
Welcome to the Astral Pulse 2.0!

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I realy don't know what to say...
I live in New Zealand.
I was born on the 20th March 1989

I have been in the Astral Planes most of my life.
I have spent more time there then I have in the physical world.
I can find my way around it very easily
There was alot of nice beings there that helped me learn evrything I needed to know...
Well, I have to head off now.
Au revoir!
They say that Ignorance is bliss, But hey I wouldnt know...
How is it for you?


Welcome, AstralBorn!

I look forward to reading your posts. It would be really cool if you posted some of your techniques in the "Technique Central" sticky in the main forum.


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Thank you,
I have no techniques myself,
I know most people donot believe me when I say it... And I dont care what people think... But I have allways been able to Project instantly and at will... My earliest memory is of Projecting, Of corse back then I didnt know what it was... But could just........ Do it.
So I have no techniques...
But I am working on an Ebook with everything I have learnt about the subject... But im a horrible writer so it's taking forever.
I look forward to reading your posts to.

They say that Ignorance is bliss, But hey I wouldnt know...
How is it for you?