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Ku Klux Klan

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You do mean the real KKK?  The whole bed sheets and pointy hats KKK?

It is idiotic.  For an individual to believe that they are supirior just because of thier skin color and background is ludicris.

To simply hate a person you don't know because they are a different color, or they are shorter, taller, wider, thinner, dark haired, white haired, no haired, Jewish, Catholic, Buddist, younger, older, smarter, dumber, geekier, weirder, more or less insane is just that...INSANE.  

You know what?  I don't hate people how think like this.  I feel sorry for them.  I have had many friends who were or are racists and biggots, but they are not extreamists so I have been able to look past it.  But if they were just to pick a fight with some one walking down the street because of any of the above listed then I would most likely side with the person being attacked and not the one who was my friend.


I'll probably end up destroying them one day...buahahaha, they shall feel the wrath of heaven!, that's a ninja's job...


[}:)] I think you should take your hatred some where else!!
and take your stupid picture with you...[:(!]



All's I know is that it's racism, and racism of any kind can only be bad.  And it's worse that they actually kill people just because of their race.  That's beyond wrong.  And they burn the cross.  Ebil.



The Ku Klux Klan is a sad group of people who have to wear sheets to hide the fact that they are white. Why, if they ARE white and they ARE better?
Cause they're NOT.

Anyone who thinks that superiority is a birth defect should be shot in the head.

KKK hould screw off.

There's my two cents.



what sucks for me is that my great aunt's son (uncle? cousin? he's something) is in the kkk.. i was with my family on the way back from a fall festival held every year in fincastle, virginia (it's really a beautiful place during the fall. it's an old colonial town surrounded by red and gold trees and there are autumn-colored mountains in the background..), and we passed by his house, and there were all these trucks parked in his yard with the confederate flag raised up in the air.. confederate flags everywhere, really.. no doubt it was the kkk.

what the puritans were to england hundreds of years ago, these guys are to the south, only worse.. i like southern culture, but those guys really stink it up. probably issues in their personal lives, and they manage to pin it all on a race of people, similar to the way hitler pinned everything on the jews, only these guys aren't as bright as hitler, thank enki. or else sheer stupidity is behind it. either way, not good.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


I'm not racist or apart of KKK i just wanted to see what people thought of KKK.

James S

For those who think the Klu Klux Klan are a bit over the top there's always the Klu Klux Klub.
They're not quite as fanatical, they prefer to melt plastic crosses on electric hotlplates as open fires can be a hazzard, and their robes are mostly made from old floral-print bedsheets. They're not as openly antagonistic towards blacks as most black people in the area are bigger than they are.



To me, the KKK brings visions of the Bible and Old Testament 'heroes'.

[:(!] What am I talking about? [?]

I am talking about how the Bible states that the god of the Old Testament instructed his chosen to kill numerous people and even entire races (genocide).  One example is the numerous clans/nations that god commanded to be destroyed when entering Canaan....


And you Master of puppets, what do you think about it???


It is normal for many animals to attack those different from themselves. Members of the KKK are obeying their stupid animal sub-brains. I suggest you treat them as the animals they are when law enforcement is not around. Get out the chain and collar.


Maybe KKK members would feel better if someone ripped out their eyes, that way light can no longer enter their eyes and their puny brains wont have to translate the different colour spectrams.
All that hatred just because a small area inside a persons eye is capable of splitting rays of light into their different spectrams. How pathetic.


By reading this Forum, I've learned that racism has just shifted colors: from White to Indigo.



Given only a fraction of a second to respond to images of men popping out from behind a garbage dumpster, people were more likely to shoot blacks than whites, even when the men were holding a harmless object such as a flashlight rather than a gun.

Read all about it, hot off the press...



A group of people who try to feed their egos by preaching derogation of another ethnicity (there's only one human race, scientifically) is the epitomé of pathetic. Ones who think themselves superior would sensibly focus on their own abilities, not persecute others.

The KKK is what you get when you take a bunch of idiots with one common factor who have absolutely no reddemable quality. Hence, they use their common trait as if it actually made them better.

ALL men (people) are created equal, but some of us "become" better than others, not born tha way.

If there is a superior race, my bet is that it isn't human at all.


By reading this Forum, I've learned that racism has just shifted colors: from White to Indigo.

Im interested on what you mean by that.



You've been caught, 'cause there's no greater adventure for us than learning, and to make it even more adventuresome, I'll let you find out for yourself. Google the following: 'indigo children'.

Keep smiling,



James S

Out of curiosity I had a look at the and sites.

As a father of two teenagers, I'm of the opinion that these are just a bunch of "we're better than you" brats who's parents haven't the good sense to teach them a bit of dicipline or good manners.

I've seen such children on TV, who at the age of 10 or 12 already think themselves superior in intellect and skills to people twice their age. They were just precocious little toe-rags who wouldn't know what humbleness or modesty is if it slapped them across their stuck up little noses.

Today's "up on his soap-box" rant was brought to you by -


Im 13 years old, and I have been an indigo child for the first 10 years of my life. I have (through OBES and etc.) realized this, and rectified it throuhgh 3 years of work. I live in rich suburbia, where everyone, an indigo child. Its been hell for the past 3 years, and it bonked up every social oppurtunity out there for me.


I agree James, it all seems like wishful thinking.

"Oh, little billy kicked the cat again, he must understand things that we cannot!"

Oh well, to each his own.

James S

Nothing personal there Shadowatcher[:I] just an old fart having a rant!

It sounds though like you are trying your best to shake off this "superior human" type image.

Its intersting to note - my wife works with a fellow in his mid to late 20's who has a verified IQ of 165, is a card-holding member of MENSA, excells in any sports he gets involved with, and is one of the nicest most down to earth people I've met.

He is one of the human race's elite, but he was raised as a normal child, interacts with everyone around him as if he is absolutely no different, does not big-note himself in any way. In fact when the topic of IQ's came up in the office, he turned very quiet and didn't volunteer any info about his intellect untill he was pressed. He doesn't want to be treated differently. With all this in mind, I see him as being a far superior person to those groups who seem to need to place themselves above others.



The indigo thing is not rubbish, IMO. Nor are crystal children, evidence from myself and others seems to prove them both out. On a personal scale, its just pinning another label on yourself, which is almost entirely ego (though it might comforting, we all want to know "WHY???"). I am me, you are you, and maybe we are one - thats what really matters. So anyone who goes around trying to clout someone by saying they are an indigo a) probably isnt else they should understand the above b) are just catering to human desires to be better, which is dumb ego tosh. However, classifying groups of people is useful is you want to watch trends, ie the changing of the age.

As for Miradors comment, I have no idea where he gets the idea of some sort of superiority thing going on with indigos, but I suspect he has his own reasons. Whether they have anything to do with what he's actually seen posted on the forums, I doubt. Please correct me if I am wrong?



oh yeah - kkk - just another bunch of Stupid White Men!!
(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!



To equate KKK or ('White Superiority') with 'Indigo' maybe it was a little heavy handed on my part. But you've hit it right on the head. To go around categorizing people by color, I.Q., sexual preferences, etc., not only limits our understanding of the people we categorize, but limits our understanding of ourselves. People are not 'Indigo' or not, and to classify ourselves or someone else is a good avenue toward prejudgement, the avoidance of discovering the uniqueness in ourselves and others, and at the same time creates a space, a difference so to speak, that pulls us apart.
On another related note, I would like to call to your attention, as a Moderator, that I have been issued 'Warnings' by another Moderator, in particular Nick Falcone. He has not specified what the 'Warning' involves. However, a warning is a threat, and as such I receive it. Nick Falcone's last flame against me, arises because I have insisted on 'Truth'. I have brought to his attention that many posters in AstralPulse are not real, but the same poster who registers with another nick. Half of all registered members of AstralPulse are one time posters. Also, it appears that the habit is encouraged. But above all, and this may explain the nature of some of my humurous and cryptic postings is that illogic and irrationality is encouraged, at expense of logical explanations to phenomena. This 'everything goes' or 'helter-skelter' approach to learning is very dangerous, particularly to young impressionable minds. I just hope Moderators would focus on this, instead of issuing 'Warnings' to me. I don't hide, I'm a real person. I use a nick out of convenience or endearment, which is not to say of many posters who have created multiple identites in AstralPulse, and raise all kinds of absurd issues and experiences for manipulative purposes.

My best regards,

Mirador (Angel Romero)
Tel. (809)757-2428


All a person has to do is do a search on your posts more than 2/3's of which are filled with ridicule and trying to prove how above everyone you are to know the whole story.

Give up the victim act.