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How to counter Black Magic.(Emergency Help)

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Killa Rican

Ok for one i do not believe in any kind of magic. But i have become curious about its potential. im really worried about a close relative of mine. Who's certain inlaw has evil intentions for her and the rest of her family. Greedy over inheritence over death wills and fortune. Over the past years she been suffering lately due to depression and lack of interest in her lover. Going nowhere in life and even losing her job. She was supposedly placed a curse on her and she continues to suffer. A Close spiritual medium friend of ours claimed that she has 2 dead spirits haunting her and wont let her be happy or move on with her life.

My question is will some sort of ritual need to take place. Does the law of attraction work in this situation? Is Prayer necessary or pointless? Im really worried and i need someone with experience with immediate advice. I dont want anymore harm caused to others and those close to me.
For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice. ~Joseph Dunninger


I'm no expert, but I will tell you something. Law of Attraction always works, no matter what happens. To get rid of those evil entities,(ghost) you would need someone who can project and scare them away. Mark my words, I'm not 100% sure that you need someone who knows how to project to scare them.


Prayer is always helpful, especially for her.
If she believes in magic, she is vulnerable.  But the good news is that if she does believe in magic she more likely than not believes in God/Saints and other rituals related to religion (orthodox or nonorthodox, like Santeria, for example.)
So find something she can get into, and teach her that.

Also,  realize that affirmative prayer is the Law of Attraction in action, so to speak.

Killa Rican

Quote from: CFTraveler on December 21, 2009, 23:25:24
Prayer is always helpful, especially for her.
If she believes in magic, she is vulnerable.  But the good news is that if she does believe in magic she more likely than not believes in God/Saints and other rituals related to religion (orthodox or nonorthodox, like Santeria, for example.)
So find something she can get into, and teach her that.

Also,  realize that affirmative prayer is the Law of Attraction in action, so to speak.

Merry christmas to all Thanks you both for your replys!

Hi CFT! ^ ^

A few questions if you dont mind me asking. So Magic only works if you believe in it? Im quite confused. Its not so much black magic but the type is Santarea/Voodoo. I know when her sister was at her house she placed a hex at her door and now that shes back in Cuba shes gonna be sending some strong energy across the oceans directed towards her family. I dont know this would work but i Purchased a Volkh spirit from CH to be her Guardian keeper and eat all negative energies.

And about the law of attraction whats the difference between it and Wishful thinking/high hopes? Not that i have doubts i just wanna know when and how it is working.

Thanks in Advance

~God Bless =)
For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice. ~Joseph Dunninger


I don't have time to answer fully but the 'short version' is that curses work when people believe in them, whether it's 'magic' or not.
I'll get more into the LOA at another time, I have to leave soon, didn't want to leave you hanging.


I recommend conducting "Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram" for her to rid of herself of negative spirits and energies, I also recommend spreading salt around the outside of the house and burning sage throughout the house while saying a Archangel Michael Prayer.


Archangel Michael will kick the crap out of the curse as well as those two spirits  :-D... But if you can't find him than I would recommend reading a book or website that deals with this kind of stuff.


AS salamu allaiqum
get rid of evil devil jinn with the help of quran visit this link
black magic remove with quran visit this link
black magic spell reversal with quran visit this link
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My take -
Premise: We are all energy bodies, and as such can be influenced by external sources. Whether we believe this or not makes no difference. Music is the most accessible example of this transference of energy, but actually any vibratory energy can affect us, such as a bee humming near our ear, an x-ray machine, an explosion, a whisper, etc., etc. And - thought energy (a vibratory energy) can most certainly have an effect on others, as we've all observed in our daily lives. Actually we take it for granted: 'negative vibes' and 'positive vibes' have an enormous influence on our energy state. Some people walk into a room and have to immediately turn around and leave, based solely on their reception of a certain type of energy emanating there. Sometimes an area has such a positive energy we don't want to leave.

Premise: Magic(k) utilizes natural laws of the universe. The methods of harnessing these little understood laws have been developed through centuries of trial-and-error; the operator doesn't need to understand how they work, they simply work if things are done in a correct fashion. Most of us can turn on a TV without understanding electron flow. These are some of the same laws that cause the law of attraction to work.  By definition, using the LOA is using magic(k).   

Based on the above reasoning (and two small experiments long ago) QED, ritual magic works. The variables are the expertise of the operator, and the receptivity (or maybe susceptibility) and sensitivity of the target, if the target is sentient. Some of us are naturally receptive - probably like the person this thread is about; their energy bodies are easily influenced. Some of us are naturally defensive - probably like CFTraveler - and much less likely to be influenced easily.



Give those spirits a good Kamayamaya and they should leave her alone.  Also a good book to read is psychic self defense by Dion Fortune. It doesn't have a ton of suggestions and rituals. But the last few chapters are focused on that and should give a good start. There also geared towards someone without much knowledge in this so anyone can do them. As for the rest of the book its entertaining and has many of her own personal examples in it which might set her mind at ease.


Quote from: Ignazio on December 21, 2009, 21:31:29
I'm no expert, but I will tell you something. Law of Attraction always works, no matter what happens. To get rid of those evil entities,(ghost) you would need someone who can project and scare them away. Mark my words, I'm not 100% sure that you need someone who knows how to project to scare them.




Quote from: Killa Rican on December 25, 2009, 15:01:32
Merry christmas to all Thanks you both for your replys!

Hi CFT! ^ ^

A few questions if you dont mind me asking. So Magic only works if you believe in it? Im quite confused. Its not so much black magic but the type is Santarea/Voodoo.

you are absolutely correct... even if you don't believe in it , it does affect you, trust me, i have experienced it   8-)


Quote from: Shrikrishna on January 07, 2011, 11:02:42
you are absolutely correct... even if you don't believe in it , it does affect you, trust me, i have experienced it   8-)
Actually, it won't.

What people are fundamentally not being honest with themselves about is that very belief.
If it *IS* working on you, then in some dark corner of your subconscious, you DO believe in it.


its true, you can let it in if you have doubts.