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Hello, I have recently spread my knowledge base on Magick and now I have some more questions to ask :)

1. Is there a difference between Magick and Magic?
2. I really want to set up an altar, what stuff do I vitally need?
3. Are there any Spell Book PDFs that I can get my hands on?
4. I know the Book of Shadows is something to personalize to your preference but would it help if I put a few enchantments on mine such as luck or others?
5. What are some very helpful spells that come in handy for yourself?
6. I don't have access to a lot of ingredients because my local store is very limited and my parents are afraid of the unknown and frown upon my interests, so are there any really simple spells that I can take a look at?

Thanks in advance for all the time you have given to reply and or read this post, have a nice day!


I'm not sure these questions are relevant to this site.
Metaphysics and conscious exploration is the category we offer help with. I may be wrong but don't know anyone who could answer your questions.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


1. Is there a difference between Magick and Magic? some people like to distinguish between an illusionist and a practitioner of the art the ck ending indicates the practice of the art of magic and the c indicates something related to an illusionist.

2. I really want to set up an altar, what stuff do I vitally need?
You are the most important component of your art. You don't need anything. However, if you want to do that it depends on what kind of work you are doing and flexibility is essential. There is no one type of altar that is used for everything. If you are doing grimoire magic study the liturgy and set up the Catholic and Orthodox churches use as most of the grimoire set ups are based on that. If your doing hoo doo or something like that it will depend on the spell being used and usually people have several altars.

3. Are there any Spell Book PDFs that I can get my hands on?
There are but you cannot learn magick from a book. You can learn a little I guess but it has to be custom made for you and a spirit guide is required to do that. Formulas traditionally can be passed along one generation by training and initiating an apprentice that your guide approves of but after that the spells are pretty much worthless.

4. I know the Book of Shadows is something to personalize to your preference but would it help if I put a few enchantments on mine such as luck or others?
Book of Shadows is a wiccan thing. THis is a religion not magical practice. You need to learn basic psychic skills  and focus before you can do anything

5. What are some very helpful spells that come in handy for yourself?
I gotta book coming out what I learned is in there. I'll post details as soon as I know them.

6. I don't have access to a lot of ingredients because my local store is very limited and my parents are afraid of the unknown and frown upon my interests, so are there any really simple spells that I can take a look at?

Scrying and learning focus is the first step. Learn the trancing used in astral projection and learn to phase first. If you cannot see in spirit and hear in spirit you cannot tell what is happening in spirit. Spellwork done blindly will at best have only a random effect and more likely no effect at all. Once you have the basics mastered, then we can talk about other stuff. All materials in practice need to be made by you.  You can buy raw materials but you have to put it together. I suggest learning woodworking and basic jewelry making and engraving. If you are serious about it you will need to save your money for the first working to develop yourself. Do this while you learn to scry and phase. Once you are able to do this proficiently and accurately then you can go on to the first ritual working.

Again. I recommend the Abramelin for the first working. It gives you everything you need to get started on that path.

Here is a summary of what you need to do.
1. scrying and phasing. Either one depending on your natural inclination. There is plenty of material on the internet for you to learn these skills without instruction.
2. woodworking and jewelry making. You need to be able to make rings and pendents. Gold and silver are expensive and it's best to make your mistakes on copper or something cheaper. If you are working on your own Tin is the easiest material to work with.  Also learn engraving. .. it's harder than you think it is.
3. Read through the Abramelin  save money.  The ritual can be modified if you have to work but your extending past 18 months. I would recommend an 18 month working over a 6 month. Once you have achieved that your guardian angel will guide you further into the path you are seeking.


Quote from: Szaxx on April 17, 2015, 09:26:23
I'm not sure these questions are relevant to this site.
Metaphysics and conscious exploration is the category we offer help with. I may be wrong but don't know anyone who could answer your questions.

well, after all, it should be noted that this was posted in the section The Astral Pulse > Magic > Welcome to Magic! - so at least it looks like it could be the right place and that some people here deal with this stuff ... or at least some were here in the past who did ...
:lol: :wink:

but hey,... I agree with you, currently it looks like it maybe it is not the place for magic(k), it is advisable to look in specific magick forums which exist on the internet

Still, in order to try to be helpful a bit:

I had recommendations on another forum for this guy's books:

They are a kind of simplified magic(k) and it is really only perfomed from the books by asking Angelic energies for help and speaking words and looking at their sigils ... maybe it works (however it comes about), as there are many people giving positive feedback on Amazon ...

I am currently trying out one and so far cannot report on results (too early) but some recent dreams seem to strongly indicate that "they" are indeed working right now for me in the background

so again, try it out and see if there are any results, it maybe or maybe not...

Good luck.


Doh, only noticed since your comment V.
I did say I could be wrong lol.
Nice reply Blue, the subject hasn't been one of mine unfortunately.
I may look into it though.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


It's an art and it takes a lot of work. Most of it has to come from a spirit guide of some sort. I suggest the Abramelin because the ritual is probably the easiest of all the grimoires to accomplish and it gives you the tools you need to move forward. Anything else is playing around which is okay. You can't do much unless you have that kind of connection and most serious magicians had their start as messing around with books and such.


I should add that astrology would be a good idea to learn. It's one of those things that I never bothered with. It's not essential but if your doing traditional grimoire workings, most of the material is based in astrology and it's a good idea to know what they're talking about. Parkers astrology is probably the best modern book on the topic. Another related topic would be Kabbala. There is a Rabbi on Utube that teaches that it's located here. Spiritgrow is Jewish and the teaching is very good and very sound. It's by far the best I've seen on the topic.