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Spirit Readings?

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Does anyone on this board offer spirit readings? Is this even the right place to post this? Haha.


Yea, this is a good place to post this question.

I don't know of anyone that does. 

I have done Rune/Tarot readings for members in the past but I found that too much of myself was showing up in readings so I stopped.

What kind of reading did you have in mind?  What would you like to know? 

I still have pretty strong intuition, I can see what comes up I guess.
be awesome.


I was just thinking about asking some general questions that I was curious about... You know?

I wanted to ask...

1. What is my next life that I will live?
2. How do I know my family members from my passed life?
3. What is the next step for me to take in my life?

I dont even really know if it's possible to get answers for these? But it would be awesome.


There's no such thing as spirit readings or mediums. It's all poppycock. You can get cold readers and charlatans though. :-D

Quote from: Pritchmr on May 08, 2011, 18:16:58
I was just thinking about asking some general questions that I was curious about... You know?

I wanted to ask...

1. What is my next life that I will live?
2. How do I know my family members from my passed life?
3. What is the next step for me to take in my life?

I dont even really know if it's possible to get answers for these? But it would be awesome.

1. You're already living a life - focus on the present because there might not be a next life.
2. Why cling to past life memories (if there was even a past life)? Forget that! Ignorance is bliss! If you remember you may suffer.
3. Do what you want and what feels right to you! Don't ask that question or you may get bad advice. Take charge.


Lol, thank you summerlander. But that's what I used to think about astral projection too until it happened to me. :D


QuoteThere's no such thing as spirit readings or mediums. It's all poppycock

that sound to me like training of the governments (i call'm office cleaners=as they get scattered bits of information) as they dislike anyone who gets information outside of their mentality...this is a common practise amongst low to middle - low high level government employees and the reason being is these are the people that have no idea about the real worlds workings as it is a common practise for these as it is for many people to let information go, should they get any real information even in general chit chat to their friends these people are the Mafias bests friends :-D...(figure of speech)

the reason being is that it is way over their heads to comprehend this information and in the end should one seek (as ya do) draws a clear pattern as to what is happening in this world should this information be leaked or let out to many people they would not have no-one to go and play their little skirmish games :-D (ie.Wars)... as many know on this site War is/WAS needed for reasons mainly for the supply of the energy required to run the worlds system/s :-D...
this energy system has changed of recent for the better...
SL knows all about it...

good luck

love all
Don't Forget-Love All, Means To Care 4 all=being more ONE which is the highest of height of consciousnesses in the dimension we live all doesnt mean cuddly cuddly


Derren Brown just proved on national TV that he can do a reading better than a self-proclaimed psychic. It's about tricks of the trade. Why don't just quit trolling, ether2? Go away... :-D


Quote from: Summerlander on July 02, 2011, 08:07:38
Derren Brown just proved on national TV that he can do a reading better than a self-proclaimed psychic. It's about tricks of the trade. Why don't just quit trolling, ether2? Go away... :-D

trolling if one was to take a subject any subject and went on long enough about it which is obviously part of life you will find Mr smartie pants that all is connected in some way or another, so their for their is no such thing as trolling :-D...

good luck

love all
Don't Forget-Love All, Means To Care 4 all=being more ONE which is the highest of height of consciousnesses in the dimension we live all doesnt mean cuddly cuddly


Quote from: Summerlander on June 16, 2011, 18:06:44
There's no such thing as spirit readings or mediums. It's all poppycock. You can get cold readers and charlatans though. :-D

Opening to Channel: How to Connect with Your Guide

You wouldnt believe how easy it is mate. If you ever get curious I can recomend this book. Worked first time for me.

I do agree that most of the people you see in the media look like fakes though.


Ok, blis! I'm yet to find a genuine one though. They seem to hide. By the way, I posted some links on my summerland revisited thread which relate to this. They are Afterlife Studies videos. Some of the evidence is compelling and there is probably something there. Perhaps some people have overactive pineals glands. I don't know. It's just that the mediums in the limelight, the charlatans, seem to discredit the phenomenon with their cold-reading (which, of course, is a skill in itself). I'll be having a look at your link and I'll give you some feedback soon! Thanks for posting! 8-)



i wanted to say this long ago but those that are at a height of these areas talked about on sites as this regarding the minds abilities and dont know about higherselfs and what not are in areas well ya may know what i'm say'n...

i find this the sole biggest problem with government employees, to be honest i only know a handful of gov employees (high up around and including presidents levels) in contact with HS/Spirits, these people govs crave to be in contact with this area as one does as it is where the prime knowledge/wisdom lays...

even low-middle government employees find out about the minds abilities and the knowledge where it can and does come from, it's part of us to learn all we can...

but i fully understand why they are guided away from areas that allows the exceptence if i can use that word, if they work out about certain workings of the world why etc you will or would of had a big problem regarding it's workings (world) as it's basically all to do with energy (required) as they above like to teach in ways that take along time to learn but when ya get the idea of it ya soon learn how to obtain the prime knowledge yaself as it puts ya in a higher consciousness...

with that comes the problem with say the area of intelligence seeking (ie. CIA) diffulcult to explain they arent stupid but their are many levels in this industrie regarding what knowledge is passed on/down with this comes the problem of the lower CIA, because they know abit about whats going on (have peoples best interest at heart-i hope) that they start implementing scenarios where they think are and they dont get arguments by high CIA (protecting knowledge) that they are protecting the public or their country(s) by not allowing or implementing processes that put a stop to people gaining higher knowledge, the height of CIA know but for various reasons this in itself is a schooling their are no cheat sheets it's a schooling of thoughts your thoughts regarding certain areas are those that determine your abilities your level of knowledge ya have to understand how various processes work as in thoughts etc that do or donnot generate...
it's a schooling thats why no-one likes or it is so complicated to prove certain abilities of the mind to the regular it's a schooling ya have to experience it yaself...

i get on regular bases from an area (individuals) that why dont ya just doit like that or this, this person/s plan is like and if i can put it in way that it is like getting a formula one car and expecting it to compete and win every race for the next 100 years with out any knowledge of it's workings no developement no mechanical knowledge no technical knlowledge etc their is a thing called maintance and if it breaks/crashes ya f****d ya out of it, but i understand as this person was just given his/their billions of dollars...

enuf from me, ya get the idea of it...

good luck

love all
Don't Forget-Love All, Means To Care 4 all=being more ONE which is the highest of height of consciousnesses in the dimension we live all doesnt mean cuddly cuddly

majour ka

Hi, yes i do im a spiritualist/Medium and Physic...but I wouldn't be able to tell you the answer to those question.

How could anyone know or prove any of it.

But good luck though, sounds like your soul is seeking inspiration...MK


I have to disagree with Summerlander's opening sentence but agree fully with his suggestions. I've spent a lot of time with mediums over the past few months, including dating a very good one for several weeks, and have no further reasons to doubt either life after death or communion with the dead. Mediums do exist but there are both good ones and bad ones. If you're interested then find a local spiritualist church. Note, though, that you are very unlikely to get advice on those questions. Here's my best effort...

1. You will choose your next life based, amongst other things, on performance in this life.
2. Regression might help but you really want to be looking into members of your soul group. On the other hand, there is no good answer to your question, since many of them could still be in spirit and their names would mean little to you, even if you could obtain them. You might recognise living members of your soul group as you live your life and they interact with you. People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. Watch for them.
3. The next step to take, as for everyone, is to try to ascertain your purpose in being here and then try to fulfil it. Meanwhile, try to become a better person. Try to find your inner self and inner voice and be guided thereby.

majour ka

Quote from: Summerlander on June 16, 2011, 18:06:44
There's no such thing as spirit readings or mediums. It's all poppycock. You can get cold readers and charlatans though. :-D

1. You're already living a life - focus on the present because there might not be a next life.
2. Why cling to past life memories (if there was even a past life)? Forget that! Ignorance is bliss! If you remember you may suffer.
3. Do what you want and what feels right to you! Don't ask that question or you may get bad advice. Take charge.

I respect everyone's entitled to their opion but im really confused if your in to AP.... which Im guessing that's why you chat here, how can you not realise there is a spirit self and spirit world...have you not had an OBE yet? Just curios, regards

majour ka

Quote from: Summerlander on July 02, 2011, 08:07:38
Derren Brown just proved on national TV that he can do a reading better than a self-proclaimed psychic. It's about tricks of the trade. Why don't just quit trolling, ether2? Go away... :-D

Derran Brown is a magician and illusionist who recently got busted by the national press for using there's a little pin for that bubble lol


One might also consider that Darren Brown being able to read people well using techniques different to those used by a psychic neither suggests that psychics can't read people nor that some psychics can't read people better than Darren Brown can.

majour ka

Quote from: Ident on November 28, 2011, 05:36:07
One might also consider that Darren Brown being able to read people well using techniques different to those used by a psychic neither suggests that psychics can't read people nor that some psychics can't read people better than Darren Brown can.

Yeah true, I know psychics and mediums who would make Derran Brown look incredibly lame...with regards to that aspect

Killa Rican

Spirit readings are very real along with communicating with the "dead" as well as non-physical entitys. But I agree with Summerlander, Past Lives and future lives are pretty pointless, all you need to do is focus on NOW.

But if you still insist on such readings, dont inquire about it on an AP forum, your not going to find much help here since a lot of people will reject it.

It's pretty much the same thing like talking about AP and OBE's on a Materialist forum lolz.
For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice. ~Joseph Dunninger