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"Present fears are less than horrible imaginings." - William Shakespeare

Shakespeare's words ring true.  It is horrible imaginings that are the obstacle, not what it is we are going to achieve. To focus on any goal you have to focus on what you want not on what you don't want. The simple reason being is that your brain can't distinguish between fiction or reality. That means whatever you feed your mind; or focus on, becomes your reality. In short, your focus is your reality. Those people that imagine themselves succeeding often become big successes. They are utterly convinced and determined to create a life that is joyful and filled with beautiful experiences.

Many people become very logical in that they believe being incredibly optimistic to the point of being delusional is somehow ignorant, because you are "ignoring reality". I'm going to be the first one to burst that bubble and say that you CREATE your reality. So why not create a reality in which you're happy, healthy, and prosperous?


Many people are Meat of their Own fears and Thoughts.
They think in matter terms, so the more "matter" they have, the better they are, or their chances of survival.
It is not their fault they ignore this. Its Indoctrination throught the ages.
But we can guide them if they ask.


Quote from: Rakkso on August 06, 2014, 21:23:00
Many people are Meat of their Own fears and Thoughts.
They think in matter terms, so the more "matter" they have, the better they are, or their chances of survival.
It is not their fault they ignore this. Its Indoctrination throught the ages.
But we can guide them if they ask.
Great answer. But I think this thread and the others made by this OP are a means to market his "sig" product.

If I am wrong I apologize for that statement. But my "gut" says I am right.  :-(


Quote from: Rakkso on August 06, 2014, 21:23:00
Many people are Meat of their Own fears and Thoughts.
They think in matter terms, so the more "matter" they have, the better they are, or their chances of survival.
It is not their fault they ignore this. Its Indoctrination throught the ages.
But we can guide them if they ask.

That is a very powerful way to put it. After all, what is the infatuation of science in the western world and modern age than a worship to all things matter?


good words apply them to your other post. Doesn't look like practically speaking your getting the idea.