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How can I help my friends who are cocaine heads?

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So many of my friends are hardcore addicts snorting away their money and brains. How can I help someone who doesn't want to stop their addiction? I mean they do A LOT, like tons. it's unreal. When one of them doesn't have coke they put orajel in their mouth.  :?

I'm just concerned about them because it is an evil drug isn't it? Should I not do anything and let them snort away?
my brains are scrambled. my head's an egg.


I work with a lot of people who are addicted to various drugs (am a "recovering hippy" myself!  :-D).  You can't do much for someone who doesn't want to stop.  Admitting that you have a prob and wanting to stop are the first steps to recovery.  While it's good to voice your concern and be a positive role model, preaching and nagging don't work well either.  I know it sucks when you watch people you know slowly dismantle themselves.  It's a helpless feeling. One proactive thing you can do is pray for them (or direct positive energy to them -- however you conceive of  intercession).  I believe that keeping someone consistently focused in your thoughts through positive imaging can help him (see Larry Dossey's stuff on this for some interesting results, scientific experiments, etc.).  Hope they get it figured it before too much damage is done.  DH
God created the Universe for His 7th grade science project -- and got a C.     - Swami Beyondananda


How good a friends are they? Are they your best friends?
Ai mela na umea.
"What we don't know will always be bigger than what we know."
"Whatever you give out you get back multiplied!"
"Where you put your attention is where you get your results."

Hannah b

hey psychonaut,

I agree completely with what DH has said. There is no way of changing someone when they don't want to, or are not ready for a change. You can be a role model, and be there for them when they start loosing it. Through your own life and actions, you can show them that life can be just as powerful, fun and mind blowing experience as any drug trip. From my own experiences and of many around me I know that sometimes you have to reach the bottom in order to wake up. Some will never open their eyes, and that might be a painful experience for empathic people like you. Remember that their souls chose this experience, and only life itself is powerful enough to change their way of thinking. Send them your positive thoughts, and I'm afraid that this is the only thing you can do.

All the best :wink:
The only constant in the Universe is change