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bad experience with the pendulum.

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hmmm very "intresting" post there,
lets see... yes you are correct they can see the futre,
and there here to teach us...but its wrong when YOU ask about the futre...
il leave it you to work that out.......[:D]


I agree with you goingslow. I also think these "aliens" are liars trying to do something bad, if they exist.

I should write about that conspiracy in awhile, since peeps here believe everything certain people say.



Originally posted by rantboi

I agree with you goingslow. I also think these "aliens" are liars trying to do something bad, if they exist.

I should write about that conspiracy in awhile, since peeps here believe everything certain people say.


if you want to convince people you should have a good amount of evidence.. ive put tons of posts on these forums that are long as hell and full of info. things that, to me at least, seem to irrefutably point to something, others apparently see as a large set of unrelated coincidences or just choose not to even consider the possibilities, etc... so dont think its too easy [xx(]

goingslow, i dont mean to question your experience with a pendulum, but an obvious question that you failed to cover in your post was how your yes and no answers are configured. maybe your pendulum is saying yes but you think that that particular movement is a 'no' movement?
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Bah!  I can't even get my Pendulum to work! It just sits there!


Yes, it's gonna take years to prove, but I'm starting my research as we speak![^] It's gonna be called The Pleiadian Conspiracy, and if I have enough stuff, and if a publisher wants to publish it, I'll turn it into a book!

The truth shall be known!



lol rantboi good luck with that mate [:D]
i can just see you now with your sherlock homes hat and your magnifying glass!
if you really are dedicated to trying to find the "TRUTH" about pleaidians then im more than happy to lend you my tarkalien battle cruiser with my mutli dimensional phase shifter,and il draw you a map to pleaides, im sure theyl be more than happy to let you fly down and say hi!
dont know if itl have enuff power to get back, but just find my guide Mashway and im sure shel relay your findings back to me fru my magical means telepathy that goingslow has troble grasping. you really should learn to trust higher realm beings, esecially considering just how high they come from, what harm is a species that knows nothing more than peace and love, and if i was being used as a pupet then how come theve granted me the gift of energy healing overnight, when im down why do they comfort me?, when im happy why do they laugph with me?, when im tired why do they give me energy?. have they ever promised me the world-NO!, have they offerd me anything? NO,why isit that since contacting my guide shes arange little conincidences of bumping into people iv fallen out with and helping us to resovle our ishues, i now have no enemys, no dislikes, for spirtual growth cannot happen until were pysicly happy.
this really dosnt sound like the acts of a neg, in fact negs donot have the power to show me a quarter of what iv been shown because negs live on such a low dimension they do not have the power, they just drain energy and promise you the world. infact iv had many out of body training scenarios to show me just how powerless negs our to us, you mind has to become far more powerful to reach the higher realms than being fearful of a entites that can do nothing but *talk*, i could give you a million of my experiances that would show how there intensions are purely based on the advancement of man. they just want us to evolve itnto higher beings jue to all the pain and suffering in this world. do we really have to critisis such good hearted actions on a species that live to serve others?.
or is it jue to the world we live in that we find it so hard to belive, im so strongly conected to my guide id know if her intensions were bad for a start.
Why dont we just except this species for what they are really trying to do and just say thank you. instead of showing them so blaitently EXZACTLY why we kneed there help.
I dont mean to go on, but you just really are missing out on alot when you sit and sceptisise over somthing thats completly wrong. and you will miss out, and that seems a very sad shame to me. its every humans right to spirituly evolve with the assistance of one of the greatest teachers out there!

i hope in some way this has helped you to change your belives

with Love and Light

Sam and my Loving Guide Mashway

James S

Hello Sam,

I don't wish to rain on your parade here but it is becoming more common knowledge that beings on the astral realm are not all higher beings, and do not all have good intentions. The pendulum is only a tool - very valuable if used well and carefully, but like any tool it can cause harm if the user is not careful.

My first experience with the pendulum could have turned out bad, had it not been for my own intuition, and a bit of intervention from my guide.

TO fill you in just briefly, I have known my guide for a while now. We first met face to face when she came to me in this realm, and I have been to meet her since on the astral. From our first encounter she has been communicating with me "telepathically" (though she did once speak to me audibly). I'm fairly well tuned in to her.

When I first used the pendulum, I followed all of Mayatnik's advice and procedures. I have been using the pendulum for some time as a dowsing tool for checking my chakras, so I was familiar with it's use.

The answers I was getting were very clear, but after about 10 minutes I started getting an uneasy feeling. My guide came to me in a very clear manner and told me that the entity I was in communication with was NOT to be trusted. Now, my guide has never steared me wrong, I have known her for a while,(actually for most of my life, though I wasn't fully aware of it)and I trust her completely.

In case you were wondering, my guide does not have any one name she cares to be known by. She goes by many, but when she appeared to me she came in the form of the Green Lady. I'm not the only one to have seen her. Many have been guided by her throughout history. It is not necessary to give any more detail here.

I would dispute any claim that all astral entities that seek communication with us are good. This is just not true! If you spend some time looking through old posts in the psychic self defense or OBE experiences forums, you will see plenty of cases to support this.
ALWAYS test the spirits. This is not just biblical writings, it is good common sense. It would be naive and foolish to trust any spirit that sought communication with you, no matter what the means. Despite knowing from the very first moment who she was, I also carefully sought confirmation of my own guide after our first meeting. She was not at all upset that I did so, in fact she was happy to oblige.

By the way Sam,
im more than happy to lend you my tarkalien battle cruiser

In the World of Star Trek, I'm aware that the Tarkalians make very good tea and brandy, suffer nasty flu's, have very timid field mice and nasty razor beasts, but I'd never heard mention of their battle cruisers! [:)]

I have no wish to dispute your own experiences and findings at all. I have no reason to believe you haven't anything but good intentions. I would just like to see people here new to the world of divination and astral guides be made aware that caution is always highly recommended when venturing into the unknown.

Take care,


Thanks you James! Common sense is the best!

Sam, can I use your post as an example in my research? Also, I have a question: If they are all that powerful, and have given you the power of healing "over night," why can't they help you with spelling?



Greetings everyone,

Excellent advice all round! I have no doubts whatsoever that the pendulum works, but the advice "test your spirits" is of paramount importance!

I know we are told that the pendulum is different to a Ouija board, but the fact still remains that when it comes to spirit beings influencing the physical world, it is the very lowest beings that can and usually do this most effectively and for their own purposes.

I am not saying that the pendulum is particularly prone to this, or that high level contacts are not possible, but testing those spirits for as long as it takes is vital, otherwise the consequences could be very serious indeed.

I do think the pendulum is potentially very useful for the purpose intended, but always with the above caveat.

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


goingslow, you talk as if its the pendulums fault and not your own that it doesnt move. Pendulum type communication can be done in many ways and it depends on the psychic ability of the person holding it to attract something else to give answers. If you're at work, I doubt you can be relaxed enough. Try it at home in your underwear.

James S

Won't putting the pendulum in your underware stop it from moving properly???

Links Shadow

ROTFLMAO! That is great James.  I haven't seen a real witty comment like that in a couple of weeks and it is a nice change of pace.


Goingslow - I'm interested, did you open the pendulum up to outside influences when you started using it? Or keep it entirely "your own"?
(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


thank you for you strong observation, i really have nothing more that i can offer you as you have a very obvios small understanding about how the astral REALLY works.

its sad that you will all be sitting on the bench side dwelling in your own paranioa, witch i find quite bizzare that your on this site becuase you seek some type of higher exsistence yet your to scared to raise a finger. o well you carnt help them all. just a shame that your lack of "real" understanding damages the progress of those who wish to learn.

And James you kneed to start thining about advancing with your guide, your stuck in your own conditioning witch your guide is reacting to, it seems like you kneed some serios pointers, i did the same to my guide. they dont enjoy it very much it turns into a VERY slow learning process, nothing worse than being stuck with your guide and thinking its right....quite a prediqiment


Glad to see so many responses to this.  Thanks people..

no leaf:  I always ask it to give me a yes then a no before asking a question.  Not each question but each session.

goingslow, you talk as if its the pendulums fault and not your own that it doesnt move. Pendulum type communication can be done in many ways and it depends on the psychic ability of the person holding it to attract something else to give answers. If you're at work, I doubt you can be relaxed enough. Try it at home in your underwear.

why dont you read more carefully beavis I didnt say my pendulum did not move.  Someone else did.  If you're going to respond at least read what you're responding to, especially if there's an accusation of some type in it.

James:  I got an uneasy feeling too, and I have a weird feeling about the army karek is recruiting through mayatnik (no offense but thats my stance on it).
Thank yoiu for sharing your story.  I get the feeling people dont want to know the truth about this because the pendulum is the closest thing many have to communicating directly with higher beings.  It just doesnt seem right its that easy.  And really its denial it could be anything but high level beings.

its sad that you will all be sitting on the bench side dwelling in your own paranioa, witch i find quite bizzare that your on this site becuase you seek some type of higher exsistence yet your to scared to raise a finger. o well you carnt help them all. just a shame that your lack of "real" understanding damages the progress of those who wish to learn.

And James you kneed to start thining about advancing with your guide, your stuck in your own conditioning witch your guide is reacting to, it seems like you kneed some serios pointers, i did the same to my guide. they dont enjoy it very much it turns into a VERY slow learning process, nothing worse than being stuck with your guide and thinking its right....quite a prediqiment

If you really think you're advancing seekinganswers you're in a lot of trouble.  

This site has nothing to do with blind faith based on wishful thinking and desparation to advance through any being out there that calls itself a guide.
As easy and nice as it seems to get all your answers from a simple tool such as this there is a great deal of discipline or at least time needs to be taken out where a person works on themselves.  Excuse me for being this blunt but be very careful.  I fear someday you might join a cult if they promise they're getting their answers from a high source.  

I dont get this blind faith or this belief shortcuts work.  I havent found a place yet for the pendulum in the "path" im trying to take, but Id love to believe instead of working on learning through dreams and self discipline i can pull this out and have my higher self just tell me all the answers.  Unfortunately, I've gotten to the point where Im not able to fool myself that easily.

Im very happy to see some skepticism on this board.  I was a little taken aback by the blind faith a lot of people seem to be showing.  I mean dont you have your own guide?  How many people has Karek now chosen for something?


Inguma could you tell me what the difference is.  By that I mean how do you open yourself to things around you vs just inside you?  My problem was I asked it if it could tell me, and I asked it if it would.  If it was okay to tell me.. all answers "yes".
why couldnt it just say no?  I dont get the games some of these advanced beings play.  

James S

And James you kneed to start thining about advancing with your guide, your stuck in your own conditioning witch your guide is reacting to, it seems like you kneed some serios pointers, i did the same to my guide. they dont enjoy it very much it turns into a VERY slow learning process, nothing worse than being stuck with your guide and thinking its right....quite a prediqiment

I do not understand where you're coming from here at all.[?]
Is this comment because my guide told me not to trust something coming trough from the pendulum? Does it concern you that there are other entities in the astral that are able to communicate with us in ways that are outside of your experiences? Your comments in your last post come across as saying "because you think differently to me you've all got it wrong."

My guide came to me in person. I have met her a few times and talked to her face to face. I feel her presence quite often and hear her words in my mind when she has guidance and instructions for me. I have learned things from her that I could not have possibly known myself and have recieved great benefit from a close and loving relationship with her. I have had confirmation from other sources as to just who and what she is, and I have confidence in her truthfullness and guidance.

My goal now is to be able to spend more time with her in person, and as I have had some experience with astral phasing which is how I've come to meet with her on occasions, I know this is not only possible, it's the best way I can think of "advancing" our relationship. To this end I am learning what I need to know, and discovering a great many other things along the way, as I always like to keep my mind open to other possibilities.

I'm sorry if I seem to be coming across a little harsh here, but I am getting the distinct impression that you and others are becoming locked into a mindset of the "Pleidian way". I have no problem with you choosing to follow this way if it is something that you have found to be working for you, and is good for you, but you do not seem to be accepting that there are other ways. You do not seem to accept that there are people here who have developed their own relationships with guides in their own ways -  other entities on the astral that can guide us, and that there are many more paths to spiritual growth and enlightenment than the one that you are pushing upon us since you followed Mayatnik to this site.

If you wish to be closed to other possibilities, that is your choice,  but please do not expect the rest of us to follow blindly based on what you say as being "the truth".

We learn best if we base our beliefs on what we have personally experienced. My relationship with my guide, and therefore my belief in what she tells me is based on my personal experiences. For me, these experiences are real, and can be trusted.

Kind regards,


Dear Goingslow,

You are testing the pendulum and as a result you are receiving wrong answers. You will continue to receive wrong answers as long as you continue to test the pendulum rather than test WITH the pendulum. This is not breaking news, it has been said countless times before and not only on this site. I invite you to do some research on the pendulum and how it has been used by dowsers for centuries. It is a well documented fact that the pendulum has never worked for anyone who does not respect it. Lack of respect in this case refers to testing the pendulum rather than testing WITH the pendulum. There is a big difference.

Consider the following analogy. Your first day at university you approach the lecturer after the class. If you seek to learn from the lecturer and show respect for his qualifications then it is safe so think that the lecturer will answer your questions with the intention of teaching you what it is you want to learn. It is his job to teach after all. On the other hand, if you wish nothing more than to question the intelligence of the lecturer, do you imagine he will be concerned with whether or not you learn anything?

Let us take the scenario of child questioning adult as a further example. We are but children (infants actually) in terms of galactic evolution. Children are curious by nature and naturally ask many, many questions as this is how they learn. This is how adults learn too, if only they would realise it. A caring adult will answer with honesty the questions of a curious child. The child is just trying to learn. The child does not try to test the adult to see what they know. Well, actually some do but they are not humored for long.

"What does 2+2 equal?"


"No, it doesn't"

"Then why did you ask?"

The difference between children and adults here is that the child will soon realise that he/she will learn nothing without changing their approach. There is much we can learn from children.

Anyway I have time in the beginning of work so every now and then i'll ask questions. My pendulum has been consistently wrong.. and very wrong. For example there was about a 50/50 chance my boss would come into work today. I asked the pendulum if it was able to foresee the future it answered yes. I asked if my boss was coming in today it answered no. Then an hour later he is in the office. This has happened around 5 times already. Ive asked it many other questions when it was outright wrong.

If you wish to look at this from a non-biased stance you will see quite clearly that to be consistently wrong when there is a 50/50 chance of  being right shows intelligence. It looks very similar to the child-adult scenario above does it not?

In your response to SeekingAnswers you wrote;

I was a little taken aback by the blind faith a lot of people seem to be showing. I mean dont you have your own guide?

Do not presume that because a person writes as if they have an understanding of things that you do not that they are victim to blind faith. Sam does have a guide yes...MASHWAY... but what has that got to do with what you are trying to say?

You also wrote;

How many people has Karek now chosen for something?

ONE. Karek selected me for the work I am doing now. I accepted the job.

I even saw one say that mayatnik's guide now told him to do certain tasks etc.

I assume you are referring to me as there is no one else. I have been told to do nothing. I do what I do because it is what I choose to do. You insult my intelligence.

I got an uneasy feeling too, and I have a weird feeling about the army karek is recruiting through mayatnik (no offense but thats my stance on it).

Army of one? Interesting that.

You go on to say;

As easy and nice as it seems to get all your answers from a simple tool such as this there is a great deal of discipline or at least time needs to be taken out where a person works on themselves.

I couldn't agree with you more! Above all else the pendulum is a tool for inner-development which requires great time and effort. The tool may be simple to use but it does not make the work of inner-development an overnight process.

I dont get this blind faith or this belief shortcuts work. I havent found a place yet for the pendulum in the "path" im trying to take, but Id love to believe instead of working on learning through dreams and self discipline i can pull this out and have my higher self just tell me all the answers. Unfortunately, I've gotten to the point where Im not able to fool myself that easily.

Who ever said you need to have blind faith or recommended short-cuts? You are quite right that this is not the way to go. Everyone must learn for themselves. Thank you for re-enforcing that point. Perhaps now it will be clear.

With best regards,



Hello, folks! Here's a little update on the conspiracy.

What I've Noticed About Pleiadian Followers:

-They claim to have the "truth"
-They always have some kind of a guide
-Blind faith is the way to the afore mentioned "truth"
-Some of them spend hours on the computer trying to convert (oops, educate) people
-Some of them are mentally ill
-And, some look like evil demons, or something to that effect (there's proof for this one, I promise!)

More to come! I'll post these things in their own topic from now on!



Originally posted by goingslow

Inguma could you tell me what the difference is.  By that I mean how do you open yourself to things around you vs just inside you?  My problem was I asked it if it could tell me, and I asked it if it would.  If it was okay to tell me.. all answers "yes".
why couldnt it just say no?  I dont get the games some of these advanced beings play.  

The difference is between asking a part of you (subconscious mind), or directing the questions to something outside of you (eg higher self, guides, negs, etc etc etc).
Well, if there is something playing games with you and giving mostly incorrect answers, I think we can safely say its NOT a higher being! Just because something is astral, doesn't mean its necessarily good, as James pointed out.

Speaking of which! James.....WOW!!! In a stroke you've altered my perception of the whole "guides" issue. What are your feelings on the topic as a whole - comparing with new agey philosophies etc?
Its a big ol' universe I guess....


(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!

James S

Rob, I'm not entirely sure which particular flavour of new-agey philosophy you have in mind, but I'll have a go anyway.

I'm going to sound a bit hypocritical here, like someone who drives a Lamborghini telling people the whole car thing is overrated.

The trouble I see is so many people are hooked on the notion of getting a guide, but they haven't stopped to think about why they need one. The higher spirits seem to be a pretty discerning lot. From my own experience, and those of others I've spoken to, these entities seem to know best when we need them, will usually come to us, not the other way around, and they need to see that you have a pretty darn good reason to be in their company.

I know Frank has spoken in the past about guides - about being in the astral and asking with with clear purpose to have a guide come to help you, and indeed he has found that many astral spirits are quite willing. Mind you, if you're at that level with astral travel, I've no doubt you'd be considered well and truly ready to have a guide.

For the less experienced though, it is far better to look inwards for guidance first rather than outwards. That is, people need to deal with their own internal issues first - learn who they are, learn to be at peace with who they are, and learn to have good control over their conscious thought processes before seeking outside guidance. Otherwise all the conflicting signals coming from within will drown out any messages coming from outside. Self talk and a confused subconcious can very easily substitute themselves for percieved messages from a guide.

When you have a guide though, its like being in a close caring trusting relationship. Not sexual (up go the sighs from the younger male members of the audience [:)]), as its beyond what you would find in a human relationship. It's well beyond a master-apprentice type relationship also. Your guide can become an important part of your life, not just a source of information that you access when you need to. Wether I acknowledge it or not, my guide is always with me. Sometimes guiding me, sometimes comforting me, or sometimes laughing at me if I do something really dumb (they're not above that you know).

I hope that's more or less what you were looking for Rob, otherwise I've waffled off the point completely. [:I]

You're is a big ol' universe, and we know far less about it than we'd like to think we do!

Take care,



So in other words I have to have blind faith in it first then I can accept all the answers as fact and then know its the truth.  Does that seem wrong to anyone else?  If these beings are so hurt they're going to teach me a lesson because I dare to be skeptical then how advanced can they be.  I expect more from advanced beings on the astral.

Everything i've read so far has stated if you dont believe its the truth right away you wont get truthful answers BECAUSE you dont believe its the truth.  Let me try to put that in an analogy to show why thats so backwards.  Let's say I claim to know everything there is to know.  So there are some sceptics out there that start testing me by asking me questions.  Because they dont take it on my word I know it all I can say I only gave the wrong answers because they were testing me?

I still dont get it and I admit I think the whole thing is kind of weird.  I dont have a guide Im in contact like Jameswith but to me I think its fine to realize on your own this is not the kind of guide you want.  I have had contact with beings in the astral via lucid dreams and OBE's and the ones I trust more are the ones that dont get offended when I question them or dont take their word.  Shouldnt they understand that's my nature by now?  Are they going to trick me to teach me a lesson about blind faith?

It seems up to now people only have credibility if their other guide told them not to trust these people.  Maybe in a more subtle way something's telling me the pendulum doesnt have some magical barrier which keeps entities away that dont have my best interest in mind.. either way I just "Know" this is the case.  But seeing as how I cant question it because the act of questioning alone is disrespectful It seems I have two choices.  

1.  Dont use it
2.  Use it but take for granted its telling the truth...otherwise it will lie.

I guess Ill just stop using it for now until I get some more solid information on how it works.  I might take your advice Parmenian and look up some books on the subject.  

I would think if some being came through that really was a guide and an entity that had love for me and cared about my welfare it would be grateful Im trying to make sure it is who he/she says he/she is.  Do you get mad at your kid for checking through the peephole before opening the door.  Wouldnt you tell him/her to always take every precaution?  Its for their own good in the end.  Why would you get mad at start testing them back?  And we're talking about higher beings here.

take care.


Originally posted by Parmenion

How many people has Karek now chosen for something?

ONE. Karek selected me for the work I am doing now. I accepted the job.

I even saw one say that mayatnik's guide now told him to do certain tasks etc.

I assume you are referring to me as there is no one else. I have been told to do nothing. I do what I do because it is what I choose to do. You insult my intelligence.

I got an uneasy feeling too, and I have a weird feeling about the army karek is recruiting through mayatnik (no offense but thats my stance on it).

Army of one? Interesting that.

Doesnt it feel good to be "chosen" though Parmenion?  Especially for the task of answering what Mayatnik is too busy to answer now. Course he is working on your spiritual enlightenment so its a win win situation.

Army of one?  How many people are on the "the truth shall be known thread" who knew Mayatnik prior.  I know of at least three.  One of his most loyal followers being seekingansers.  Will you be following when its time to spread the truth to another messageboard?  seems you have no choice since by then he will have done much work on your spiritual enlightenment plus Im sure karek will appreciate it.  

Hope you still come back here though, although Im afraid by then you'll be too advanced.  

The lure in these things is always the same.. "you were chosen".  

take care.



Thanks for that - a wonderful post! And yes, it does completely answer my question, along with confirming that you really do know what you are talking about! [:)] Which makes you the first person who I have met online in that position with a guide, who has properly explained it to me.
ag...gotta run
(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


Dear Goingslow,

It would seem that no matter what I write your eyes will continue to glaze over the words I use to say that I do not and never have told anyone that what is required here is 'blind faith'. I have seen the product of 'blind faith' first hand and you are missing my point entirely. What is required is that you do not take the answers as being correct, even if you feel sure that they are. The pendulum gives wrong answers as a means for you to learn. It is a teaching tool and teaches by encouraging deep investigation and not just handing you the answers on a plate. As I am sure you are aware, inner-development is paramount to spiritual progress. Inner-development cannot be achieved through a series of fast answers and quick fix solutions. I know we live in a society where everything has to be done yesterday but the pendulum is not a means to avoid doing the necessary work on yourself. While it has the potential to enable excellent spiritual development in a relatively short space of time, it is by no means easy work.

You assume that the pendulum 'gets offended' because it gives you wrong answers. To clarify again, these 'wrong' answers are given to teach. I should say that I have never before seen so many assumptions made and conclusions jumped to as I have done in the last couple of weeks. You suggest that "these beings are so hurt they're going to teach me a lesson because I dare to be skeptical". What is it about the way that I write that you find so hard to understand? Are there little 'trigger' words in my paragraphs that set your conditioning to red alert? I mean no offense here, we have all been subject to conditioning to varying degrees throughout our life. This is why inner-work is so important before any real progress can be made.

The guides have indeed got our best interests at heart. Just because you may not understand the reasoning for what they do does not mean they are trying to 'trick' you or lead you astray. Does the child understand why his responsible parent won't let him play on the construction site?Despite what your ego may tell you, you do not always know what is best for you.

Since when is it wrong for people to voice their support for another. Your attitude towards this is typical of a person with as much cynicism and sarcasm that you possess. Again, I mean no offense by this, I am sure you know yourself pretty well by now. Three people on a thread that is nineteen pages long is by no means a multitude.
With respect, I point out the fact that Frank has a far greater 'support' on these forums. I have voiced my appreciation of his posts myself in the past.

Your 'concern' for my welfare is misplaced in these last paragraphs of yours;
Doesnt it feel good to be "chosen" though Parmenion? Especially for the task of answering what Mayatnik is too busy to answer now. Course he is working on your spiritual enlightenment so its a win win situation.

Will you be following when its time to spread the truth to another messageboard? seems you have no choice since by then he will have done much work on your spiritual enlightenment plus Im sure karek will appreciate it.

Hope you still come back here though, although Im afraid by then you'll be too advanced.

The lure in these things is always the same.. "you were chosen".

You assume too much and know too little. With all sincerity I say that I hope you find your way, whatever that may be.

With best regards,
