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Hey, im 14 and ... wow im confused

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hey, i've been "informed" about this theory about the psychological death where you eliminate your ego and all of that but... what does that have to do with astral projection? people and internet have kind of pieced little parts into my brain about how to astral project, eliminating your ego, building consciousness, and even something to do with "sex magic"? id like to start over though because its not helping and im just really confused about what to do with life.

1. How do you even astral project?
2. why do you want to astral project? is it the answer to life some how or something?
3. am i to young to do all of this?
4. is there scary things about astral projection?

i want to do something with my life not just live, die and its over. does this somehow relate to the answer to life? i dont know what to do and i think ive been introduced to these concepts the wrong way

by the way im new to astral pulse :) 


Welcome allskillage,
Quote from: allskillage on April 09, 2009, 22:23:24
hey, i've been "informed" about this theory about the psychological death where you eliminate your ego and all of that but... what does that have to do with astral projection? people and internet have kind of pieced little parts into my brain about how to astral project, eliminating your ego, building consciousness, and even something to do with "sex magic"? id like to start over though because its not helping and im just really confused about what to do with life.

1. How do you even astral project?
2. why do you want to astral project? is it the answer to life some how or something?
3. am i to young to do all of this?
4. is there scary things about astral projection?

i want to do something with my life not just live, die and its over. does this somehow relate to the answer to life? i dont know what to do and i think ive been introduced to these concepts the wrong way

by the way im new to astral pulse :) 

I,ll give you my thoughts on some of your questions.
First I don't believe you have to completely shed you ego. I thinks it is Healthy to have a good sense of self confidence. For me, I try not to judge people, I try accept them for who they are. But I will distance myself from people I do not like.

I don't know about sex magic, so I can't help you there.

Look around this site and you will find loads of information on how to astral project. I would say to start practicing some meditation where you relax your whole body and clear your mind of all thoughts.

People want to astral project for many different reasons. For me it is a spiritual connection, I just thirst for knowledge. I, like you allways thought there has to be more to life and I now know there is. I think you will discover that if you seek you will find. Follow your intuition, just the fact that you are here shows you are seeking knowledge.

I don't think you are to young. Actually its probably better because your mind is more flexable or not so set in it's ways.

As far as scary things, I am not sure but like attracts like. If you are fearfull you may have a negative experience. Try to keep a positive attitude. This is not only true in the astral but in the physical as well. I believe if you treat other people as you would like to be treated life flows in a good way.

You can do anything you want with your life, once you put your intent into action things will just start happening. But remember this works both ways too. So if say you intend to do harm, harm will come back to you.

Well I hope that helps a little, spend some time reading here and you will learn a lot.

see ya 

The Present Moment

1- Check the FAQ and Permanent Topics sections to read about a few techniques. My view of astral projection is that consciousness is non-local, i.e. not in or out of the body, but in one place or another because that is where we are putting our attention. The body naturally takes up our attention when we are awake, and when we are asleep we tend to lose awareness. You have to practice moving your attention away from the physical body, and sleep is the natural way to do it.

2- Astral projection is exploration for me. People will do it for many different reasons. Life is what you make of it...? I don't know the answer to that one yet.  :lol:

3- No.

4- Yes, if you find it scary. I've always been too excited by it to ever be seriously frightened.


Welcome to the Astral Pulse allskillage!

I wouldn't get too hung up on that stuff right now. Metaphysical concepts like "ego-loss" is a huge thing to grasp, especially for a younger person whose ego is still in development. Those things will come to you when the time is right.

To start, I would focus on simple things that will help build skills for astral projection, like concentration and focusing awareness. Learning simple meditation skills now will help you in the long run. Listen to your gut-instinct and it will guide you in the right direction. Don't necessarily dive in head first so fast - there are a lot of inaccuracies and misconceptions out there (which it sounds you've already found out).

And enjoy the process - don't take it too seriously and you'll find there's a lot to discover about yourself and world.


Quote from: allskillage on April 09, 2009, 22:23:24
hey, i've been "informed" about this theory about the psychological death where you eliminate your ego and all of that but... what does that have to do with astral projection?

Start actively dissolving your ego and you should find out soon enough.  It's one of those things that is immediately rewarding, and you'll notice what it does.

For example, dissolving your ego stereotypically makes you a more compassionate, sympathetic person.  Think about it.  You are more able to leave your OWN head space, and enter someone else's, so to speak, so as to resonant with them more fully.  I would consider that a mundane form of projection, simply because you focus your attention elsewhere (someone else's thoughts or feelings) and instantly you can be there, experiencing it with them.  That's the key.  The more you push your ego back, the more readily your mind will fully attach itself to things that you would normally shy away from or hold back from, thus not receiving a full experience.

Btw,  I have a friend who is only a little older than you but is very mature for his age and is interested in all the same sorts of esoteric things that I am.  His personality seems much older than those of many people who ARE much older.  Age is a mental thing.  At any rate,  if your world regularly kills children that are far younger than yourself without discretion (which it does),  then.... I don't think there are ANY rules. :)
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Quote from: allskillage on April 09, 2009, 22:23:24
hey, i've been "informed" about this theory about the psychological death where you eliminate your ego and all of that but... what does that have to do with astral projection? people and internet have kind of pieced little parts into my brain about how to astral project, eliminating your ego, building consciousness, and even something to do with "sex magic"? id like to start over though because its not helping and im just really confused about what to do with life.
The belief in ego-destruction really has nothing to do with AP, it has to do with expanding awareness, and as Stookie said, it's a complicated subject and many people have many theories on what it is or what it's supposed to be.  So I'll leave that alone as just this theme can be a page long.

Quote1. How do you even astral project?
You move your conscious awareness away from  your body.  If you're asking for techniques, there's a section in this forum about just that.
Quote2. why do you want to astral project? is it the answer to life some how or something?
Personally, I believe it's something that 'happens' to people, and they share it, and then others want to do it.  It's not the answer to anything, it just affords you a different perspective than the body's perspective and reality in general.
Quote3. am i to young to do all of this?
It depends.  I've been projecting since I was around 8 or 9 but hadn't learned fear until much later.  I was also lucky (or privileged) to have knowledgeable parents that didn't try to convince me it wasn't real.  The question is, are you mature enough to handle an experience of instant feedback, of all your fears or subconscious thoughts and desires?  Then you decide.
Quote4. is there scary things about astral projection?
Absolutely.  Lots of scary things.  Now, most are self-created, but that doesn't make them any less scary.

Quotei want to do something with my life not just live, die and its over.
That is good, it means there's more depth to you than most.
Quotedoes this somehow relate to the answer to life?
Everything relates to the answer to life.  Every decision you make.  So sure, this does.
Quotei dont know what to do and i think ive been introduced to these concepts the wrong way
I'm not going to ask you why you think this, I'll just say- chuck all beliefs that don't serve you, start with a clean slate, and know that whatever you decide will be to your benefit, because there is always something to learn.
If the idea of doing this is giving you anxiety, ask your Higher Self (or your idea of God, or whatever you believe in) to give you a dream telling you what you should do about this.
It seems to me that you are thinking about this is an indication that there is something in you that is telling you this is the path you're supposed to take, but you shouldn't do anything you don't feel comfortable doing.
Take this from someone who knows:  When you feel called to follow a specific path and you're afraid (perfectly understandable), the universe will rearrange itself to give you clues as to what to do, and will sometimes do so forcefully.  So don't worry if you don't want to do it- it'll happen if it's supposed to.


Quote from: allskillage on April 09, 2009, 22:23:24
hey, i've been "informed" about this theory about the psychological death where you eliminate your ego and all of that but... what does that have to do with astral projection? people and internet have kind of pieced little parts into my brain about how to astral project, eliminating your ego, building consciousness, and even something to do with "sex magic"? id like to start over though because its not helping and im just really confused about what to do with life.

1. How do you even astral project?
2. why do you want to astral project? is it the answer to life some how or something?
3. am i to young to do all of this?
4. is there scary things about astral projection?

i want to do something with my life not just live, die and its over. does this somehow relate to the answer to life? i dont know what to do and i think ive been introduced to these concepts the wrong way

by the way im new to astral pulse :) 

1- I am not a good person to ask. This has always come naturally to me. But, because it always happened on its own, I do not really know how to induce the experience if it is not going to happen anyway. 

2- I started out not wanting to be in any of this. I was young too- Maybe even younger than you when I had my first experiences. I wanted nothing  to do with them because they made me think I was going to die.  So, in a way, my getting into AP was a way to cope with the sensations of early experiences that I did not know how to deal with.  This was 45 to 50 years ago, so resources were quite a bit more limited; no internet, no or very few books I could get to at that age, no one in my family to confide in, etc.  The good part of this for me was that I learned to deal with my early fear, and found that AP was a way to form a basic life coping mechanism. This all helped me become who I am today, and somehow replaced my fear of death. 

3- This is a tricky question for me, since I went through it all at such a young age, and had no support group like this forum- to help me along.  If you feel comfortable with the group, or have your own closer support for the journey, I am not sure being young is a barrier.  No one asked me if I was too young. the experiences just happened.

4- There are moments that can be scary, but not any more so than life itself.  One thing to remember though is that as real as the experience can be, I do not think any of the scary stuff can actually hurt you.   
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Thankyou everyone this has really helped me to make some decisions, I'm going to try more techniques on astral projection more so then the ego one. I'll save that for later, oh and you guys have helped me put away most of my fear LOL thankyou


Quote from: allskillage on April 09, 2009, 22:23:24
hey, i've been "informed" about this theory about the psychological death where you eliminate your ego and all of that but... what does that have to do with astral projection? people and internet have kind of pieced little parts into my brain about how to astral project, eliminating your ego, building consciousness, and even something to do with "sex magic"? id like to start over though because its not helping and im just really confused about what to do with life.

1. How do you even astral project?
2. why do you want to astral project? is it the answer to life some how or something?
3. am i to young to do all of this?
4. is there scary things about astral projection?

i want to do something with my life not just live, die and its over. does this somehow relate to the answer to life? i dont know what to do and i think ive been introduced to these concepts the wrong way

by the way im new to astral pulse :) 

Welcome! I hope you find what you are looking for!!! 14 is a great age to start, and insisting on clarity is a great way to start, good job! I'm sure that if you look over the FAQ, the Permanent Topics, and the topics in the Astral Experiences category you will find several ways to Astral Project. Try 'em all, you can never tell which one is going to work for you, or work best for you. That's probably great advice on everything in life, but in particular in any metaphysical endeavor, it is essential. You are a unique being, and not everything that works for some people is going to work exactly the same way for you (or me, or anyone).

Astral Projection is not itself the 'answer' to life. Life isn't a question anyway (to me), it is a process, a journey that is not about the destination. But, as with learning to drive cars and then having access to a car, Astral Projection can be a great help in finding your own answers.

If you can ask the question, if you can contemplate the possible answers, then you aren't too young. (in my opinion)

Scary things, hmmmm. Are there 'scary things' about driving? Every human endeavor has scary things in it, especially for those who charge into things without precautions, without caution, without forethought. However, the 'scary things' on the Astral Layers need not have any permanent effect upon you, if your mind and sense of self are strong. On the Astral, you go where you think about, so somewhat like in the animated movie 'Peter Pan', have happy thoughts ready should you find yourself in some place that you don't want to be at.

I hope that helps you.