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Real-Time Sight

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If I remember from Robert's posts correctly, it has to do with the brow center. For me it came about spontaneously after doing total body NEW for a couple of weeks. I guess if you consciously worked on your brow center (after building up your secondary system first of course) it should come about. When I'm laying down, waiting for sleep, I get to that 3-steps-away-from-sleep point and I kind of focus my vision with my eyes closed, and try make it like I'm looking at something a few feet away past my eyelids. This normally has me seeing my room, but from a different angle then where my head is at (my head is turned right, and I see the left side of my room). Also, this turns into me seeing random clairvoyant images eventually. It's pretty cool. Good luck.  Ben


Thanks Ben. I'll try that out tonight as I fall asleep. I've been doing NEW for about two years and I've been working my chakras for maybe eight or nine months. My brow center is definitely not my strongest chakra, so this may explain a few things. I can occasionally see the energy that I raise. It looks sort of like a very subtle flickering greyish light, with a bit of blue. I can see it with my eyes closed, but I can't see anything else (walls, furniture, etc.). Is this real-time sight? I also have another question. When one develops real time sight, do they have it 24 hours a day, or only when in trance?



"It looks sort of like a very subtle flickering greyish light, with a bit of blue. I can see it with my eyes closed, but I can't see anything else (walls, furniture, etc.). Is this real-time sight? I also have another question. When one develops real time sight, do they have it 24 hours a day, or only when in trance?"

Now that I don't know, pertaining to the blue flicker. Also, I received real-time sight kind of randomly, and I haven't put much effort into making it stronger, so I only have it before I go to bed, or if I'm about to take a nap, or in some sort of trance. But I bet Robert could do it all the time with some effort. I bet that if you worked on developing real-time sight, you could go far into it's depths, since you have had a lot of work done on your energy body. Once in a while the real-time sight turns into a clairvoyant image, as I said earlier, and even rarer, it sometimes turns into that clairvoyant screen that Robert talks about, I bet you could get that all the time once you've tuned up your brow center. I guess I could too, but for some reason, I don't think that it's time for me to buckle down on these energy/astral topics. Maybe later.  Ben



I developed real time sight and visions in conjunction, as a side-effect of NEW and it ebbs and tides with how disciplined I am with NEW (and probably the moon and stress levels, etc et al) The real time sight I have had episodes of this all my life, so it must be a latent ability for me that NEW has really triggered. My visions are multi-coloured, but the real time sight isn't, but that is because I usually get it before I crash at night (hence, it is dark and monochromatic anyway.)

One exercise that is pretty universal, for developing the brow centre, is to imagine an eye opening.... feel it with MBA..... Alternatively, you can rub it upwards as if you are physically opening an eye.

I know Robert says he does his grocery shopping in trance, now it'd be something if he closed his eyes and did it all with real time sight LOL


'"Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?" In answer to Tennyson, I pose this question: truth lasts while there are dreams, and do we not dream in truth? ' from my whacky novel, "LUST"
"A balance of perspective must be maintained in order to preserve reasonable logic and truth." Robert the Brute, 2002

Robert Bruce


A good topic, and good questions....

Real time sight is like seeing through your closed eyelids.  The room around you looks quite dark, but you can make out the walls and windows and furniture, as if seen in a fairly dark room by moonlight filtering through the curtains.

Astral sight is vivid and bright, much brighter than normal reality.

Both types of sight depend upon the brow centre, re this is the visual centre that is connected to the sight centre of the physical brain.

The brow centre and astral sight ability will develop naturally through OBE and related exercises, yes.

The brow centre is stimulated by energy work, and by trying to use it.  The 'extra brow centre work' given in Astral Dynamics, for high level projection attempts, is good for this.

Auric sight practice helps stimulate the brow centre.

Increased daily consumption of calcium also helps.  When I am doing a lot of brow centre work, I take a soluble calcium supplement called 'Sandocal', which is a brand name.  The solid tablet forms just don't seem to do the trick.

Taping a small magnet to your brow centre can also help trigger brow centre activity, or rather to trigger its visual aspects out of dormancy.  I'm not too sure which side of the magnet is best, positive or negative.  I know one is better and there is a way of telling the difference, but I don't have this info to hand.  This is dealt with in the book, 'Capturing The Aura' which I coauthored. Its available on  If anyone has this information, please post it here.

*Warning, do not sleep with the magnet in place.  Hard experience tells me that this can cause strong headaches and eyestrain.

The best way to exercise basic astral sight is to attain full trance in a chair, and to 'feel' yourself moving inside your own skin. Try to move your inner self to each side, or to turn around and see behind yourself.  This takes a lot of effort in the beginning, but it kinda 'loosens' your etheric double and promotes astral sight.

Astral sight will normally only occur in the full theta or delta trance states, or when you are close to OBE.  It also occurrs frequently during waking paralysis (also called sleep paralysis).

Experimenting with this during walking trance is a very good idea for an experiment.  

Take care, Robert.

Robert Bruce


"I know Robert says he does his grocery shopping in trance, now it'd be something if he closed his eyes and did it all with real time sight LOL"


"Auric sight practice helps stimulate the brow centre."

When I first found your auric sight manual a few years ago, I started experimenting with "aura of colour" exercises. After a few months, my eyes became over-sensitive to afterimages. I am still overly sensitive to afterimages, even though I no longer practice auric sight exercises. I see blurry trails behind objects in motion. The colour of the trail is the complementary colour of the object combined with the colour of the background. For example, if someone with black hair walks by, and I defocus my eyes, I will see a white trail behind them, usually about a foot long. This looks sort of like a comet's trail. I also see this with doors opening and closing, billiard balls moving across the table, my hands moving in front of a black background, and just about anything else that involves strong colours in movement. All that's required is that I defocus my eyes, so that they are not following the object. These afterimages seems very predictable and physical. Are they really related to brow center?

"Increased daily consumption of calcium also helps. When I am doing a lot of brow centre work, I take a soluble calcium supplement called 'Sandocal', which is a brand name. The solid tablet forms just don't seem to do the trick."

I guess it's worth a shot. I've got nothing to lose.

"Taping a small magnet to your brow centre can also help trigger brow centre activity..."

This seems a little weird. But, as you have shown, some of the weirdest stuff (CIR, etc.) works quite well. I guess I have nothing to lose in this case either.

Thank you Robert and everyone else for your solid advice!




I believe I experienced Real-Time sight perhaps
half a dozen times (again, around the time I
started stimulating primaries).. However, I get
the impression real-time sight is dull? My RT
sight was very clear, but it had a limited range,
like looking through a cardboard box with a hole,
so there's blackness in the periphery (altogether
about 30% of total sight). However the focal point
was clear, and as bright as my astral sight (which
always seems brighter/more vibrant than physical
eyesight). And yes, I would say it's directly
related to stimulating the brow centre. I did the
extra stimulation (the front lobes) which
triggered it.

I've also noticed another visual phenonamon while
raising energy. When doing the full-body circuit
after a few minutes, I can see a strange
glowing/greenish colour on the bottom of the
periphery of my sight, and it seems to glow more
if I raise energy faster or with more effort. Is
this the initial stages of energy sensing?

Robert or any NEW addicts (*cough* Donni *cough*),
have you gotten to the stage of being able to see
the energy through closed eyelids? I thought I
read somewhere that you may actually be able to
see your imagined awareness hands after practice
with them? Or did I imagine that?



I'm not a NEW addict, at least not anymore, but sometimes when I have real-time sight, I see a bunch of blobs floating around my room. I can't what they are, but they might be energy, or beings or something else. I can also see them I relax and stare at the ceiling (it's heavily textured so there's alot to help my eyes unfocus), they're purple then and they just kind of float in, swim around a bit, and float out.  Ben


"When I'm laying down, waiting for sleep, I get to that 3-steps-away-from-sleep point and I kind of focus my vision with my eyes closed, and try make it like I'm looking at something a few feet away past my eyelids. This normally has me seeing my room, but from a different angle then where my head is at (my head is turned right, and I see the left side of my room). Also, this turns into me seeing random clairvoyant images eventually. It's pretty cool. Good luck. Ben"

I've been playing around with this before falling asleep. Is there any reason why a large eye appears in my mind's eye?



In the first section of Astral Dynamics, Robert says something about real-time sight, and how it is useful to develop this ability. I've read AD twice (it's my bible ), and I have not found any specific exercises that deal with this ability. Does it develop naturally with the regular practice of trance meditation and chakra work, or is there a specific exercise that I need to put into practice? I would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.
