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Mind over Body

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Hello Everyone here, I am not exactly sure where to post this. Adrian said that you can help me develop psychic powers since this is one of the forums main purposes.

If anyone has any advice on developing Telekinesis please do share it with me.

The Mind over body is the main point of this post. I want to use Telekinesis on my own genes/body. I am talking about changing eye color, making hair grow longer in some places and vanish short in other places. Basically changing how your hair grows, where and in what way. changing bone structure, hormone levels, hair color, ext. growing taller or shorter. Only using human genes of course. Does anyone know a way to do this or know anyone who has done something similar? I would really appreciate it.


You don't need to be a psychic to learn telekinesis, you need to let go of reality, forget your physical limitations and know there is nothing you cannot do, once you get achieve this mindset concentrate on what you wish to change, know and feel it as if it were an extension of yourself that you have complete control over (if it a part of your own body you must still concentrate at knowing and feeling full control over it )and then do as you wish as long as it harms none. At least this is how I have done it in the past and has worked for me though I have given up using telekinesis
One Bad Day. Thats what separates me from the rest of the world. Just One Bad Day...


mind over body = metaphysics

telekinesis is quite advanced but mind over matter healing is very doable with alot of concentration :D


Dear Alter Ego. Did you actually have success with body changing and PK?