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Ku Klux Klan

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Ditto to most of what you said about Indigos.

However, if you are looking for sympathy on the issue of Nicks warnings, you've come to the wrong place. If you wish to stop recieving such mails may I suggest you stop making such a large number of negative posts, and quit trying to get people to stop posting things on the forums. Many of your comments are not just unhelpful, the are plainly destructive to the wellbeing of the forums as a whole. Hence, you get warned. Since you have brought this up in public, again, I'll respond in public:

"This 'everything goes' or 'helter-skelter' approach to learning is very dangerous, particularly to young impressionable minds."
I beg to differ. Its how I started....If someone is serious about learning and evolving (uch....hate that word...evolution is such rubbish), they will find their own path, researching and practising whatever they like. And the variety of things they look at will keep interest high. Who are you, and who am I, to tell people what to do? Ultimately, thats up to them and God.

"Nick Falcone's last flame against me, arises because I have insisted on 'Truth'. "
No, you insisted on assuming that you had access to the truth (ie that the poster was lying), and then making another destructive, flippant comment based upon what appeared to be little more than an assumption. Which was proved out to be an incorrect assumption, by looking at the user in questions IP. This also invalidates your point about how many members make posts that are not true, for "manipulative purposes", since you are plainly incapable of determining who is being honest and who is not. As for manipulative purposes, well, I'm not entirely sure what you think people are planning to gain from manipulating people on an internet forum......

"Half of all registered members of AstralPulse are one time posters. Also, it appears that the habit is encouraged."
First point - so? Are you suggesting we only allow people to post here who are totally serious about making a long term commitment to the forums???!! Ludicrous!!!! The second point - BS. We, moderators and admin, try and stay out of "steering" the forums as much as possible. We'll make posts like regular members, and we'll warn people who step out of line. Adrian also runs the techy things behind the scenes, God bless'im!! Apart from that, the forums steer themselves, which is how it should be. Therefore I think I can safely say that you are making another assumption, but for what reason, Mirador? You think we should take sterner control of the forums?? I've seen that avenue of thought used many times before, but not once by a poster who didn't turn out to be insideous trouble on a stick.....

This issue is plainly between you and Nick, who has the complete backing of everyone in the astral pulse team. I have already given you the obvious answer if you want to stop recieving warnings - dont make posts that will get you warned. Its not so hard...
Please do not reply to this, I consider the issue now closed, but if you have further complaints, I suggest you take them up with Nick.

all the best

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


Please do not reply to this, I consider the issue now closed,

Mr Bob Blanch,

You may consider this issue closed, but I don't. You have raised new issues, and you obviously have misunderstood me. But now I'm sure that you represent a danger to youthfull minds. You are an anarchist, a subversive element. Your kind should be unmasked. And if I have to traverse the Astral from end to end, from Brighton to Melborne, I will find you. I recommend you gather all your ki weapons and whatever you are ready to confront me with, I'll search for you and I will stamp you out.

May God have mercy on your soul!!!!



All this excrement about white superierority is just that...excrement. I judge people on their personality, not their skin color...


Im an indigo child... but I am incredibly lazy. I am just finding out for myself what a grump I was to my parents, my teachers, my peers, and...everyone who got in my way. I also suck at school and get terrible grades. My parents still reward (spoil) me, and I am only now trying to unindigo child myself. James, your friend seems interesting, but would such a humble down to earth person join a rather pompous orginazation such as mensa?[?]


And if I have to traverse the Astral from end to end, from Brighton to Melborne, I will find you. I recommend you gather all your ki weapons and whatever you are ready to confront me with, I'll search for you and I will stamp you out.

Oh, my.....Was that a threat towards bodily harm????...oh, man...if that isn't enough to get you kicked out..hmmmmmm..I don't know what is?

Nay. [:O]

James S

Hi Shadowatcher,

Can't honestly tell you why my wife's workmate joined mensa other than he could!

Good luck in your un-indigoment...



Originally posted by Mirador

You are an anarchist, a subversive element. Your kind should be unmasked. And if I have to traverse the Astral from end to end, from Brighton to Melborne, I will find you. I recommend you gather all your ki weapons and whatever you are ready to confront me with, I'll search for you and I will stamp you out.


Please try stamp me out as well, I could use the exercise. [}:)]


Do you mean Pres.Bush Klu Klux Klan? This one?
The great Klu Klux Klan district extending from the Gulf of Mexico to the Panhandle of Texas, from the curving boundary lines of the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana to the Rio Grande River. It has been called the Lands of the Klu Klux Klan. The most beautiful, as well as most typical of these Klansman plantations are those in the valleys of the Red and the Mississippi Rivers. Farming is simply a business venture of the Klansman, controlled by monopolies and wealthy capitalists who leave the entire charge of the business with superintendents. Small farms have no chance in competition with these monopolies, and while these Klu Klux Klan companies are becoming wealthy, the communities receive little to no benefit. There is no home life on these large Klan farms, and the only society is that of the laborers, often uneducated foreigners and people of colour. The men and women are employed during the harvest season with daily wages averaging under our minimum wage levels. All the while the process of cultivation goes on, the dark faced laborers plowing, thinning, hoeing, and weeding and the Klansman joke how it is a leisurely work which suits the indolent nature of the mud races. This is a small example of the learned behaviors of people who want to return to the slave trade in America. Our nation is at war because of the differences of culture and the attitudes of the white supremacists.


There are claims this Klu Klux Klan the white nights of the cross come from right after the civil war out of Tenn. If you believe this you must believe that Bin Ladden took down the twin towers in New York with his little terrorist group of desert rats. The history of the white nights goes way back to mid-evil times and those dark ages. They still are a powerful group and the Sealand Express was delivering a payload of uranium consentrate to Iraq for Weapons of Mass Destruction.

A.P. Moller Group guided by a
corporate captain.

In the White Knights of the Cross Chapel in Denmark's historic Frederiksborg Castle, hangs rows of shields about men honored for their membership in the exclusive Order of the Elephant and the White Knights of the Cross of Dannebrog.

This is the fascinating tale of the Templars, propably the most powerful and mysterious organisations of the Middle Ages.
The Order of The Poor Knights Of Christ and the Temple Of Salomon, originate from a group of nine Aristocrates, whose sole
aim was the protection of of the Holy Land. So let you undertake a journey into the past, back to the origin, rise and fall
of the Order of the Templars. A journey, which will lead as to the legendary world of the Knights of the Cross

Texas Knights Of the Ku Klux Klan  
Knights, kkk, klan, ku klux klan, Texas Knights, KKK in Texas, klavern, white knights, Texas white power, white separatism, Texas, Klansman, white pride,.

Among them is a shield that bears a seven-pointed star with a blue background and the Latin motto, Per Aspera ad Astra. The name on that shield is A.P. Moller.

The company has at its disposal a total of over 550,000 containers and over 250 ships making Maersk-Sealand twice as large as its nearest rival. Maersk-Sealand docks at 20,000 ports annually in more than 100 countries and of the company's 24 container terminals there are 13 in the United States.

Mr. Moller, the founder's son is the chairman of the board of the A.P. Moller Group, which owns the world's largest container ship line. Still a member of the Knights of the Cross.

The $6 billion dollar business Sealand is America's largest shipping company. Mr. Moller said in an older interview that the company's foray into oil and gas exploration was "a national decision" of the American government. Mr. Moller during a "conversation" with a visiting journalist is that he doesn't give interviews that are reflected on his father, his family, his nation and his company's future." Talking about the various ventures of the company, which include shipbuilding, information technology services, aviation and supermarkets are Top Secret.

In July 2003

TACOMA -- A chemical leak aboard the world's largest container ship, docked at the Port of Tacoma, sent seven people to area hospitals. It was a A. P. Moller owned Maersk ship. Six of the seven workers who, according to longshoremen at the scene, were having difficulty breathing, vomiting and complaining of rapid heartbeats.  The chemical leak was contained inside the vessel Axel Maersk and did not leak into the Sitcum Waterway. The fire department evacuated the Maersk Sealand terminal and the Coast Guard shut off the Sitcum Waterway. "Everything shows these containers were in compliance," according to government officers. They would not say who owns the cargo, which originated in Los Angeles and was headed toward Asian countries.

South Africa Vessel Details
Owner  Maersk Sealand
Flag  N/A

The Department of Environmental Affairs has appointed a team to deal with any environmental issues caused by the grounding of the Sealand Express. Threats to arrest the ship if the owners do not produce details of all its cargo.

South Africa's Nuclear Fuels Corporation confirmed that 50 tons of uranium ore concentrate were on board the vessel.

The material was being shipped from South Africa to the New York harbor in the United States, where it is said to be used for nuclear fuel. I have a cargo list for this ship. No Nuclear or Uranium on board this New York bound vessel according to these logs. No flag required according to these logs.
"Everything shows these containers were in compliance," according to government officers. Who owns this cargo with no paperwork and where is this weapons grade uranium ore concentrate going? It is not coming to New York according to these Customs records.

The Records show three cargo manifests.

SEALAND EXPRESS Safmarine Line Ltd. N003  
SEALAND EXPRESS Mediterranean Shpg. Co. N003  
SEALAND EXPRESS Maersk Sealand N003

US Ship Management Inc. in-commission U.S. Navy vessels??? Not there.

Are all owned by A.P. Moller. the exclusive Order of the Elephant and the White Knights of the Grand Cross.
Except US Ship Management Inc. thats seems to be U.S.Navy or a civil service by Moller-Maersk.

This Mediterranean Shpg Co. has labor problems
due to persistent strikes and disruption in Spanish ports. The labour shortages in the port of Le Havre which have resulted in delays. The MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY S.A of Geneva, Switzerland has decided to split the North European and Mediterranean services covering the USA. All lead back to Moller-Maersk breaking labor unions.

This Safmarine Line LTD seems like a dummy company for Insurance claims. Still it is a Moller-Maersk web site.

I have all shipping and custom logs for the USA but left them out. They are borring.


This was sent to me. I am going to pass cause I am half Native American Indian. I did some research on this and it seems to be an adjusted recruitment letter from KKK archives around 1964 when the state of Mississippi had a coming out demonstration. It came from a group calling themselves "The New Republic of Texas." There is alot of stuff on the internet this year reguarding these Texas white night groups wanting to return to slavery in the south. They seem to be recruting in with political ties.

Twenty Reasons why you should, if qualified,
join, aid and support the White Knights of the
KU KLUX KLAN of Texas:

1. Because it is a Christian, fraternal and benevolent organization.

2. Because it is a democratic organization, governed by its members.

3. Because it is a democratic and just organization.

4. Because it is a working organization which not only talks but ACTS in all branches of government.

5. Because it is a very secret organization and no one will know that you are a member.

6. Because it is a legal organization and no one can be prosecuted for being a member.

7. Because it is a politically independent organization, and is not pledged to any political party.

8. Because it is a Pro-American organization that opposes any thing, person or organization that is UN-American and not Anglo-Saxon controlled.

9. Because it is an organization that is sworn to uphold the lawful Constitution of the United States of America.

10 Because it is composed of native-born, white, gentile and protestant American citizens who are sound of mind and of good moral character.

11. Because the goals of the KKK are the total segregation of the races and the total destruction of communism and mud leaders in all their forms.

12. Because the KKK has twice saved this nation from destruction as history clearly records and again attempts to rid the world of mud races.

13. Because there comes a time in the life of every Anglo-Saxon man when he has to choose between the right or wrong side of life.

14. Because there are today many alien forces entering the United States of America bent upon its destruction.

15. Because it informs its members, and an informed citizen is a good citizen.

16. Because a Christian-like brotherhood among men must be revived in America and the world.

17. Because one of the goals of the KKK it States' Rights and complete State Sovereignty.

18. Because neither the Conservatives nor the Liberals will save our nation from the evil of false religions, because the patriots act will save this nation.

19. Because it is clear now that if communism is to be defeated in America, it will be done in the South and primarily in Texas and our Republic.

20. Because the KKK needs you today to help fight America's battles around the World.

   The White Knights of the KU KLUX KLAN of Texas is, of necessity, a SECRET organization.  The administration of our National Government is now under the actual control of our leaders.  As dedicated agents of God, they are absolutely determined to uphold Christian Civilization and all Christians.  We have nothing dishonorable to hide, but we must remain SECRET, for the protection of our lives and families.

   All of our members must meet a strict set of requirements:

   We are looking for, and enlisting ONLY:  Sober, Intelligent, Courageous, Christian, American, White men who are consciously and fully aware of the basic FACT that the physical life and earthly destiny are absolutely bound up with the Survival of this Nation, under God.  Our governmental principles are precisely those of the ORIGINAL U.S. Constitution.  Our members are Christians who are anxious to preserve not only their souls for all Eternity, but who are MILITANTLY DETERMINED, God willing, to save their lives, and the Life of this Nation, in order that their descendants shall enjoy the same, full, God-given blessings of True Liberty that we have been permitted to enjoy because we are white.

   We do not accept Jews, because they reject Christ, and, through the machinations of their International Banking Cartel, are at the root center of what we call "communism" today we will use them to rule the world.

   We do not accept Papists, because they bow to a Roman dictator, and we hate Italians because they are in direct violation of the First Commandment, and the True American Spirit of Responsible, Individual Liberty.

   We do not accept Turks, Mongols, Tartars, Orientals, Negroes, nor any other person whose native background of culture is foreign to the Anglo-Saxon system of Government by responsible, FREE individual citizens.

   Our governmental system is a Constitutional Republic of Texas, primarily designed to protect the Responsible, Individual Citizens from all tyranny:  which selects its representatives by both the direct and the indirect Democratic process; and recognizes the necessity for the existence of an effective Loyal Acceptance to any Anglo-Saxon and the current Administration.  This type of Governmental System is unique, and found only where Anglo-Saxons control the Governmental Machinery of a Nation and the World. With rare exceptions, people of other backgrounds simply cannot comprehend the Anglo-Saxon principle of "Equal Justice under Law" and the fact that every "Right" must be balanced by an accompanying Responsibility.  The inherent balance and reason of this system has little or no attraction for these persons of alien culture.  They generally prefer to shirk Individual Responsibility, grab up as much material wealth as they can, and accept Centralized Authority and Dictatorship of mud rulers, in the hope that they can buy special favors and privileges for themselves.

   The conflict between these two attitudes has now become a Life and Death matter in America and the World.  The people of the non-American cultures and mud races will live under the Anglo-Saxon System, or be destroyed. The true American Anglo-Saxons, on the other hand, can not live under a Dictatorship of any mud races anywhere in the World!


Ignorance is the enemy- period.  It's not any particular group and/or person.

One who has understanding, understands how these groups (i.e. there are also black panthers; La Meche...if I got the spelling right; etc...) came about and why.  I'll leave the details up to you...

The goal for mankind is: Brotherhood of Man.  Anything that divides us, will hold us back from this goal.  It's rather backwards to say that racisim is bad.  It is more correct to say- "Brotherhood of Man is GOOD.  (the later is positive)  However, this is how evolution progresess.

We are NOT all the same- period.  You reap what you sew.  People don't understand this and choose not to because it's EASIER.  Everybody wants to believe that they are going to get what everyone else gets- WRONG.  In the same way that tomorrow will be planned by today, you next life will be planned by this one.

The fact that some people are concentrated on race (i.e. see ONLY their own; help ONLY their own; associate withe ONLY their own) identifies them as underdeveloped souls.  FYI: if you don't understand this, you haven't done you research.

So, here's what I reason (NOT think): kkk, black panthers, la meche are all groups of people who are less developed souls than those who would not behave that way.  It is imperative that one understands the influence of the Race Spirits and their connection to the evolution of mankind (i.e. research).  In addition, it is essential that one understand the purpose and differences of the races.

Personally, I don't trade opinions for mere sentiments.  Ergo, if one has not researched a matter, the best one can do is offer sentiments.  (Would you trade dollars for pennies?)


Hate, in any form, is never justified.


Keep it simple and stupid. Just do not think. A Brotherhood of man with peace and love in the world. Such a wonderful thought to live in a Holy world without racist people. There is an old saying: Mountains are not made Holy, but become Holy after years of worship. Just not to think about the KKK or Panthers is like homo-sexuality, child molestation, rape, domestic violence and so many other human mental illnesses they spread into the world like a complaining spirit destroying family units and nations alike. To ignore the priest who molested children to protect the integrity of his office or the Judge who gives sentence reductions for sexual favors. Just do not think about it. Christians have this attitude saying Jesus is coming; we are "WAITING FOR" Jesus to come and take us from this evil world. But there scriptures do not say it like that. It says to "WAIT UPON" Jesus as a slave. If you were in a cafe and the waitress waited for you to ask for everything and waited for you to come to her, would you give a tip? If you were in a cafe and the waitress waited upon you. You see my drift, your idea of brotherhood is destroyed by twisting the scriptures and laws to protect the integrity of offices. Without thought it can only get more psychotic. What we need is education with teachers that are not passing out date rape drugs.


The word Former protects the integrity of office. He now teaches in another district with younger kids. It is less likely that these younger boys will know whats going on when he rapes them in their backsides. Time to go back to school kids!!! HA HA

Former Teacher Pleads Guilty To Having Sex With Student
Mon Aug 11, 9:25 PM ET  Add Local - KGTV to My

A former drama teacher at Granite Hills High School pleaded guilty
Monday to having unlawful sexual intercourse with a 17-year-old boy
in his theater company.

As part of the plea bargain, charges of sodomy and oral copulation
were dropped against Beus

Robert Paul Beus, 31, will be sentenced Oct. 1 to probation and
volunteer work, Judge William Mudd said.

The teen told prosecutor Patrick Espinoza that Beus
provided "crystal" methamphetamine and the date-rape drug GHB "a few
times" during the sexual encounters.

During a March 13 interview, according to the detective, the
youth "said he and (the defendant) would go off and `hook up' with
different guys and have sex."
The victim, who turns 18 this month, testified that he also had sex
with other adult males, including group sex.

San Diego police Detective Tim Williams testified that the victim
told him he first had sex with Beus at a Halloween party last year.
He was 16 years old.

At the time of his arrest, Beus had a notebook with a quasi-timelime
of events that occurred when he and the boy attended events, the
detective testified.

Defense attorney Jeff Larrimore said that the sex was consensual.
The drug GHB was used only the first few times.

Beus will not get any additional jail time if he remains law-abiding.


Again the word former protects integrity of office. He would not of even been charged with a crime except there was the video camera watching the half hour rape at gun point. Try doing this and see if you get bail! I would say he will get a transfer to another district, a fine and probation.

Former Police Officer Found Guilty Of Sexual Assault
Fri Aug 8, 8:45 AM ET  Add Local - KMBC to My Yahoo!

A former Kansas City, Kan., police officer pleaded no contest Thursday to charges that he forced a man to have sex with him at gunpoint, KMBC's Bev Chapman reported.

The no contest plea allowed a Wyandotte County judge to find Brian Dupree, 36, guilty of attempted sodomy, aggravated sexual battery and assault. Other charges against Dupree were dismissed.

The victim was a janitor at the state parole office who told police that Dupree (pictured, left) approached him as he was leaving his job and demanded he perform sex acts. Surveillance cameras on the outside of the parole office captured some of the 35-minute encounter between Dupree and the victim.

Dupree had been suspended without pay after the man came forward with his story. Dupree was fired Wednesday after entering his plea. He remains free on $100,000 bond.

A no contest plea means the accused does not accept or deny responsibility for the charges, but agrees to accept the punishment. Dupree will be sentenced Oct. 23.



I don't know too much about the kkk being a uniquely USA thing, but I do know they perpetrate fear, hate and suffering through discrimination.

The problem is they only see the physical aspects of a person, and not their Spiritual or Divine aspect, the Higher-Self. At our innermost core, every single human in the Universe is an identical and equal Son or Daughter of God, an immortal Spirit. It is only the denser bodies people choose for any particular life which differ. Even races from other planets are ultimately identical to humans, equal aspects of The All.

Only when people look through the eyes of Spirit can true progress be made. When kkk people pass on, they will find themselves in an Astral plane where all the people their live on hate and discrimination, and there they wil be hated and discriminated against until the realise the significance of it all and choose another life to learn the lesson completely and pay off the acumulated karma.

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


They are playing the world like pieces in a monopoly game. Your intelligence dept works for them in every country and these common interest groups own all the governments. In America we have more terrorists double agents then a James Bond movie..

This list does not measure the wealth of those outside the US, Bill Gates is also still believed to be the richest person in the world, at $58bn ahead of monarchs such as the Sultan of Brunei and other business tycoons like A.P.Moller. They watch the battles with the new star wars system, and with big screen TVs it is almost like being there.

 US list is the "sage of Omaha", investment banker Warren Buffett whose stake in his investment trust Berkshire Hathaway is worth $29bn - despite the fall in the stock market.

Third is Paul Allen, worth $19.5bn, who now owns cable TV companies and the professional basketball team, the Portland Trailblazers.

The heirs of Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart discount stores, make up five of the top 10 billionaires on the list.

Their total wealth at around $55bn would put the family level with Mr Gates.

Out of the 400 richest Americans, 10 are worth more than $10bn and 189 people have a net worth of more than $1bn. It takes $500m to be a member of their club and to play the game of war.

The value of some Internet stocks has created several multi-millionaires who have joined the list for the first time and can now enter the game of war if they wish.

Jeff Bezos, is one of them; and so are David Filo and Jerry Yang.

Mr Bezos is now worth $1.6bn as the value of shares have soared.

James Clark, has lost his place and can not play war games no more.

The richest computer millionaire after Bill Gates is Michael Dell, founder of Dell Computers, whose is worth $13bn. Other big computer fortunes include those of Gordon Moore, worth $8bn; Larry Elllison, worth $6.5bn; Ted Waitt, worth $3.7bn; and Bill Hewlett, worth $3.5bn. These guys are newbies to the game.  

Among the famous war mongers are the duPonts, the Delaware chemical company heirs, worth $13bn; the Mellons, the Pittsburgh bank and oil magnates, worth $8bn, and Rockefeller family, also worth $8bn.

40 richest Americans ever, adjusted for inflation, only three are alive today - and only Bill Gates would be in the top ten. But A.P. Moller does not belong on this list because his castle is not in America. He is the sole heir to the fortune of the White Nights of the Cross a secret society to rule the world. It has many names, the Rosie cross, the black rose of Texas, the Texas Knights, Oh ya, and the Klu Klux Klan. Real strong in the southern states in America.

The list is dominated by the so-called "robber barons" of the 19th century, including the Rockefeller's, Vanderbilt's, Astor's, JP Morgan and Andrew Carnegie. Pres.Bush or Clinton it does not matter because they are owned by these common interest groups called "loops."
Are you in or out of the secret loop? The Klu Klux Klan are not a handfull of racist dirt farmers. They are stone cold killers.


Tao4mind... take a breath sheesh.

i think its now obvious that the majority of people posting on these boards are against the KKK.

but what i find extremely stupid was Hitler trying to breed the perfect race who were white with blonde hair and blue eyes... and he had black hair and brown eyes... maybe he was trying to make a race in the image of the Annunaki and that might also be what the KKK are doing.
whatever theyre motivation is its wrong and must be (but never will be) stopped.


The KKK is a really stupid bunch of crackas that need to get hung from a tree and wipped with a tree branch to see how it feels. They really need to get there a$$es whipped and take some reality pills because we are all human none better than the next.


I can not stand stupid guys that were their mommy's bedsheeds and claim to be superior. I think they all should be killed execution style. Sorry thats just my bius.

I do not understand how you could hate another race! There the same as you but diffrent skin![V][V]

The AlphaOmega

To hate someone with such a passion because of their skin color is extreme ignorance.  To hate them would be no better then them.  They need to be educated.
"Discover your own path to enlightenment with diligence".
              - Buddha


Ignorance spreads lies.

The inherent problem with judgement is that it hides the 'truth' from us. It is natural for us to judge what is around us. The problem is that most don't consciously rise above judgement. Matter and time are illusions. Life is but a dream and when we die we shall awaken.


you are beautiful people. If even half of this thread was spoken aloud with emphasis and expression to any ingorantly intelligent rascists/clan members/supremisists or what have you, perhaps thought would become a dominant effect for a short period.
I have something to say though.

We take the time enough to reveal the ignorance in white superiority and our despise of such acts, and with good cause as the clan and others of like mind have perpetrated horrible unexcusable acts, yet we let slide other racial pride symbols.
I have nothing against people being proud of their heritage, but I seem to see slight hypocracy in telling these types of people what they do is wrong, when I see Somoan Pride/black pride/mexican pride/etc stickers and other things while the majority of these people are grouped together because of ethnic/economical and financial backgrounds. I know people dont bring this up because the majority of them, have never made such an ugly impact as the KKK have.

I just find this to be odd, as well as other issues. It seems its hard to make any type of solid opinion stand ground when the issues are subject to hypocritical reflection. It stands to reason to that religion is in the same boat along with politics.

St. Augustine - "Don't you believe that there is in man a deep so profound as to be hidden even to him in whom it is?"


those motherfukking racists shood be shot 6 times in the head, and twice in the leg for fun. they are a bunch of redneck retards, that are gonna grow up, marry their sisters, and have lots and lots of dum fukkking children!excuse my french.


The white robes are cool, but their point is excrement. They should not insult cool white robes by wearing them. They should wear something that looks as excrement as their ideas are.
"Everything returns as before, and there is nothing new under the Sun, and man never changes although his clothes change and also the words of his language change."
Mika Waltari "Sinuhe"


"those motherfukking racists shood be shot 6 times in the head, and twice in the leg for fun. they are a bunch of redneck retards, that are gonna grow up, marry their sisters, and have lots and lots of dum fukkking children!excuse my french."

That is the type of hatred they feel towards all the racial groups.

"Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you" -Matthew

Personally i think that the KKK is just a waste of time.  Time that could be spent on much more important things, yet if we look at this at a different angle, we can see that they are a manifestation of a lesson.  A symbolic lesson if you may.  An example of what extreme hate does to you.
