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People suffering from Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome

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Well i discovered recently that i have this problem in my heart since birth : or more exactly THIS is causing the problem :

I suppose this is COMPLETLY impossible to heal even by experience healers, right ? Well it might me common sense that the physical treatment they use in the hospital is the best way to fix this but i am not really sure about this... i dont' know why but if i was born with this, it have to mean something in terms of karma i presume i don't know if doing this is really the best idea but unfortunately i will be forcing to do it, since i already got my heart beating at 180 twice (arrhythmias) and i could have died.

Does anyone here has this syndrome or already got it fixed in the hospital by ablatation, know if there is any kind of energy work or psychic training exercice that would be dangerous to practise for people having this like me ? I ask this because specially when trying to astral project, the heart chakra is quite envolved in this, and since this stuff is about electrical circuits in the heart, i am not sure what kind of side effects could this have, either before or after the physical ablatation of the extra pathway in the heart, or even if doing energy work would probably RESTORE the ablated extra pathway (highly unlikely i think but maybe it could happend) which of course would be a bad thing.


The extra bundle in your hearts' conduction system could indeed lead to fatal arrhythmias. I suggest you have surgery. There might even be some energetic healing method to correct that, but it would be a lame idea to have you postpone cardiac surgery in order to seek energetic help.

I'm graduating on Medicine the next year, I know what arrhythmias can cause. I would go for surgery, whenever your cardiologist feels like performing it. Once performed, this surgery kills the extra bundle and the source of your arrhythmias is gone. How old are you? Have you experienced fainting, tachicardia or any other symptom?

Go for surgery, but don't keep yourself from doing energy works, these can't be underestimated. It's just that, before you find someone who can heal you (or do it yourself), you might experience some major arrhythmia that could possibly kill you. And we don't want that to happen  :-)

Hope you get better!
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
than are dreamt of in your philosophy"

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Hum... i think it's better that we talk in private message since as you can imagine it's a bit private stuff :)

Anyways of course i didn't REALLY mean to postpone the surgery, what i wanted most was to know what side effects such surgery can have regarding energy work, that's all :) anyways we will talk better by pm.


I have an 'early beat', a problem not as dramatic as yours, and I practice projection.  I believe I already talked about it in another post (with you even) but like Horacio, I'd tell you not to postpone the surgery.  If it were me I would try phasing instead of RTZ OBE, because of the involvement of the heart chakra in the projection reflex.  But that's just my opinion.


Quote from: cesm23 on February 16, 2010, 12:12:28
to know what side effects such surgery can have regarding energy work
I don't know about that, I don't know in details how energy behaves when we do energy works, others may be more helpful to you regarding that (I'm deeply interested in knowing that, by the way)

Now, when it comes down to your physical heart, just pm me and I'll be glad to talk to you  :wink:
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
than are dreamt of in your philosophy"

I've created a blog of some sort:


QuoteI have an 'early beat', a problem not as dramatic as yours, and I practice projection.  I believe I already talked about it in another post (with you even) but like Horacio, I'd tell you not to postpone the surgery.  If it were me I would try phasing instead of RTZ OBE, because of the involvement of the heart chakra in the projection reflex.  But that's just my opinion.

Can you recommend me some good article on phasing ? I mean i know i can just search but it's just there is so many different ones, and some of them are a bit confusing to me (like that one i indicated you in the other post) so i would prefer one that you see that is more exactly what you mean in my specific situation.

By the way, several months ago before i knew i had this problem, i already tried to astral project/oobe many times... but i usually wasn't ever successful, even tough i think i started to feel some vibrations in the front part of the upper part of my left leg but it was just a bit and i was never able to reproduce that anymore, and also sometimes i would kinda feel a kind of "shock" in the center of my chest, but it had absolutly no other sideeffect, no accelerated heart beating, so i think it was really just something energy related and not related to WPW.


To tell you the truth, I thought there was a stickied 'how to' on phasing, but all I've found is articles discussing phasing.  Gandalf had a good article but for some reason I can't find it.   I'll keep looking.


Oh i see... now i understand why it was so confusing to me... it was actually a explanation of what it is... lol ok ok take your time it's no hurry :)