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    ummm, ladies and gents, i do believe that coben was attempting(quite well, judging by the responses!) a bit of satire......anywho,

OAZAKI!! i have a question!!!  why do you call yourself human crap? [:O][:O][:O]
"It has been said, quite accurately, that a psychotic person is drowning in the very same things that a mystic swims in." -- Pema Chodron


i do believe that coben was attempting ... a bit of satire.

Indeed, and quite a good one, too.
I don't do much, and I do it well.



Cobens reactions was beautiful. thank you.

What is there that I can say to your post oazaki? Though I know you could care less about our opinions of you, less being the antithesis of more and more being the antonym of less, it concerns me slightly that you dont get angry. Really I could accept the fact that you make a mistake, that you dont read over your post again and again checking to make sure nobody is insulted personally so that we all come to like you even through certain screens, that you call someone a sh*thead, or act obviously superior, rather than probitiously superior.
I could forgive a human for their mistakes.

I could give a human a chance for redemption.

TO admit they are faulted before the eyes of all while stumbling through the haze of confusion is a beautiful act humans take part in while conversing with others.
You though....its different. No matter what, even in your mistakes that may target you as something you didnt mean to be, you accept and surpass with an almost flagrant disregard of what others actually mean to you.

Do we mean nothing to you Oazaki?

Do we mean so less to you that our regard towards you can easily be so forgotten?

Ya know, Jesus would have at least approached each person on the subject, then forgiven. You ignore.
St. Augustine - "Don't you believe that there is in man a deep so profound as to be hidden even to him in whom it is?"



wtg QS!  I'm not going to have any excuse to not try the process mself, once you're done.  How are you doing physically?  Are you able to go out at all or are you pretty much taking it as easy as possible?

Quiet Storm

I'm taking it as easy as possible man. My heartrate has been kinda jumpy lately...but it's all getting better. [:)]


It's August the 17th and Bush is still alive. Another failure.

So let's wait for September 22nd-28th, then.
I don't do much, and I do it well.


So Veccolo... you don't think that you'll ever be proved wrong?


Oazaki will prove me wrong if he does it (the challenge) until October.

But the fact that he continues to fail with his "great powers" proves my point about him quite nicely, I think.

We will see if he is what he claims to be on October the 1st.

I don't do much, and I do it well.


spagetti and meatballs


St. Augustine - "Don't you believe that there is in man a deep so profound as to be hidden even to him in whom it is?"

Quiet Storm

I'd like to have some... *sips water*


I AM's comment on Kitiara's posting:

"Unfortunately for you Kitiara uth Matar someone DID ask I AM if this quote was true.  And, with the permission of the Moderator Nay I would like to respond to this specific quote where my name is mentioned.  Rather than post the entire quote I will just quote those parts of the post that dealt directly with me.

Originally Posted by Kitiara uth Matar

Now I posted much the same account on Occult Forums before it was hacked (one of the times?) but at the time, though I did have strong suspicions as to who his attacker was, I wasn't sure enough about it to state it openly. Now I do believe that I am so sure: it was I AM who attacked Oazaki. You may know him Nay, he's a moderator over on Occult Forums. A very knowledgeable, and a very, very competent ceremonial magickian. I'd easily rank him as one of the most powerful magickians on the planet, and a very vicious one at that. I have a lot of respect for him and would think not only twice but six or seven times before taking him on in any way myself. And yet he was just a minor irritation to Oazaki, an irritation which just amused him.  Truly lady, you have no idea of the power of the one you're dealing with here. You know what I AM is doing now? Dying. Painfully.  This too I have checked and it is very clear. Which is why I am certain about what I initially only suspected. I'll sure you could PM or e-mail him though if you don't believe me. Maybe he'll reply.  Maybe he's already too far gone for that. But I get the impression that he has a couple more weeks of pain to go through before he finally does die.  I'm not sure why Oazaki was so harsh on him. I'll sure he had his reasons though. With that much power, in my experience, comes also wisdom. You just can't balance the forces you?re dealing with otherwise.

So Nay, now you have some idea who you?re dealing and the extent of his power. Also, you have an easy way to check up on the truth of what I say: just ask I AM.

This reads like a Role Playing Game novel. We have the humble HERO (Oazaki), the EVIL WIZARD (me), a battle of EPIC proportions between MIGHTY POWERS, the destruction of EVIL, and a wonderful MORAL to end the story.

Too bad it is based in fantasy and not the real world Kitiara uth Matar. I will address your points one by one and let the reader judge for themselves the truth of your words.

1. Now I posted much the same account on Occult Forums before it was hacked (one of the times?) but at the time, though I did have strong suspicions as to who his attacker was, I wasn't sure enough about it to state it openly. Now I do believe that I am so sure: it was I AM who attacked Oazaki. You may know him Nay, he's a moderator over on Occult Forums.  
It is true that I am a Moderator on Occult Forums.  As far as my attacking Oazaki, you are obviously on drugs.  I think you need to look into your crystal ball again or ask someone more capable.

2.You may know him Nay, he's a moderator over on Occult Forums. A very knowledgeable, and a very, very competent ceremonial magickian.  I'd easily rank him as one of the most powerful magickians on the planet, and a very vicious one at that.

Kitiara uth Matar you defintely need to get out more my friend. If you rank me as one of the most powerful magickians on the planet it is obvious that you do not know many magickians. While some might be flattered by your words about my power, I am not. Those who turn magick into "who is the baddest magickian on the planet games" have missed the point of magick.  

As far as my visciousness is concerned I find that comment amusing.  While it is true that I can respond without remorse when sufficiently provoked, I do not think that my fellow members on Occult Forums, or other people that know me, would agree that I am viscious. I do not make it habit of attacking people or playing "Mortal Combat" with fellow magickians. I consider that a stupid waste of time.

3.And yet he was just a minor irritation to Oazaki, an irritation which just amused him. Truly lady, you have no idea of the power of the one you're dealing with here.  You know what I AM is doing now? Dying. Painfully.  This too I have checked and it is very clear.

It is so nice being just a minor irritation. Here I am a most powerful magickian and I am only a "minor" irritation. That certainly implies that Oazaki must be MOST powerful since he so easily defeated my magick. I find those words pathetic. And I will have to say that your reports of my pending death are greatly exagerated and it has certainly come as news to me.  

For such a powerful counter attack by Oazaki so far I have felt NOTHING. However, I was a little constipated recently and did suffer from gas for a day or two. Perhaps this is the counter attack that you are suggesting occurred.

Prior to the Occult Forums being hacked the first time I had posted that I suffered from a chronic pain situation and had been for over 23 YEARS. Perhaps you are suggesting that Oazaki went into my past, attacked me, and I have suffered his wrath ever since. I will let the readers decide what they think about that.  

As far as your checking and confirming that I am dying I submit that you have been looking in the wrong window my friend.

4.Which is why I am certain about what I initially only suspected. I'll sure you could PM or e-mail him though if you don't believe me. Maybe he'll reply.  Maybe he's already too far gone for that.

As I said, unfortunately for you someone did contact me.  Tell me, do I seem too far gone to you Kitiara uth Matar? As a fantasy story, this one needs work.

5.But I get the impression that he has a couple more weeks of pain to go through before he finally does die.

So, I assume that if I live until Christmas then this will be sufficient to disprove your fantasy. I tell you what. Start a betting pool and put your money on who you think the winner will be. I assume that you will put your money on Oazaki. You may rest assured that I will not.

6.I'm not sure why Oazaki was so harsh on him. I'll sure he had his reasons though. With that much power, in my experience, comes also wisdom. You just can't balance the forces you?re dealing with otherwise.  

This part disturbs me the most. Oazaki never had the courtesy to contact me. So far we only have YOUR WORD on what Oazaki has done.  However, if he has attacked me then I am disappointed in him. For someone that is supposedly as advanced as he is to attack an innocent person is not something to be proud of in a Resume. In fact, if it were true, it would be very sad.

As far as my being attacked goes, if someone wants to attack me let them knock themselves out. I will not lose any sleep. And I WILL look back on the attack.

I am NOT dying nor am I even sick. And to use a false scenario to attempt to scare a Moderator of another Forum to conform to your will is BENEATH you.

If I have to sum up my feelings about the original post I would say that it is misguided, ill informed, and untrue. Time and events will bear ME out.

I normally have a good sense of humor. In this case I am not amused.

Humbly, I AM"
I don't do much, and I do it well.



Tell I AM that he just provided some of the most entertaining stuff to read for some time, I appreciate it!

There really is no need to get deeper on the kitiara subject, her post alone is enough to throw a petition towards commiting her if she believes wholeheartedly in what she wrote.
St. Augustine - "Don't you believe that there is in man a deep so profound as to be hidden even to him in whom it is?"


And, with the permission of the Moderator Nay I would like to respond to this specific quote where my name is mentioned.

I kindly ask that you do not use my name in your Crusade.  

In your statement, it appears as if "I gave you permission" to post this.  In responce to the PM you sent me before posting this, I plainly said, that this was a bad soap opera, why even talk about it anymore and I went on to say, as long as you go by the rules of the forums I can or cannot tell you what to post.

Frankly, I find this whole thing a waste of time and energy but of course that is just me, but please leave me out of it.

Thank you,



And, with the permission of the Moderator Nay I would like to respond to this specific quote where my name is mentioned.

I kindly ask that you do not use my name in your Crusade.

In your statement, it appears as if "I gave you permission" to post this. In responce to the PM you sent me before posting this, I plainly said, that this was a bad soap opera, why even talk about it anymore and I went on to say, as long as you go by the rules of the forums I can or cannot tell you what to post.

Frankly, I find this whole thing a waste of time and energy but of course that is just me, but please leave me out of it.

"I kindly ask that you do not use my name in your Crusade."

See next quote.

"In your statement, it appears as if "I gave you permission" to post this."

That sentence you quoted isn't from me, it's a part of I AM's comment. I just copy&pasted it.

I didn't intend to use your name in my "crusade".

"In responce to the PM you sent me before posting this, I plainly said, that this was a bad soap opera, why even talk about it anymore and I went on to say, as long as you go by the rules of the forums I can or cannot tell you what to post."

And in my PM it's clearly stated that I AM wanted _your_ permission, which you indirectly gave with not saying anything against it. So if you had said you don't want me to post this comment, I would not have posted it - even if the rules would have allowed it.

Do you want me to delete/edit out the comment? It doesn't really matter to me, as the comment wasn't my idea.

"Frankly, I find this whole thing a waste of time and energy but of course that is just me, but please leave me out of it."

It wasn't my intention to involve you in anything.
I don't do much, and I do it well.


You see???  I have no idea whom IAM is.... I apologize for sticking this tag on you, but you have to understand my confusion...  I can't figure out whom is for or against these "actions".  This is all very dramatic and cluch the edge of my seat type of senerio, but I am bowing out.....ok?




No one is demanding you read or post here Nay. If you would like to be excluded from the conversation the farther away you are the less likely we will think of you or mention you


Originally posted by mikel

No one is demanding you read or post here Nay. If you would like to be excluded from the conversation the farther away you are the less likely we will think of you or mention you

Nice to meet you Mikel..that was a very adult and thought provoking comment, thank you.



Originally Posted by Nay

I have no idea whom IAM is

Now I'm confused. I thought you read the posting of Kitiara uth Matar, which (I hope) was the reason for deleting the second predictions thread?

On page 2 of this thread I said I AM will make a comment on this posting (because he was mentioned in it) and that I'll post it because he somehow can't register here.

I don't know why he wanted your permission though ... probably because the original thread were deleted because of Kitiara's posting, so he wasn't sure if he were allowed to comment on it, but that's just a guess.

Well, whatever. I don't care anyway if you understand it or not.
I don't do much, and I do it well.


*shrugs*  I suppose that shows how much this thread means to me. So the kid that is calling himself, IAM is yet another ego driven wannabe all powerful one?

Yeah... I don't care either.



" So the kid that is calling himself IAM is yet another ego driven wannabe all powerful one?"

Read his comment before posting nonsense like that. He is far from being a kid, and he also doesn't call himself all powerful.

Bleh ...
I don't do much, and I do it well.


Originally posted by Veccolo

" So the kid that is calling himself IAM is yet another ego driven wannabe all powerful one?"

Read his comment before posting nonsense like that. He is far from being a kid, and he also doesn't call himself all powerful.

Bleh ...

I'm sorry you're right, I was assuming again...[:(]  I'm trying, I'm trying. [:D]



Originally posted by shadowdancer

i am a curious person. so i looked into the origins of oazaki.
oazaki is japanese. it means "night soil"; or "human excreta as fertilizer" .............odd


OAZAKI!! i have a question!!!  why do you call yourself human crap? [:O][:O][:O]

I was not aware that it did for I do not speak Japanese.  "OAZAKI" I originally designed as a powerful piece of sigil magick, with each letter being a sigil.  What it may or may not mean in Japanese didn't enter into the equation for me back then, indeed I didn't even bother to check.  I wouldn't be surprised if it had a few other meanings in Japanese, depending on inflection / intonation or something.  Oriental languages tend to do that.  Personally I'm hoping that with the proper intonation, that is to say how I like to pronounce it (Oh-a-zaki) it means something other than "human feces" in Japanese.  If not, it would be a somewhat unfortunate coincidence i guess...

Your name is cool btw shadowdancer, it being what I have called the elite combative troops of The Zhedhi Order.  Kinda funny that, ironic coincidence when you consider that you were asking me about my name...

all the best,
Expect No Mercy