raise enough energy, i'll do it whenever i think about it wherever, whenever i am, i intend to make it perpetual on the unconcious level
anyway, go to a doctor
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Don't assume I haven't done that, my friend!

I have a cough and chronic costochondritis.  The doctors have treated me as best they can, but it doesn't help.  They have no idea what causes costochondritis and don't really know how to treat it, either.  I'm looking at alternative techniques, and psychic healing is merely one of them.


well, the only thing that springs to my mind is disattaching negs, clearing thoughts and emotions permanently (good effects on me), asking for divine help or posting in healing place if you haven't done that yet, or robert's NEW on heavy mode
if i discover anything useful i'll post it, how long have you been trying ???
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


I actually haven't been trying at all--it was only recently that I had some success and healing and it occured to me that maybe I could apply it to myself.

I read Robert Bruce's essay on clearing negs and I'll try that, but I'm not really sure how to find the neg when the problem is not a memory or an image, but just a pain.  Guess I'll have to experiment.



focus on the areas where the pain dwells and visualise them, if they are there, the image should be stronger, you'll definitely feel it
whenever a negative thought occurs, trace it back to it's source, you may find a surprise as i had :)
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


I'll give it a shot :)


hmmm. did it help ???
bonus: if your head starts aching(exerted too much [:I]), switch to secondary circuit to clean up and go to sleep
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Originally posted by daem0n

hmmm. did it help ???
bonus: if your head starts aching(exerted too much [:I]), switch to secondary circuit to clean up and go to sleep


the headache i got after healing my mother via from the heart method, and clearing my blockage in the left elbow 2 hours earlier(about 15 moles appeared there in one week, got insane amounts of negative energy there, probably negs dunno), and trying getting energy through crown chakra in the process, for the first time it was ok, after the second time i  got  the headache
the quote wasn't what i expected though
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Oh that's odd, it didn't actually include my reply.

I said, "It did help, although I only have done it twice because my energy has been so low."  Last night I sat down in my chair to do some meditation and energy healing.  I finished my introductory relaxation exercises and the next thing I know, it's 3am and I'm curled up under a blanket on top of the bed.  I have no idea what happened or how I got there.  So it didn't go so well last nigh :O


hmmm, my mother felt the energy but said it was rather weak, i was building up for about 2 minutes so its too short for now for me i guess, but hey i cut my finger on the fence i was jumping through about 12 hours ago, did some energy healing and it's almost healed (or i lie to myself and it's normal time of healing of such injury [:D])
as for memory blank this sounds like negative influence, something is seriously messing with you, i got memory blanks only after listening to the tool in special sequence but ended up better than ever

to weaken them (negs or whatever) you must get rid of all possible anchors they got onto you, so it's negative thoughts, prejudice and so on... (sounds simpler than it's done, i know)
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Removing negative thoughts is a daily practice on my part.  Yep, easier said than done but it's easier to do as I go along.  Seems like I'll never really be done with that goal, though.

I think I was just really tired.  This week has been busy and I've only been averaging 6 hours of sleep per night.  Still, it's weird that I would get up, walk across the room and lie down without remembering any of it.


Some people will say "your building power to heal, not using your own, you should feel refreshed after you do work".  While I agree with the premise, I still get tired after do high-energy work.  That's probably because I usually work at night, after getting up at 6 AM and working a full day.  I did not get tired from energy work on vacation (where I slept in every morning, and didn't do much throughout the day but fish).

I suppose it's like a physical workout.  It's takes awhile for your energy body to adjust to the increase work you are doing.  Multiple texts tell you that the energy sensation "fades" as you work, because your getting used to it, or your energy pathways are bigger and unblocked.  I think it's the biggest frustration for most new people, that energy "rush' you were feeling now isn't as strong.  Not because your weaker or not doing it right, because your body has compensated and now it's more 'normal'.  You may also be storing more in secondary chakra's, so there's less to pull in.  Like topping off your Auto with petrol every other day, it never takes much to fill it unless you've driven a long way (done a lot of high energy work).

It also seems easier to clear blockages now?  Not blockages so much as slowdowns?  The energy flows, but sluggishly, so it takes some Mental Draino to clear things up.
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


how long do you train new ???, shouldn't you be able to practise perpetual primary storage circuit energy raising???
well, i was able to do it from the first day (6 hours of stimulation on one evening and go [:D]), but it seems that average is a lot longer, raising energy is important when you go to work, or before anything requiring concentration, it REALLY helps (for a hangover too [8D]), so if you're tired gather
about your neg/thought-form, it has to have some anchor on you in order to drain that much energy, recall and ask yourself what are you over-emphasised with, and starve the f**ker
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Originally posted by daem0n

how long do you train new ???, shouldn't you be able to practise perpetual primary storage circuit energy raising???

I've been doing this for a little over a month.  I should be able to do energy raising and normally do without a problem, but that's a bit hard since I've fallen asleep immediately each time I've tried for the past several days.  I think I need a break and should just focus on sleep.  I mean, I fell asleep in a chair.  That never happens.

I'll look into the neg thing, of course, but I really think this is a sleep deprivation thing, since I've gotten so littel lately.


Ok, I fully intend to read up on the subject, but until I get the books, is there any technique I can use to heal myself?

Like say I have a cold or a sore throat or something like that.  Is there anything special you need to do when working on yourself?