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Live Hypnosis Session on

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sounds interesting, ill give it a try sometime. Its it like a chat room or some audio thing?
- Me


Yes Paltalk is a chat room where people can talk with mics or head sets.  Or if they dont they can type.  But they main thing is to have speakers so you can listing to the Hypnosis Inductions.

Frank (hypnotist)
Certified Hypnotist


haha, sounds really cool, im intrigued by hypnosis. Ill visit soon
- Me

James S


A question if I may.....

I've had no personal experience with hypnotism, but have always held a passing interest. Recently I heard that some people are not readily able to be hypnotised. I was curious about this, and wondered what kind of conditions of the mind make some people easily hypnotised, and some not?

What can you tell me about this please?



Hi James,

Hypnosis is achieved when the subject is willing to be hypnotized.  The main thing that stops people from going into direct hypnosis is fear.

Even 1% of fear will stop the person from going into it. But every human being do's Indirect Hypnosis everyday but they don't know how there doing it.

Which is day dreaming, watching a movie or TV or just walking and you turn inward and think about other things as you walk along that is consider'd light hypnosis or day dreaming?

All hypnosis is self hypnosis, we as hypnotists are just vocal coaches directing the person.  The person is really doing the hypnosis.

Once fear is gone then 100 people out of 100 will be hypnotized.

Frank (hypnotist)


oki  you  count time in EST .... but  what would it be in CET ?
sounds interesting
Everything is simple if you can


Hi Kai,  

If your Central Time in the US then you are one hour behind. So if you join us in the hypnosis session it will be 8:00PM your time on Tuesday and Saturday nights. But I can open the room on other days if needed.

You can contact me a hypnotist41@aol.

Frank (hypnotist)


Hi Kai,  

If your Central Time in the US then you are one hour behind. So if you join us in the hypnosis session it will be 8:00PM your time on Tuesday and Saturday nights. But I can open the room on other days if needed.

You can contact me a hypnotist41@aol.

Frank (hypnotist)


Im working tomorrow, wont be able to be there for the sceance. Think someone could record it and post it here? Thx!


Sounds really neat, I'll check it out this saturday, or maybe tuesday if it's on, i'll check that too.  [8D]

Well now, what is THIS world I stumbled upon?


My Room will be open on May 21, 2004 Saturday night at 9:00PM.
On paltalk.  Please send your paltalk name you will be using so I can Invite you into the room.

I will be using a very deep state Inducition into Deep Somanbulism and some will go beyond Somanbulilsm into the Esdail State or Ultra Depth.

All are welcome to come in and try this technique.  All the hyponsis sessions are Free.

Frank (hypnotist)


I wonder if this will be on tonight!

Well now, what is THIS world I stumbled upon?


Of course I get to this thread for the first time on a Saturday night at 10 after 9. [xx(] Does sound interesting though.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Hey guys, this is an update to the session today.  There was nobody else but Frank was willing to have me give hypnosis a whirl (thanks!) and it was just amazing.  I was going for Deep Relaxation :) and it was pretty successful to say the least.  From what Frank explained further, very deep meditation states can be reached through the hypnosis and it's not limited to that (think LD, AP).  So if you're interested, give it a whirl, it's a nice use of time.  Hmm, I think tuesday and friday will be the next sessions at 8pm eastern time on paltalk.  Good night!

Well now, what is THIS world I stumbled upon?


Originally posted by Antranik

Hey guys, this is an update to the session today.  There was nobody else but Frank was willing to have me give hypnosis a whirl (thanks!) and it was just amazing.  I was going for Deep Relaxation :) and it was pretty successful to say the least.  From what Frank explained further, very deep meditation states can be reached through the hypnosis and it's not limited to that (think LD, AP).  So if you're interested, give it a whirl, it's a nice use of time.  Hmm, I think tuesday and friday will be the next sessions at 8pm eastern time on paltalk.  Good night!

Sound very cool. Ive been wanting to try this for a while now, but I havent been able to as my parents are home so theyll be wondering what the heck Im doing, lol. They are leaving to look at houses in Tennessee on Wednesday and theyll be back Sunday. I was wondering if there would be a session on during that period of time?
Thanks much!


Yes if anyone is interested in a hypnosis session you can contact me on my e-mail address or here on Astral Pulse.  

I can do a one on one session or in a group session on paltalk on tues and sat nights USA time EST at 9:00PM.

Frank (hypnotist)


sounds cool so how do yuo hynotise someone? got tips?
or cool sites?


Allright, I gotta admit this is a very interesting offer! (I see endless possibilities ;)

Just a question first, hypnotism is all about beliefs right? People in general hypnotise themselfs with what they belief is true, no? Isn't getting hypnotised the opposite of becoming aware?


Hi Realilty,

" Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness." It's as simple as that.

You never loose yourself during the whole induction.  You only become more self aware.

Frank (hypnotist)


sorry i can tmake it coz work is in way 3.00pm - 1.00am it a drag[:(]
well i cnt find work elsewhere so i hav to stay anyways thanks for the invite,

hey frank hv u got any cool books to read/download

whats self hypnosis i heard of that before when i went to see david blaine on that box in london anyone hear that?


I'm way too paranoid to get online and allow someone to try and hypnotize me.  With my luck I'd be programmed to bark like a dog everytime one of my children said "mom" and that would be at least 500 times a day...

Proceed with caution folks..[;)]



Hi Renee,

I love it when people give advice in something they no nothing about.  Did you go to school and studied Hypnosis or Meditation?

Or is it just your Opinion?  If you have ever studied hypnosis, a person can't do something they don't want to do.  If its harmful or UN acceptable to them they wont do it.

A person has free will at all times.  There are those that are not Professionals and just pick up a book on hypnosis and read it and think that they are a Master Hypnotist in a short time.

All the people that I hypnotize just go into a deep state and relaxation and learn to relax and go into meditation then go beyond it into Hypnosis correctly.  I don't do party tricks with hypnosis.  So don't judge all hypnotist that way.

I know there are a few hypnotist's in this world that would try some negative things with people but dont judge all of us in that way.

I do this for free just to help people if you have a problem with that please contact me.

Frank (hypnotist)


Hypnotist, thank you much for sending me a pm telling me about this thread. If tomorrow night you are on, i will definitely give it a go. Sounds like a great service!
Me, Myself, and GOD


Originally posted by hypnotist

Hi Renee,

I love it when people give advice in something they no nothing about.  Did you go to school and studied Hypnosis or Meditation?

Or is it just your Opinion?  If you have ever studied hypnosis, a person can't do something they don't want to do.  If its harmful or UN acceptable to them they wont do it.

A person has free will at all times.  There are those that are not Professionals and just pick up a book on hypnosis and read it and think that they are a Master Hypnotist in a short time.

All the people that I hypnotize just go into a deep state and relaxation and learn to relax and go into meditation then go beyond it into Hypnosis correctly.  I don't do party tricks with hypnosis.  So don't judge all hypnotist that way.

I know there are a few hypnotist's in this world that would try some negative things with people but dont judge all of us in that way.

I do this for free just to help people if you have a problem with that please contact me.

Frank (hypnotist)

Geez, I was totally joking, but YES it is my opinion that I wouldn't go online with someone whom says their a hypnotist..heck, I wouldn't do it in person until I did some background checking on them.  And ESPECIALLY now after seeing your attitude as if I just stomped all over your precious ego and practice...yikes, I hope you do not treat all your clients that way.  I wasn't dogging you about hynotisim at all..

I have been very interested in having a regression session, but have not made the final steps by making the actual appointment.  When the time is right, I'll know it.

And if you are offended by me saying...proceed with caution, well sorry, I stand by that.  



hey im very interested in the subject but what is it western time or do they even have it there california baby! but anyway i looked last time and didnt find it so i think i need the time
I stand at the threshold of what could be a new world