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I would like a teacher

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While you are still looking for a teacher; do you do any martial arts?
If not, you could try TaiChi...  Good for coordination and health.
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


I do judo, but I'm not sure if that really counts. And if it matters, I can see auras sometimes, but only for blocks of colour

Ceriel N

In reply to the topic; so would I.

In reply to the part about martial arts; it depends on your teacher. Do you practice Ju-do as an external or internal martial art?
Tai Chi is strictly internal, and if you wish you can learn the combat-form of Tai Chi Chuan. It is said to be the most effective form of combat in existence.
Or you might want to combine both martial arts and magic, and learn Chi Kung?
"We work in the dark - we do what we can- we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art."
- Henry James


Hello Firetoice
  You would need to find a school in the type of magic that you are interested in doing. There are a great many schools for Wicca upon the web. I know of a mystery school that is having a conference near Porto, Portugal that is open to the public in December the website is It is a great oppurtunity for anyone interested in Hermetic Magic.
  You should learn about different subjects. I suggest Prannic healing and Master Stephen Cho or Master Choa Kok Sui.


I'm new to these boards, so you probably won't know who I am, but I would like someone to help me learn magic. Theres three different areas I'm interested in:

That ones a bit unusual, but I have something called dysprexia, which means I have very little co-ordination. I can't find anything to help it, so I was wondering if magic could.

Thanks in advance.