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A Question About Telepathic Communication

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Hi All,
My curiosity has woken up and once again asked me this question so here's my reply. "I guess people just like or maybe need limits."

The question is: Why is there even a question about the limits of telepathy?
I see this quite a bit. People will ask if you can communicate halfway 'round the world or across the street or with someone you don't know or with rocks or someone on the moon or someone who has been dead 1,000 years. Or or or...

It's been my experience that telepathy truly has only one or two limits. And that is lack of a receiver or a shield. Beyond that time, distance or species matters very little. But the only true limit is your own.

Thought this might make an interesting topic discussion and I might learn another thing or two.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


This is just me, but when it comes to things like telepathic communication I find myself in one way in communication. I can send strong signals but its hard for me to recieve others, kinda unlucky one way communication lol. any communications I get I can't tell if it was a communication from myself or someone else, little hard to decern the 2.

How I do what I do should mabye remain a secret for now, im not entire sure of the outcomes of what would happen if I were to disclose my methods.


Great topic starter Nameless!

First, limits on the range of telepathy-

I think it is a Physical Reality mindset issue; that we are initially stuck with the constraints of just how we think and process information within one reality context versus another reality context where different NP senses are more evident and operative. Time and distance are inflexible constraints here in PR, so that naturally forces a new way of thinking in the NPR, eventually.

This contrast between processing information within PR and NPR has become the most fascinating thing for me over the last few years. I have come to realize that I have been experiencing this contrast for quite awhile, it's been my basic 'disconnect' my entire life. I've only been able to put it into a better context the last few years.

Honestly, I don't get much from telepathy here in PR. I think that I get a basic kind of read on pets, children and adult's generic thinking; but it is so subtle that it is easily doubted. I really have to target the individual and this is usually someone I feel a natural resonance with. Szaxx, Lumaza, Nameless, LightBeam are some that I feel a 5-15% kind of connection with. Each of them has implied that the connection is stronger than that but that may be more indicative of their abilities as opposed to mine. IDK, maybe my ability is stronger than I suspect.

In my NP experiences, my telepathic ability has been written about here on the Pulse. In these, my telepathic ability has been noticed, developed and improved. In the NP, telepathy is apparently the standard form of communication. It's part of what Kurt Leland describes as "feel/think". It happens in near instantaneous fashion: You receive the telepathic message as a kind of "thought balloon" like in a newspaper comic. It's a complete thought, either a sentence or a lengthy paragraph, complete with emotional coloring. You receive it in an instant and translate it almost as quickly, although it can be prone to translation errors (as in my Fieldtrip experience).

Your response is formed within an instant and includes a complete picture of your message, images and feelings...and is projected/ a thought balloon that you create and "push" outward toward your recipient. Intent plays a factor here.

In the NP, this process feels increasingly natural for me, although I am sometimes doubtful as to the quality. In the NP, it is much easier, but I admit there is still much to learn. In PR, I feel like I am still But sometimes the hits are amazing. It's one of the areas where my guesses still surprise me.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Funfire, I wonder how you know you have a strong sending ability. I'm assuming you have tested this in PR. Not doubting you at all just curious. As far as sending and receiving, when you send give yourself a pause and wait for something to bounce back. If your message was received you may get a response, if not your own message may bounce back to you, sort of like an echo.

EV, Lightbeam and I were having a conversation recently that sort of pertains to this. I was telling LB how there are some members here I can feel. It wasn't till I came to this forum and began interacting with everyone here that I truly understood that everyone really does have their own signature. I can just about tell 'who' is hitting on me by their feel. (Now I don't mean hitting on me in the traditional PR sense, haha).

You do have your own signature and I could describe it to you if you like, either here or in pm.

I like your suggestion of a thought bubble like in the comics. Only with telepathy it's far more filled out than just that little black and white bubble (for those who wonder). It's like a complete picture that includes feelings and entire concepts. You get way more than just a thought. That's in NP and is totally possible in PR as well just not as spontaneous.

I don't have any super abilities here in PR but am able to sense things others seem unaware of at times. But as a kid I was wide open, my own challenge now is getting back to that state. Harder than it seems.

Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


I wonder if from infancy babies are thought that they have certain abilities or they can communicate telepathically so that becomes a natural belief of theirs, as they grow up they can actually develop such abilities. I think this and other limitations perhaps come from the main society beliefs. And I don't argue that this is not a part of our physical nature and strictly a belief, because this life is designed to be limiting anyway for certain purposes, but I also believe that since science has already proven that everything is energy waves and vibrations and nothing is actually solid matter, then by following the logic things like telepathy, telekinesis, healing and other abilities could be considered perfectly normal, however our thoughts need to allow the energy to flow in certain directions in order for them to produce results. Like we have to know how exactly to hold and strike with an axe in order to split a piece of wood in the middle. If we don't know how, it wont happen.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I actually forgot to reply about my own experiences with telepathy here in the physical LOL

I have a strong telepathic communication with my sister. I have actually had OBEs where she appears sometimes,  and the next day she tells me that she had a dream about both of us that consist of details from my OBE. Sometimes when we text, we type the same sentences or words at the same time, then we laugh. Or she would send me a text about something and I was thinking abut it a few minutes ago and vice versa.

I also feel a strong connection with a few people here as if we are completing some important mission together in the non-physical at thsi time.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: Nameless on August 19, 2018, 23:37:39

I don't have any super abilities here in PR but am able to sense things others seem unaware of at times. But as a kid I was wide open, my own challenge now is getting back to that state. Harder than it seems.

Yes finding your childself mind set is extremely important and the key to your own unique understanding. I found that I lost my childself along the way, not only that but realized that the best thing to do is find your childself again as early as possible in adult years. honestly I feel lucky that I was able to refind myself at 20. Doing this I found really kewl truths that know one else knows unless they had my experiences. it wasn't easy though, thats for sure, I was constanly shattering who I was to see what I really am, and then putting myself back together to find the sorta root truth of everything, which I believe I have found and hope to post here soon, maybe my/our research will go a long way!

(I say our, because saying everyone doesn't have an influence over the envioment and what we all experience would be a lie. there is an equal and opposiate reaction to everything, just takes the right/left way to look at it.)

I should also be able to answer your questions in the topic i'll be posting either today or tommorow, how I do the things I do and how others could possibly as well.

Karxx Gxx

Quoteand then putting myself back together to find the sorta root truth of everything
i feel ya on that. Done did that process.

Quoteonly one or two limits. And that is lack of a receiver or a shield.

I assume that shield is refering to who the communication is sent to? Or the shield around that prevents you sending everything?

Interested because im 10000% certain the majority of the world somehow is hearing my thoughts. Or, MY world. My reality. Because once again, everyone is reacting to it. And i had to battle the fact everyone and everything saw me. well we are all connected so i went with that beleif. Now , it's not that i want to limit myself but dam,
'if' everyone can hear my thoughts, they will INTERPRET it in such a way. And if its in the wrong way, the fear of misunderstanding comes. Which is a little annoying to deal with but that has been deal with.

The thing is, no one seems to want to be confrimin this PERSON TO PERSON. online could be anyhting! i could be talking to a different earth version to you and certain i am. The 'online' world you could say. And im dealing with the online and offline world at the same time and man, what a journey haha. Anywho,

back to the actual limitations of telepathy.
Well, actually i just want to know the hows? In my world, let's assume im really sending it to 25% of the population yeah. Is there anyway to change that?  or is it best to just let the universe control who it goes to? I assume the latter but it would be cool to turn my power off knowingly. I would think the universe would want me to learn that. So if anyone can give me hows, a dm would be awesome! or a post. w.e.
Your way is The way


Quote from: Karxx Gxx on August 20, 2018, 18:19:55
I assume that shield is refering to who the communication is sent to? Or the shield around that prevents you sending everything?
People can shield themselves (by people I mean anything). Most PR humans just aren't aware of this but even they can sort of 'accidently' shield themselves. Those crossed arms mostly do indicate more than just a physical aversion to sharing. But some people actively shield themselves for all kinds of reasons. Realize most of this is done on an unconscious level.

Quote from: Karxx Gxx on August 20, 2018, 18:19:55
Well, actually i just want to know the hows? In my world, let's assume im really sending it to 25% of the population yeah. Is there anyway to change that?  or is it best to just let the universe control who it goes to? I assume the latter but it would be cool to turn my power off knowingly. I would think the universe would want me to learn that. So if anyone can give me hows, a dm would be awesome! or a post. w.e.
It isn't as easy as everyone can hear everyone else, that would be tantamount to bedlam. Telepathy does not work by 'reading someone's thoughts' precisely. You might be surprised at how easy this is to control and that is exactly what makes people doubt and it's the doubt that hampers virtually everything.

If you don't want the world to hear you simply find a quite spot or a crowded room if you are so inclined and say 'out loud'  - "My thoughts are my own and I will not share them". Now simply believe that. Be aware you may discover some interesting things after you do this.

About the crowded room; be on guard, you never know who in that crowd might really be listening and take it as a challenge.

Concerning the NP, shutting off your ability to communicate this way also makes it difficult for those who would help you in NP to do so.

I did hesitate to tell you this but then decided what the hell. People have got to make up their own minds.

Imagine if you will having the ability to know what everyone was thinking and feeling. How long do you think you would last if you didn't learn to control yourself? Empaths have this problem. The fortunate ones learn and learn quickly, the not so fortunate ones can spend many years thinking themselves insane or worse. What I am saying is there is almost no one that really cares what your thoughts are no matter how lofty or brilliant you think yourself. So no matter how many people might be able to hear you almost no one is listening.

Feel better?
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Funfire you are very fortunate to have found your way at 20, wish that I had of understood better at that age as I was still in denial.

Quote from: LightBeam on August 20, 2018, 00:08:55
, but I also believe that since science has already proven that everything is energy waves and vibrations and nothing is actually solid matter, then by following the logic things like telepathy, telekinesis, healing and other abilities could be considered perfectly normal, however our thoughts need to allow the energy to flow in certain directions in order for them to produce results. Like we have to know how exactly to hold and strike with an axe in order to split a piece of wood in the middle. If we don't know how, it wont happen.
Yes, this is exactly what I think as well.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.