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Shawn McCaffrey

Everyone, im sorry, please disregard what this person has to say.  He is my friend that I told about OBE and let him know about Astral Pulse, thinking he would be the one that would at least act as if he took it seriously, hopefully taking it seriously. But looks like its a joke to him, hince the "Algeria"  location...  Seeing how he lives in my city, that's most likely not the case.  He is somewhat of a sceptic/beleiver, kinda thinks OBE could be real and psychics in general are, but TK isnt.... Anyone have any modivational speech for him...?


"suck it up, buttercup"? nah.


"i'm a believer, i couldn't leave her if i..." oops. [B)]

how about, "there are so many things that scientists cannot understand due to their closed minded-ness regarding reality. many phenomena, well documented and occuring a lot, have stumped all attempts that scientists make to try to figure out how they occur. for instance, electricity orbs. also, existance as we know it is just too big for us to be able to figure it all out, but we try none-the-less. the real tragedy is when people believe that what they know is the entirity of what CAN be known, and close off their minds to the rest of the truth." yeah, that's better. [:)]

