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Hello-My name is John and Ive been in and out of here since about the 20th of last mo.-I go by hermit

Just a short explanation here
Many yrs ago before I had ever heard of OBE's or astral or any of it.( i was 19 I think)the first time.
I had had several OBE's while compleatly awake but def.
not of my own controll or on purpose.Just circumstances at the times
i guess .and of course started trying to find out what was this
weirdest most real, most beautiful exp. of my life.And why didnt
someone tell me about it.I , in my mind ",knew I was dead! but if im dead,
who the H is that sitting in the chair with the eyes open!Luckly
for me others were their to help me on both the physical and
astral.Those in the physical could only look at me with a look like they understood but thats all they could do.Enough for now.Im not going into any detail at this time.

Several yrs later a friend( one of very few)Id ever dared talk to
about such things,walked up to me one day with a book he himself
hadnt read but had checked out enough to know it talked about the
things I had expressed experiancing to him in our talks.

The book was Third eye-I for the first time since my first obe (wich
I will add here have always happened from a totally awake state
(physically)someone had put into words" EXACTLY "some of the
experiances Id had.I was so grateful to have found out that I wasn't the only nut around.,
I dont know-Ididnt need proof,"after you exp. this someone would play H___ getting you to believe otherwise.Even if you cant put it into words
that make since.As we have no words that come even close.
Well to say the least i freaked out and could not hardly put the
book down and had everyone I was aware of that he'ed ever wrote soon there after.

Ive since heard all kinds of strange things about the Author wich to me is neither here nor there as some how this person had explained exactly several exp.s' id had and I was thrilled.And could care less where the info had come from.As (I-we )at least knew it was reallity.

I dont claim any relig. or asso. It has been many many yrs since my
last OBE wich was guided from this plane and for the very first time
ever I had someone helping (or making) wichever," it happen,(that I
could see with my physical eyes).I was taken through two other
levels above the astral,as I knew the feeling of leaving the
physical already and had left the building in my astral body the first time out.And the neat part was that someone was there also in there astral and physical form.But this was all so new ,but deff exp. ed the 2
more levels, as on the last when my astral body also changed to a body of
light.When this happened tears started flowing uncontrollably and the
powerful voice Id been hearing through all this stopped at that
instant and said(see you are an old one,a very old one)and in an
instant me and my guide were standing in front of-ME,my higher
self!!!!An unbelieavable perfect ME.
Many many things were said while there and while in the astral body before being taken there.
Also the next day while in the phyiscal we talked about the experiance and how he'ed had no plans whatsoever to end up in the Bay area-in fact it was about the last place he'd wanted to go.But knew now that spirit had sent him for my benifit and that he himself had no idea either till our eyes met.
Most of wich I was told on the other side I am not able to bring into
memory but have one thing to hang onto.I was told while in the
physical that if I was ever in need of that knoweledge that it would
just be there.Wich- I have had experiances with in other areas as
have many others ,when something you may not have even really cared
about and wham all this info is there in side and all so clear and
you just know its reallity.

Well befor long I was living very secluded in the mtns.Intended to raise a fam. here and ended up raising my son up here.But MY plans just didnt work out the way Id intended and have been here 28 yrs now.

I appoligize for the length of this but its done now-

Im not real comp. savy so that will be obvious im sure-and I wish you all the greatest of exps. as we all grow into the light.



Hi and welcome to the forum!

Hope you like it here.



Hello hermit

That was some introduction!

Welcome and have fun while you are here.

We all find nonsenses to believe in; it's part of being alive.


Thanks for the welcome (Frank,Selski ) so far the time spent here has been pretty interesting-And Im sure will continue to be.

                                    L&L hermit


Welcome to the AP forums!  :)
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson